CHAPTER 27 (Iwaizumi's date)

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~Shoyo's POV~

When I got to my dorm room, I saw Suga-san playing with Shouki “Welcome back Hinata” he said, and I lay down on my bed “Suga-san did you eat already?” I asked him, and he nodded “Suga-san… I want cuddles” I said in a sleepy tone. Suga-san looked at me, and he smiled at me “Okay” he said and lay beside me, and we cuddle until we fall asleep.

~Next day~

Small rays of sunlight peeked from my window… CRASH!!! Me and Suga-san immediately sat up and saw pieces of jar glass with Shouki's food. Shouki looked at me “it's fine boy” I said and pat his head. I stand up and stretch “You can go back to sleep Suga-san I'll clean this” I said, then he laid back to sleep.

I gently picked the glasses one by one, but a glass cut my right palm and started to bleed “Ouch” I said and Suga-san sat up immediately “Are you ok?!” he asked me “a glass cut my palm that's all” I said. He stands up and helps me to picked all the pieces of the glass jar, and we throw it on the trash can. “Hinata let's wash your hands, it might get affected in it” he said, and I went to the sink. Suga-san gently washed my hands with soap. After we washed our hands, he took out an emergency kit. He brings out an ethyl alcohol, a gauze roll, and a first aid tape.

When I saw the ethyl alcohol… No, thank you Suga-san… “Suga-san A-are you g-going to put an ethyl a-alcohol on it” I asked him nervously, and he nodded. Suga-san is walking closer to me as I step back “Hinata we need to put an ethyl alcohol” said Suga-san, I shake my head. Then Suga-san took my hand and immediately put an ethyl alcohol. I hold my wrist tightly “OUCH” I said, then Suga-san rolls around my palm the gauze roll and tape it. “Done” he said I looked at him with a teary eyes “Hinata if we didn't put an ethyl alcohol your hand might be affected on Shouki's food and Shouki's food is from the wild forest” he said. 
(This is me when I got a cut on my hand and seeing my mom with an ethyl alcohol on her hands😃)

“Your palm is still bleeding, the cut is deep” Suga-san said Shouki went to my shoulder and hug my face “Aww… It's fine” I said. “Hey Shoyo I'll buy a break fast for us” Suga-san said while putting on his shoes “Okay Suga-san be careful” I said, and Suga-san left.

~15 minutes later~

Shouki and I are playing, then Suga-san came already “Welcome back Suga-san!” I said “I bought two milk, and four meat buns” he said “Thank you Suga-san” I said “three meat buns for you” said Suga-san and he gave me three meat buns “noo Suga-san… here” I said, and I gave to Suga-san one meat bun. I stand up and reach for Shouki's food and I place his bowl in front of him and put his food there.

~After we eat breakfast~

“Well Hinata I'm planning to take Shouki to vet” said Suga-san “sure Suga-san” I smiled at him “well let's go Shouki” he said went to the vet. I remove the gauze roll and take a shower.

After I take a shower I wrap my towel at my waist and I take out a gauze roll and put it on my right palm to cover my cut. I'm done putting a gauze roll on my palm… someone knocked on my door and I open it. “Oh hi Iwaizumi-san” I said “H-hinata you need to wear clothes” he said I look at my body “Oh sorry come in” I said and Iwaizumi-san sat down on my bed “I'll put on clothes wait a minute” I said, and he nodded.

This is what Hinata is wearing:

This is what Hinata is wearing:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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