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***Hinata's POV***

I was walking in the hallway when I bumped into someone "I'm sorry" I bowed" "I don't know there is a girl here" the guy said,then he grabbed my hands and hit my back at the wall "your hot"."I-I'm a g-guy" I stuttered, " I don't care if your a guy or not".Then he start touching my body and I cried,I can't open my mouth in scared.

***Akaashi's POV***

We win

"Bokuto-san I'm going to our room to change" " sure"

I'm walking in the hallway when I heard someone crying,and I saw a guy touching Hinata's body."HEY!"

***Hinata's POV***

I was crying when I heard someone shout and the guy said to before he go,he said " I'm not done yet" then he run."Hinata are you ok?!" I saw Akaashi ran and hug me, "Please don't tell the others about this please" I said while crying at Akaashi's chest , "why? we need to tell them " while he caressing my back " I just don't *sob* want them *sob* them to worry be *sob* cause of me" I continue crying,until we someone "Hey hey hey let's eat " , when we heard that we ran to team 4 room.

"Hinata you need to calm down" "I'm trying to*sob*"still crying .

~~~1 hour later~~~

***Akaashi's POV**

An hour later I saw Hinata fall asleep at my chest while hugging me,I touch his hair and caressing it, I didn't notice that I fell asleep.

***Bokuto's POV***

"Hey did anyone saw Akaashi?" I asked them while we walked in the hallway. Minutes later I open our room and saw Akaashi and Hinata cuddling,I got jealous cause Akaashi can hug Hinata, "I'm jealous" I pouted " do you think your the only one who get jealous" Tanaka said to me. "Let's just sleep and leave them" Yamaguchi said "fine" I said in angry tone.

***Team 3 POV***

"Where's Hinata?" Lev asked, "he should be here"said Takahiro, "I'll go find him" said Shirabu.

***Shirabu's POV***

I'm walking at the hallway while shouting "Hinata where are you?!Hinata!" I shouted until someone tapped my shoulder,I turn around and saw Goshiki " Hinata's at our room,don't worry about him Akaashi with him cuddling" "CUDDLING!?" I shouted in shock, "shh don't shout your infront of our room,I'll take care Hinata don't worry" said Goshiki to me while patting my back " ok I need to calm down first,ok I got a trust on you...oh btw he's mine" I smirk on him while waving and I go to our room.

"Guys calm down he's with Akaashi" "oh thank goodness" Nishinoya let a sight out, "ok we need to sleep for tommorow" said Ushijima,then we sleep.

~~~6 am~~~

***Hinata's POV***

I woke and I feel someone hugging me and I saw Akaashi hugging me,my face heat up I hid my face by my hands, " oh your up" Akaashi said to me "morning Akaashi I think I need to go,my teammates are worried about me" I said Akaashi waving "ok be safe" Akaashi said to me. When got out my face are fully red " Hinata Calm down"I said to myself,then I walk to our revealing my teammates are still sleep.

"Everyone wake up!!"I shouted at them.

***Team 3 POV***

We are sleeping peacefully until someone shouts
"Everyone wake up!!" ,And Ushijima stand up and carry Hinata and got back to sleep "eh?......EH?!" Hinata shouted, "that's what you got when you wake up Wakatoshi" said Shirabu "Shirabu-san Help me" Hinata said while reaching his to Shirabu's hand "fine" then Shirabu help Hinata get but Ushijima let go and they fall, Hinata at the top of Shirabu."Sorry Shirabu" Hinata said while he look at Shirabu,Hinata blushed hard and he put his head to Shirabu's chest, "Hinata are y-you o-ok?" Shirabu said flustered.They forgot that everyone is looking at them,and a Dark Aura surrounded the room and death glare at Shirabu,then Hinata got up "sorry Shirabu-san" and help Shirabu to stand up, " I will be going now,I will take a shower" Hinata said waving his hand "Shoyou wait!" Nishinoya ran at Hinata.

***3rd person's POV***

Hinata and Nishinoya taking a shower,after they shower they changed and go to the gym and they warm up and wait the others.

~~~1 hour later~~~

Everyone is here and the other teams,Hinata run to Akaashi and whispered to Akaashi "thank u Akaashi-senpai for saving me and not telling the others", "ok everyone line up,I'm going to introduce you to some people" said Nekoma's coach, and everyone gather up and Nekoma's coach call two names and they got inside, and Hinata's eyes got widened and had fears in it and the guy who touch look at him in smirk the guy introduce " hi I'm Riko and this is Ren,were going help you guys warm up everyday" then Hinata got scared.

***Akaashi's POV***

When the two come in and introduce I look at Hinata,His eyes is full of fears I run to him and hug my back facing the two guys, "don't cry here Hinata" I whispered to him,then I hold Hinata's hand and run to the hallway to comfort him.

Then Hinata cry and hug me, "Let it out Hinata" I said to him in a calm voice.

~~~few minutes later~~~

"Did you stop crying Hinata?" I asked him,"yes,thank u for comforting me Akaashi" Hinata said to me,"hey guys were waiting for you two,were going to warm up", we startled and saw Suga " sorry Suga-san" Hinata put a smile on his while walking away, "Hey" I look at Suga "why did you guys run away and why Hinata's eyes is red?" Suga said "Sorry Hinata didn't want to tell the others" I said to him and he look at me "please tell me I want to help" Suga bowed, I sighed " ok don't bow at me Suga-san your older than me", I tell everything to Suga and his eyes got widened "thank you for telling me Akaashi now let's go,before our coach got mad at us", then we go inside.

To be continued....

(1013 words)

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