CHAPTER 18 (Shirabu's date)

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***Hinata's POV***

I woke up early and looked at the time and it was 3:30 am '..... 3:30 AM !!' and I saw that Shouki was still asleep and I forced myself to sleep again and I could not sleep 'why now' and I sat down and took some milk and drank so that I could sleep. A few minutes later, I still couldn't sleep and I looked at the time and it was 3:58 am and I got up and I went to my window and I just looked at the sky.

~~~3 hours later~~~

It's 6 am and I still can't sleep and Shouki is awake, while I was playing Shouki, I looked at the time and it was 7:26 am and I got up and took a shower, After I took a bath I wore black and white stripes tshirt and denim jumper short, I sat on my bed and dried my hair and looked at the time '7:40 am' and suddenly Shirabu texted me.


S: Hinata.
S: Where do you want to go?
H: hmmm…..
H: Picnic
S: ok see you later at 12 nn
H: okie dokie byeeeee

"yes picnic!" I shouted and I looked at Shouki and he looked at me and I petted him "I'll just buy food" I said, when I stood up Shouki was hanging on my clothes "you really do not want to separate from me" I said and I put him on my shoulder and I already wore black nike shoes and I went to a nearby convenient store.

When I got back to my dorm room I looked at the time "10:50 already, am I that long" I said to myself and I took off my shoes and I sat on the floor and put down 1 plastic bag and I looked at the things I bought . Then I looked at my purchases and I looked at the time "11:30 already".

And I put on my nike black shoes again, suddenly there was a knock on my door and I opened it and I saw Shirabu holding a picnic blanket and A medium picnic basket and I saw his face is red "Shirabu-san are you ok " I asked and I touched his forehead "y-yes I'm fine let's go" he said "ok, let me get Shouki and our chips" I said and I took Shouki and 1 plastic of chips "That squirrel is Shouki?" "yep" I said and we walked to the park.

~~~30 minutes of walking~~~

When we arrived at the park we were looking for a place for our picnic, "Shirabu-san there" I pointed at the big tree and we went there. We laid down the blanket and put our belongings on the blanket and sat down. "here Hinata" Shirabu handed me the bento "thank you" I said and we ate. After we ate we played like tagging, we got tired of running and we sat on the blanket. I felt my eyelids getting heavier, I lay down and put my head on Shirabu's lap and I fell asleep, while holding Shouki.

***Shirabu's POV***

Hinata and I were tired of running, we were sitting on the blanket when I felt something heavy on my lap, and Hinata was lying on my lap asleep and I ruffled his hair 'his hair is soft' and I leaned over and I was full and I fell asleep.

~~~3 hours later~~~

I woke up to Shouki's scratch on my lap "ouch!" I said and Hinata suddenly woke up "sorry Hinata if I wake you up" I said "it's ok, what time is it?" he asked and looked at my cellphone "it's 4" I said "sorry if I fell asleep" he said "it's ok, what time did you sleep?" I asked "I woke up at 3:30 am and I couldn't sleep" he said "oh, let's go home, so you can rest" I said "ok" and we left and we went to Hinata's dorm room.

"bye Hinata" I said and he suddenly grabbed my hand and I turned around "t-thank y-you for t-the b-ben-to" he said "your welcome" I said and I kissed his cheek and his cheek blushed " bye "I said and I went to my dorm room.

***Hinata's POV***

I froze when Shirabu kissed my cheek and I went inside and I changed into my pajamas and I lay down on my bed and I fell asleep.

To be continued…..

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