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As I saw Suga and the others they widened their eyes "introduce yourself" the teacher said to me "I'm Hinata Shoyou please take care of me" I said "ok sit next to Futakuchi, Futakuchi please raise your hand "Futakuchi!" I thought I widened my eyes and sat next to Futakuchi "long time no see Hinata" said Futakuchi with a smile on his face "Is Aone is here?"  I ask "yep, he's right behind us and I look behind and saw Aone "Hi Aone" I said "now let's stop chit chatting before the professor saw us talking" said Futakuchi and we listened to the professor.

The bell rang it means it's our lunch time, me and Futakuchi we went to cafeteria and Aone have to do something, after we get our food we went to find a table, while we're finding a table someone shout my name "HINATA!!" and I look at the big table and it's Suga-san and we walk over there and I sat next to Suga and Futakuchi "h-hi everyone" I said, while I'm looking down "Hinata how are you?" Said Iwaizumi "I'm good, you guys how are you?" I said "we're fine" Kuroo said "quick question, why didn't you message us or chat us for the last 2 years?" Daichi said then I looked down and my tears started to fall "hey, Hinata we're not mad at you, it's ok if you didn't tell us" Suga said "I tell to you guys, Since I went to New York and I texted the group and you said you were busy, I texted the group every day and you said you were busy and I just planned not to message everyone and .... and that -you forgot my b-birthd-day" I said and a lot of tears came out of my eyes and I ran to the restroom.

***No one's POV***

When Hinata left they were shocked by what she said "we forgot her birthday" Kageyama said "what kind of friends are we" Tanaka said.

***Hinata's POV***

When I calmed down I started walking in the hallway, while I was walking some 14 girls? walk in front of me "hey loser!" Said the hoe (oops, wrong) girl "sorry I don't talk to hoes" I said and I started walking, but someone pull my hair "don't call me a hoe" she said "really?, Then what's in your neck" I said then she let go of my hair and touch her neck "your just jealous" she said "no, I'm not" I said "you little!!" Then she grabbed my hair "make me angry, I'll give a chance to walk away" then she let go of my hair and started walking away then she look back at me "oh…and don't come near our boyfriend" she said "who?" I said "you'll know who" she said then she walk away "what a hoe" I said, then suddenly the bell rang and I ran to my English class. Then I got in front the class and I walked in and I saw the the girls hugging Ushijima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Nishinoya, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kenma, Goshiki, Shirabu, Tendou, Kageyama, Kuroo, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi "them, they're boyfriends, they're flirty" I thought and I rolled my eyes "Hinata!" Someone shout my name and I look at the back and I saw Sugamom and Dadchi and I ran to them "h-hi Suga-san and Daichi-san, Sorry that I ran out earlier" I said and I look down "it's ok Hinata….." said Suga "and we're sorry if we forgot your birthday" said Daichi while looking down "it's ok Suga-san and Daichi-san, I know that you guys are busy" I said "sit here beside me Hinata" said Suga "thank you" and sat next to Suga "umm… Suga-san who's them?" I asked as I point at the 14 girls "oh… they're Ushijima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Nishinoya, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kenma, Goshiki, Shirabu, Tendou, Kageyama, Kuroo, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi girlfriends, they're kind and generous" "why are boys death glaring everyone in this room except us?" I asked "they're always being bullied" said Daichi "seriously, you're kidding me right" I thought to myself with my disgusting face "what's their names?" "Honey is Nishinoya's girlfriend, Jullie is Kuroo's girlfriend, Nami is Oikawa's girlfriend, Amaya is Tendou's girlfriend, Yami is Ushijima's girlfriend, Mika is Akaashi's girlfriend, Yumi is Bokuto's girlfriend, Fuyu is Tsukishima's girlfriend, Ami is Yamaguchi's girlfriend, Gina is Shirabu's girlfriend, Hana is Iwaizumi's girlfriend, Haru is Goshiki's girlfriend, Hisa is Kenma's girlfriend and Ruu is Kageyama's girlfriend, why don't you say hello to them later" Daichi said to me "sure" I said in a fake smile, then a teacher came in.

***After class***

I put my notebook back in my bag and we went to the others "hey" I said "oh…chibi-chan hey" Oikawa said, then Tendou hug me "we're sorry Hinata!" Then everyone hug me "it's ok" I said and they let go of me and I looked at the girls with a mad expression in their face "oh, hi you guys must be their girlfriends" I said and I walked to them "I'm Hinata Shoyou" I let my hand out to shake their hands, when their about to shake my hand "oh, wait I don't like hoes and fake people" I said "hey" Nami said "Hinata that's not funny" Ushijima said "I’m sorry you were offended when I called you a hoe and fake. I didn’t know it was a secret." I said then I walk away, then Kageyama grab my arm "don't call our girlfriends a hoe and fake!, I think your the who's a hoe and fake" said Kageyama and it offended me and a tear came out "ouch, my old friend told me that" I said and he let go of my arm and I ran to my dorm.

To be continued…..

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