CHAPTER 24 (Kuroo's date)

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~Hinata 's pov~

I woke up early and my knee still hurts, I sat down and I saw Kuroo-san...wait what?! “K-kuroo-san h-how did you get inside my room?” I asked him “you don't need to know Chibi-chan~” he said “anyways... how's your knee?” he asked me “still kinda hurts?” I said “hmm...” suddenly he kissed my knee “K-kuroo-san” “now your knee will heal” he said “Thank you Kuroo-san” I said.

I look around and saw Shouki sleeping on my desk. I stand up carefully “Sit done Chibi-chan, you need to rest” Kuroo-san said to me “I'll get my pet” I said “pet?” them Kuroo-san look around and saw Shouki on my desk “oh... I'll get him, sit down” he said and walk to my desk, and carry Shouki carefully, and he places Shouki on my lap. “Thank you Kuroo-san” I smiled at him “no worries Chibi-chan~” he said and patted my head.

~15 minutes of silence~

So awkward... I look at Kuroo-san “Are you hungry Chibi-chan?” he asked me and I nodded “Ok I'll buy melon pan” said Kuroo-san “Thank you” I said, and he went to buy melon pan. I look down at Shouki, and he's sleeping peacefully.

6 minutes later someone knocked on my door and I know it's Kuroo-san “Come in Kuroo-san” I said, and he went inside "here's the melon pan” he said, and he gave it to me “itadakimasu!” and I started eating. I look at Kuroo-san “Kuroo-san say ah” I said “Ah-” I put a melon pan in his mouth and I chuckled “eat with me” I smiled at him “ok Chibi-chan” he said and pat my head. A few minutes later we finished eating “What do you want to do Chibi?” he asked me “I don't know...” I said, sudden Kuroo-san tackled me “then let's must be tired” he said, and I smiled at him, and I cuddled him and fell asleep.

~6 hours later~

I woke up and saw Kuroo-san still sleeping. I touch his hair, and it's surprisingly soft, and I play his hair. A few minutes later Kuroo-san woke up “oh hi Kuroo-san” I said, and he sat up “your hair is surprisingly soft Kuroo-san” I said. “By the way Chibi-chan I bring my VR... I mean Kenma's VR” Kuroo said while scratching his neck and he gave me Kenma's VR. Kuroo-san put his phone inside, and I wear the VR. “Kuroo-san what is this?” I asked him “just wait and see” he said. Suddenly a woman appear with a mask on, and she asked me if she's pretty, and I nod, then she removes her mask. I panicked, and she asked me again if she's still pretty, and I nod carefully, suddenly she run to me and a lot of on her face. I immediately remove the VR and I saw Kuroo-san laughing “it's not funny” I said “ok ok sorry” said Kuroo-san “it's my turn now”. We spend our time playing VR until night.

“That was fun!” I said “I have to go Chibi-chan The owl might on his emo mode” Kuroo-san said “aww oki” I said in a sad tone “don't worry Chibi-chan will spend more time next week” he said, and I smiled, suddenly Kuroo-san kissed my nose “goodnight Chibi-chan” and he left. What just happened...he just kissed me on my nose. I look at Shouki who's waiting for his food, I gave Shouki four nuts. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After I take a shower I put on my pajamas and lay down on my bed. “My knees are not hurting anymore...does he have magical powers?...he just kissed my magic” I said, I look at Shouki while he's eating and I fell asleep.

To be continued…

Sorry guys I've been busy this days😞.
Sorry for not updating you guys, I promise that I will update every weekends🤗. Once again I'm sorry

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