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"I will go home tomorrow" I said.

After I said that I ran to my room and packed my clothes and I lay down on my bed and texted Mom.


Mom when are we going back?

When your college

I'm going to college here at Japan?

Yep now go to sleep

Goodnight Mom, love you

Good night, love you too😘

And I put my phone down and fell asleep.

~~~tomorrow morning~~~

I wake up early and I went to the kitchen and I saw everyone awake "morning Hinata" they all said to me "morning" and I sat down next to Daichi "so when are you going back?" Dadchi ask me "when I'm college" I said and he give me something "Merry Christmas Shoyou" Dadchi said to me and helped Suga cooking, and I look Dadchi give to me, and it's a bracelet with everyone's name and we eat breakfast.

After we ate breakfast we all go home. "Mom I'm home" I said and Natsu ran to me and jumped at me and we fall "nii-san!" "Hi Natsu, where's mom?" "She's at her room, packing" "ok" I said and I went at her room "mom" I said "oh... you're her Shoyou, come in" as I went inside all of her stuff are in her suitcase "I pack your stuff already" "ok" I said and I went to my room and all my stuff are gone "I'm going to miss here" and I lay down at my bed and I look at my phone and there's a lot of message.


Assikawa: Chibi-chan!

Rooster head: Shrimpy when are you going back?

I'm going back when I'm college

Bokohoot: Hinata I will miss you

I will miss you too

Dadchi: Hinata wear the gift that I made

Kitty: what gift?

Pretty setter: gift?

Milkboy: what gift?

Salty: wow....Daichi you have a gift to chibi-chan, what about us?

Dadchi: hey I already gave you guys a money

Hope all, but Dadchi give me is a bracelet

Yams: bracelet?

Baldy: oh....

Assikawa: chibi-chan I like the necklace that you gave me😍

Iwa: yeah, don't forget us

I will not forget you all

Ace: what does you bracelet looks like?

It has......

Dadchi: don't tell them

Assikawa: why?

Rooster head: Daichi why?

Milkboy: Why?!

Japan: Why?

Tends: why?!

Hehehehe gomen😅😅

Sugamom: Thank you for the necklace you gift to us Hinata.


Goshi: Where do you go to college?

I'm still thinking about it

Bokohoot: me and Kuroo will going to college at Keio University.

Guys I'm going to sleep now bye

Kitty: bye

Assikawa: goodnight chibi-chan

Rooster head: night Shrimpy

Japan: Night Shoyou

Dadchi: night Hinata safe flight tomorrow

I put my phone down and sleep.

~~~morning, at the airport~~~

"Nii-san I want to sit next to you" Natsu said to me "sure, Mom will Natsu sit next to me" "sure" and we sat down and we fell asleep.

~~~at New York~~~

"Wow" I said and Mom call a taxi and we went to uncle's house. Fifty Minutes later we reach at our destination and we knock at the door and uncle open it and tomorrow is my first day of school.

~~~morning, at school~~~

While I was walking at the hallway, someone
tripped me and I look at the person "my bad" the girl said and walk away with her squad and I stand up and I went to my classroom and I introduce myself and the teacher said I will sit at the back. After class I go home and went to my room and lay down and chat at our group chat.


Hi guys👋




Dadchi: sorry Hinata I'm still at school

Bokohoot: me too

Rooster head: me three

Japan: me four

Assiwaka: me five

Iwa: me six

Oh.... I'm sorry, you guys still busy, bye

And put down my phone and fell asleep. When wake up I chat in our group and they still busy and I decided not to message them.

~~~3 years later (sorry I'm lazy😅)~~~

***Daichi's POV***

"Hinata didn't message us for the last 2 years" I thought while sitting and playing at my food in cafeteria "Daichi you ok?" Suga ask me "kinda......" "is it about Hinata" I look at Suga "maybe he's busy, because he's going to college" Suga said to me "maybe" I said and I look down "Daichi-san, Suga-san!" Someone shout our name and it's Nishinoya with Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Ushijima, Shirabu, Tendou, Goshiki, Yachi, and Kiyoko and they sat next to us "does any of you Hinata message you?" I ask and everyone shake their heads.

***Hinata's POV***

"I'm back" I thought and I call a taxi and went to Tohoku University, 2 hours later I reached my destination and I went inside the University and to principal office, as I went inside the principal office he gave the key of my dorm and tomorrow will be my first day of school and I went to my dorm and fell asleep already.


I wake up early and take a shower and wear my clothes and I went to my classroom, now I am in front of my classroom and wait for my teacher to call me "you can come in" and I went inside my eyes widened when I saw Suga with others.

To be continued.......

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