CHAPTER 26 (Ushijima's date)

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~Suga's POV~

I sat down and stretch my body... I look down, and I saw Hinata sleeping on the ground?!?! “Hinata wake up don't sleep there” I said while shaking him, then I remembered I'm in his dorm room.

Hinata sat up and looked at me “Good morning Suga-san” he smiled at me... My baby is so cute. I stand up and went to the sink and wash my face. After I washed my face I looked at Hinata “Hinata I brought meat buns, It's on your desk” I said to him and he already took the meat buns.

“Here Suga-san!” he gave me a meat bun I patted his head “Thank you Hinata” I said and we're starting to eat.

~After we eat~

~Hinata's POV~

I was eating with Suga-san, when my phone vibrates “hm?” I picked up my phone and see who texted me “oh It's Ushijima-san” I said. Suga-san walked to my bed and petted Shouki “I'm going to stay here for a while” he said, and I nod at him.


U: Hinata Shoyo
H: hi Ushijima-san
U: Hinata Shoyo where do you want to go?
H: hmm... How about... Let's go to the park
U: sure... I'll pick you up at 12 noon
H: Okay see yah later
U: bye

“What did he say?” Suga-san asked me “He just asked where I want to go” I said.

Suga-san nodded and feeding Shouki “Suga-san...can you take care Shouki for me...” I said looking down. “Sure” he said, “I'll take a shower now Suga-san... By the way isn't Daichi-san is looking for you?” I asked Suga-san “Nope, his with his parents” he said, and I nodded and take a shower.

~after taking a shower~

This is what I wear:

“You look beautiful Hinata” said Suga-san “Thank you Suga-san” I smiled at him and I look the time

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“You look beautiful Hinata” said Suga-san “Thank you Suga-san” I smiled at him and I look the time. It's 10 am. “It's 10 am already” I said, Suga-san looked at me “yup we woke up at 9 am” he said. I sat down in front of Suga-san “Suga-san...” I said, and he hummed “nothing” I said Suga-san ruffle my hair “If you have a problem, I'm here for you” he smiled at me “Okay Suga-san!” I smiled at him.

~2 hours later~

While me and Suga-san are talking someone knock on my door “oh it must be Ushijima-san” I said, and I open the door.

This what he wearing:

“Hi Hinata Shoyo” said Ushijima-san “Hi Ushijima-san” I smiled at him “Suga-san I gotta go now bye!” I said “Bye Hinata, be careful” he said

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“Hi Hinata Shoyo” said Ushijima-san “Hi Ushijima-san” I smiled at him “Suga-san I gotta go now bye!” I said “Bye Hinata, be careful” he said.

~At the park~

“Do you want Ice cream Hinata Shoyo?” He asked me “sure...and call me Hinata” I said “Okay Hinata” he said, and we went to buy ice cream. “What flavor did you buy Ushijima-san?” I asked him “Melon” he said “is it delicious?” I asked him “try it” he said, and I licked his ice cream “hmm delicious” I said. “Here taste mine, it's a Sakura flavor” I said, and he licked it “it's delicious” he said. We walk around the park while talking about our talents. “Well I can play cello” said Ushijima-san “Whoa... I didn't know you play Cello” I said “I started to play cello when I was 5” He said.

“Do you have your own cello Ushijima-san?” I asked him “No I don't have” he said “Wha- then how did you learn to play Cello” I asked him “I always borrow my teacher's cello” He said... how about I buy Ushijima-san his own cello... “Ushijima-san...” he looked at me “hm?” “Let's buy a cello” I said, he widened his eyes “what? Why?” He said “for you” I said, and I start dragging him to an instruments store.

~At the store~

“Welcome!” said the cashier “where's the cellos?” I asked “this way sir” he said, and we followed him. After we buy a cello we went to the park again “I should be the one who pay it Hinata” he said “hehehe I don't want you to waste your money” I said.

“Don't worry about it” I said “And by the way... where did you get that money?” he asked me “well I haven't spent money this week” I said, while scratching my neck... We sat down on a bench “Ushijima-san I want you to hear to play that cello” I said. Then Ushijima took out the cello and start tuning it, while he's tuning it I take out my phone to record him while playing. After he tuned it he got ready to start.

~No one's POV~

When Ushijima started playing the cello Hinata got amazed at Ushijima, people started to crowd in front of them and started to record him.

After Ushijima played the cello, people clapped him. Ushijima stands up and bowed to them... People started to walk away “Ushijima-san you're so amazing” said Hinata “Thank you Hinata” Ushijima said “teach me Ushijima-san!” said Hinata “Sure, let's back to our dorm” smiled Ushijima, and they leave the park.

~At Ushijima's dorm~

“Where's Tendou-san?” Hinata asked Ushijima “He's with Goshiki and Shirabu” he said Hinata take off his shoes “Sit on the chair” said Ushijima, Hinata did what Ushijima said to him. Ushijima took out his cello placed it in front of Hinata “Hold it” said Ushijima.

“First slightly forward your left foot, move forward on your chair.” Hinata did what Ushijima said “Next is adjusting the cello so that it can rest on your chest and the cello must balance between your knee.” said Ushijima “like this?” said Hinata and Ushijima nods “Use your knee to firmly steady the cello and don't grip it” Ushijima said. Hinata is having difficult to steady the cello “Let me help you” said Ushijima. Ushijima helped Hinata to steady the cello. “Next is the cello must be on your left head, with the same height as the tuning.” Hinata did what he said “Next, slightly angle the cello to the right, so you are able to bow on all the strings without having to readjust the position of the cello between your knees.” said Ushijima “I'm getting hang on it” said Hinata “Next is to hold a bow. Hold the tip of the cello bow with your left hand guiding it towards the right hand, and that's it” said Ushijima.

“Thank you for teaching me Ushijima-san!” said Hinata in a happy tone “No problem Hinata” said Ushijima “Teach the chords next time” said Hinata and he gave to Ushijima the cello “now let's order a food” said Hinata Ushijima smiled and put his cello back into the cello's case. “What do you want ti eat Ushijima-san?” Hinata asked him “Hayashi rice” said Ushijima, then Hinata ordered three Hayashi rice. “I buy two hayashi rice for you... the other one is for your breakfast tomorrow” said Hinata “You don't have to do that” Ushijima said “It's ok” said Hinata.

25 minutes later their food arrived, and they eat... After they eat Hinata kissed Ushijima's head “Thank you again for teaching me Ushijima-san” Hinata said and left Ushijima's dorm. Ushijima froze when Hinata kissed his head “Wakatoshi-kun~” said the one only Tendou “hello Tendou” said Ushijima. Tendou saw the cello “You have your own cello?” said Tendou “Hinata bought it for me” said Ushijima “lucky... well I'm going to sleep, good night wakatoshi-kun” said Tendou “Goodnight” said Ushijima and he lay down on his bed and fell asleep.

To be continued…

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