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"Hinata what are you doing?!" Suga shout

Everyone looked Hinata and saw his beautiful body, "why?" Hinata questioned, "you shouldn't be changing here" Suga pushed Hinata in the changing room,then Suga leave in the changing room.

***While everyone***

"Chibi-chan why are doing this to me"

"Shrimpy why are so hot"

"Dumb*ss what are you doing"



"I'm back!!" Hinata shouted, everyone look at him "ok let's start warming up" Daichi said,while warming up everyone still looking at Hinata until the end of warm up."Karasuno,here's your teammates" Coach Ukai said and give it to Daichi, "me and Kageyama are in team 2,Suga and Kineshita are in team 1,Hinata and Nishinoya are in team 3,Yamaguchi and Tanaka and me. Team 4,Asahi, Ennoshita and Tsukishima are in team 5, ok that's all", then Hinata and Nishinoya jumped at joy, because they are teammates " My kouhai is teammates with me!!" Karasuno looked at him in jealous, "Ok everyone line up, here's your teammates
Team 1🐱
1.Kuroo - middle blocker/captain (N)
2.Suga - setter (K)
3.Kenma - setter (N)
4.Iwaizumi - ace/wing spiker (AJ)
5.Reon - wing spiker (S)
6.Washio - middle blocker (F)
7.Narita - middle blocker (K)
8.Komi - libero (F)
9.Kineshita - middle blocker (K)

Team 2🦇
1.Daichi - wing spiker/captain (K)
2.Kageyama - setter (K)
3.Fukunaga - wing spiker (N)
4.Kindaichi - middle blocker (AJ)
5.Taichi - middle blocker (S)
6.Sarukui - wing spiker (F)
7.Yahaba - setter (AJ)
8.Yamagata - libero (S)
9.Konoha - wing spiker (F)

Team 3🦅
1. Ushijima - ace/wing spiker/captain (S)
2. Shirabu - setter (S)
3. Hinata - middle blocker (K)
4. Tendou - Middle blocker (S)
5. Nishinoya - libero (K)
6. Lev - middle blocker (N)
7. Takahiro - wing spiker (AJ)
8. Akira - wing spiker (AJ)
9. Semi - setter/pinch server (S)

Team 4 🦉
1. Bokuto - ace/wing spiker/captain (F)
2. Akaashi - setter (F)
3. Inuoka - middle blocker (N)
4. Watari - libero (AJ)
5. Goshiki - wing spiker (S)
6. Tanaka - wing spiker (K)
7. Yamaguchi - middle blocker (K)
8. Shibayama - libero (N)
9. Sarukui - wing spiker (F)

Team 5 🕊️
1. Oikawa - setter/captain (AJ)
2. Yaku - libero (N)
3. Asahi - ace/wing spiker (K)
4. Ennoshita - wing spiker (K)
5. Tsukishima - middle blocker (K)
6. Matsuka - middle blocker (AJ)
7. Onoga - middle blocker (F)
8. Yamamoto - wing spiker/ace (N)
9. Nobuyuki - wing spiker (N)

Ok now go to your team" then Nekoma's coach leave
Then everyone go to their teams.

***Hinata's POV***

"Hinata!!!" " Oh hey Lev" I said to Lev, then he hug me and I hug him back, " oh who is our Captain Nishinoya-senpai?" " It's Ushijima" Nishinoya said to me," Really?!" I said in joy ,then Lev let me go, "Oh Shrimpy is in our Team" I looked at my back and it is Tendou, " Hi Tendou-san" I smile cutely, "Why are you so cute Shrimpy" Tendou hug me.

***3rd person's POV***

Then a lot of Dark aura surrounded,then Tendou let go of Hinata," Hi Hinata" Hinata looked who said it and it is Semi," Hi Semi-senpai" then Semi ruffled Hinata's hair,then Semi stop ruffled ,but Hinata's head followed Semi's hand, team 3 noticed it,but Semi put his hand up,then Hinata try to reach it "Semi-san please continue it" Hinata pouted, "what's the password first" " I LOVE YOU!!" Hinata shouted it,then everyone look at them, then Semi blushed then he put his hand at Hinata's head,Hinata blushed a lot in embarrassment,then everyone death glare Semi.

"Everyone we have practice match with team 5,before that let's unpacked our stuff in our room."
Everyone looked at Ushijima, "Hinata let's go" Nishinoya said in jealous at Semi, "ok", then Hinata jumping in the hallway in joy,then everyone looked at him in cuteness.While Hinata jumping he step on wet floor and slip,but Akira catch him, "Are you Ok Hinata?" " Thank u Akira-san",then Hinata walked until there at their room.

~~~at their room~~~

Then Hinata put his bag down and unpacked

"Hinata!!",Hinata startled, "Hey Tanaka" Nishinoya waved at Tanaka, " What is it Tanaka-senpai?" "The managers are looking for you",Hinata look Tanaka in confusion, " For what?" "Oh you'll see,let's go" Tanaka holds my hand and run,"HEY,RYUU WAIT"Nishinoya run at them.

"Hey girls,were here"Tanaka panting and Hinata," Hinata come here,Thank u Tanaka" said Kiyoko.

~~~1 hour later~~~

"Your done" said the manager of Fukurodani,"you look so pretty Hinata" Yachi said "here look at your self Hinata" Fukurodani's manager,"wow I look so pretty" "you need to wear that until the practice tommorow is done"Kiyoko said, "heh........HEH!".

***while the others***


"Who's that" Daichi asked

"Is that Hinata's voice?!" Suga ran were Hinata is

"Hinata are you ok?......huh?" Suga froze for a moment, "Kiyoko-san why Hinata's wearing a girl's clothes?" Suga asked in confusion "because he look so cute and pretty at the same time,and his body is small that's why we want to make over him"Kiyoko said," Suga-san they said I'll wear this until tommorow practice is done" Hinata run at Suga "it's only tommorow.....and you look so cute when you wear girl's clothes" " ok", then Suga and Hinata go to the gym.

***Nishinoya POV***

"Where's Hinata?"said in thought

Then the door open revealing Suga and Hinata wearing girl's clothes.

***Hinata POV***

"Suga-san this embarrassing,they all looking at me" I hide in Suga's back.

"Hey Hinata you look so cute", I look who said that and I saw Goshiki,"thanks Goshiki-san" I blushed a little," let's go Hinata and go to your team" said Suga "Suga-san will you come with me in my team" I hold Suga's shirt "Sure" Suga chuckle.

"Hey Hinata need a jacket?"Shirabu said to Hinata "sure thank you Shirabu-san".

"Ok let's go"

Team 5 24/24 team 3
"Nice receive"

"One more"

"One touch"

"Chance ball" said team 5 "Asahi!" Said Oikawa,I was now comfortable in my clothes,until a ball hit my face hard.

***3rd person's POV***

They team 5 and team 3 run to Hinata, " Hinata are you ok?" Asahi asked while panicking, "yes I'm ok,it's just a nosebleed",then coach Ukai run to them and said to Hinata " Go to your now and rest Hinata" "k coach",them Hinata stand up.

To be continued

(1045 words)

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