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***Hinata's POV***

I woke up to the noise of my next dorm room “their noisy” I said to myself. I sat down, and I stretch my arms, while I was stretching Shouki suddenly flew in my face, "morning Shouki” I said, and, and I removed Shouki from my face, and I put him on my shoulder. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. “Shouki stay here” I put him in my bathroom chair, and I took a shower.

~~~15 minutes of showering~~~

After I took a bath, I wore an oversized orange hoodie and blue jeans. I took Shouki to the chair, and I sat on my bed and dried my hair.

After I dried my hair I took my cellphone and Goshiki-kun sent me a message right away.


G: Hinata do you want to watch a movie?
H: sure😊, what movie?
G: Quite place
H: okie dokie, what are we going to meet?
G: 10 am
H:okie dokie see you later😊 byeee

'What time is it?' and I looked at the clock at 9:00 “9 already” 'Shouki and I will play first, and I will take him to Kenma and Akaashi' and I will play him.

(Author: Watch the "Quiet place" guys. I cried. oops I don't want to be a spoiler)

~~~50 minutes later~~~

I took Shouki to Kenma and Akaashi, and I was just waiting in the front of the school. About a few minutes later I saw Goshiki running towards me “let's go?” he, and I nodded, and we walked to the Cinema. When we arrived at the cinema Goshiki bought a ticket, while I was buying popcorn and soft drinks we “let's go inside Hinata” Goshiki said, and I flinched “ok” and we went inside the cinema, and we sat down.

We are a already part of the monster once again gets close to Evelyn (mother) and the new baby, but she escapes, and the monster tries to kill Regan (daughter) and Marcus (son), but Lee (Stepfather) screams to sacrifice himself. He tells his children that he loves them right before he dies, which they witness in person, and Evelyn sees through the security cameras. And suddenly many tears came out of my eyes. After the movie, we went out to the cinema and Goshiki looked at me.

***Goshiki's POV***

After the movie Hinata and I left the cinema and I looked at her and her eyes were red “you ok?” I said, "y-yeah, I just cried in the movie” he said as he rubbed his eyes “ok, let's eat at McDonald” I said, and we walked towards mcdo. After we ate I noticed that Hinata was closing his eyes “are you sleepy?” I asked him “yep” he, and I went in front of him and I lowered my body, so he could climb behind me “come on, I'll carry you” I said “Thank you Goshiki-kun” he said and smiled at me 'why are you so freaking cute, ' and he climbed behind me and I walked to school. When we arrived at the school I went straight to his dorm room and I opened his door, and I laid him on his bed and I got up “good night Hinata love you” I, and I kissed his lips, and I left.

To be continued......

Hey guys I want to change my account name and I want you guys think what will my account name.

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