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***Hinata's POV***

After I eat,I put my plate to the sink and I look at the time and it is 7:55 "oh sh*t" then I look around if anyone saw me,then I run in fear.

~~~few minutes of running~~~

Now I'm infront of the storage room "Hinata calm down" after I calm down myself I go inside the storage room while my legs are trembling, "oh I thought your not coming, unfortunately my knife is ready to kill someone,but you came." Then Riko came towards me and pinned me down "stop!" I said, "if you shout again I'll kill you" then my tears came out in my eyes and I shut my mouth then he put the knife beside my head "good" then Ren start touching my body parts and Riko start rubbing my nipple.

***Yachi's POV***

While were washing the dishes I put my hand to my pocket and phone is not there "ah Kiyoko-san I'm going to the storage room cause I forgot my phone" I said to Kiyoko while running then I got infront in the storage room and I hear someone's crying and I open the door slowly and I saw Hinata crying and Riko and Ren touching Hinata and I run to others forgetting my phone.

~~~few minutes running~~~

"EVERYONE!!" I said to them shouting "hin-a-t-a ne-ds he-*cough* lp" "calm down Yachi we don't understand what your saying" Suga said to me while patting my back,after I calm down "now tell us" Suga said to me "I saw Hinata crying at the storage room and Riko and Ren touching Hinata!" I said to them shouting "WHAT!" they all shout and start running towards the storage room.

***Hinata's POV***

Riko was about to pull down my short,but the door burst open revealing everyone "don't touch Hinata!" Suga said,then Kuroo run towards Riko and punch him in the face, them they all started fighting. I saw Riko get his knife beside me and he was about to stab Nishinoya at the back, but I run to protect Nishinoya, I ended up being stab at the stomach "HINATA!" Then I fall down and I look my stomach and saw a lot of blood coming out "you little sh*t!" Tanaka said and punch Riko in the face harder and Riko fall down.

"Hinata don't fall asleep,open your eyes Suga call the couches and he call the ambulance and the police" Nishinoya said to me while touching my stomach, I try to open my eyes but I ended up close my eyes "Hinata!".

~~~at the hospital~~~

***Suga's POV***

We're waiting for the doctor to tell us if Hinata's ok,few minutes later the doctor came out, "what happened to Hinata doc?" " He's ok,you can go inside" then we go inside, and we saw Hinata looking at the window "Hinata!" Nishinoya run to Hinata, "why did you do that? Why didn't you tell me what he said to you that's day, WHY?!" Nishinoya said to Hinata while crying,then Hinata's tears came out "I'm sorry, I *sob* don't want *sob* all of you *sob* get killed, he said to me if *sob* I told all of you,your *sob* all going to *sob* die" then Hinata burst out crying, then  I run to Hinata hugging him "shh stop crying were all here for you" then everyone come at us and hug Hinata.

~~~ few minutes later of crying~~~

***Hinata's POV***

"Hey, Hinata!" I look at Bokuto "hmm?" "Who do you like?" The I turn red,and everyone look at me in confusion "I c-cannot a-answer that" hid my face at my hand "why not?" Kuroo said to me with a smirk, "is it us?" Tsukishima said to me then I turn red more "ok everyone stop that" Suga said to everyone "thank you Mom" then I put my hand in my mouth in shock "sorry Suga-san" I said in embarrassment then everyone start laughing "haha it's ok my son" then Suga kissed my forehead.

~~~12 mn~~~

I look at everyone and their all sleeping, then I look at the window and I saw a beautiful round moon, stand up and go at the window "I want to go to the mountain to see a good view at this beautiful moon".

***Shirabu's POV***

I woke up and I saw Hinata walk at the window and I heard he said then he looked back at us and I immediately close my eyes "I want to go to the mountain with them and I miss you already, and I want to talk to you" a tear came from his eyes then he smiles then he walk to his bed and he fell asleep from watching the moon,then I fell asleep too.

To be continued…..

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