CHAPTER 16 (Akaashi's date)

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"What should I name you?"

"hmmm, aha!" I said and the squirrel was surprised on my shoulder and death glare me "hehehe sorry" I said "I name you Shouki" I added and I petted him "now Shouki let's go to sleep" I said and we went to sleep.

~~~Next morning~~~

I sleep soundly, when someone scratch my face "ow!" I shouted and I looked at who scratched my face and it's Shouki and I sat down and touched my cheek where he scratched "don't do that again, just lick my face" I said and I stood up, and I went to bathroom to wash my face and I brushed my teeth.After brushing my teeth I sat on my bed and sniffed Shouki "Shouki you stink, I will bathe you" I said and I got a hot water and I pour it into the bath tub, and I put Shouki in the bathtub "your calm when you are in the water" I said.

~~~8 minutes later~~~

After I bathed Shouki I wrapped him in my towel and lowered him to my bed and I ruffled him with my towel. About a few minutes he was dry and I lay down on my bed and suddenly my cellphone rang 'ding!' and I looked at my cellphone and Akaashi texted me.


A: Hinata
H:why Akaashi-san?
A: 3 pm I will pick you up from your dorm room.
H:okie dokie, where we are going?
A: we're going at Hinokicho Park.
H: I've never been there
A: that's why we're going there, ok bye see you later.
H: bye Akaashi-san


When I woke up I looked at my cellphone and I saw it was 2pm and I looked at my chest and Shouki was still asleep and I put Shouki down on the bed and I went to the bathroom and I took a shower.After I took a bath I put on black jeans and an oversized white shirt and I looked at my cellphone at 2:30 and I sat on my bed and dried my hair.

~~~few minutes later~~~

I finished drying my hair and I heard a knock and I opened the door and I saw Akaashi "hi Akaashi-san" I said "let's go" Akaashi said "okie" when I closed the door, then Shouki suddenly climbed up on my shoulder "I almost forgot you" I said "who is that?" Akaashi asked "oh this Shouki, I saw him yesterday when I was going up to the rooftop" I said "hi Shouki" Akaashi said and he petted Shouki "I think he likes you" I said "let's go" Akaashi said and we walked to the train station.


We arrived at Hinokicho park and we went inside and what I saw the garden was surrounded by cypress trees and features a large natural pond "wah it's beautiful" I said and I looked at Akaashi and I held his hand and we started walking.

***Akaashi's POV***

"wah it's beautiful" Hinata said and he looked at me and suddenly he took my hand and I blushed and we started walking "H-Hinata let's sit down there at the bench" I said and I pointed and bench and we sat down "You see clearly here the sunset " I said "really ?!" he said "yep" I said and we waited for the sunset.

~~~3 hours and 20 minutes later~~~

"Hinata look at the sunset" I said and he looked and he smiled "wah it's really beautiful" he said and I took out my camera and I shot him some picture, while Shouki was on his shoulder "hey Hinata can I take a picture of you in the cherryblossoms "I said and he nods and we went to cherry blossoms and I started taking pictures of him. When I finished shooting him he looked at the sky "it's full moon today" he said and I shot him while he was looking at the moon.

~~~2 hours later~~~

We got to Hinata's dorm room "thank you for today Akaashi-san" he said "welcome" I said and he opened the door and he stopped and faced me and he came up to me and he kissed my cheek "g-goodnight" he said and I walked over to my dorm room.

When I got to my dorm room I went inside and saw Kenma playing with his cellphone and he looked at me "why is your face is red?" he asked me "i-it's nothing" I said and I went up to our bunk bed and took out my camera and looked at the pictures.

***Hinata's POV***

I immediately entered my dorm room after I kissed Akaashi's cheek 'why did I do that ?!' and I walked to my bed and I took Shouki down and I went to the bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw I was blushing and I washed my face and I changed into my pajamas and I lay down on my bed and I fell asleep.

To be continued……

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