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***3rd person's POV***




"Nice serve"

"One more"

"Nice receive"

Just a normal practice in Karasuno volleyball team.Minutes have passed Takeda sensei had an announcement, "guys I have some great news" "what is it sensei?" Daichi asked, "we are going on a training camp tomorrow!" Takeda sensei shout, "Takeda sensei who will be there?" Hinata asked, "Fukurodani, Seijoh, Shiratorizawa and Nekoma" "YAHOO!" Hinata jumped and shouted excitedly, everyone laugh at Hinata's cuteness, "you guys must be here at 5 in the morning,now go home and packed your stuff,and sleep well,we'll see you guys tomorrow" coach Ukai said to everyone, " Bye coach, Bye sensei" they bowed all together

~~~in the changing room~~~

"Hinata let's go together tomorrow" Yamaguchi said to Hinata, " sure why not", then someone knocked on the door and it is coach Ukai, " by tomorrow we have a different team starts tomorrow until Dec 20,ok that's all bye" and then coach Ukai left


"WHAT?!" Tanaka and Nishinoya shouted

"Will you two shut the f*ck up?!" Daichi said to them and hit their head, "Ouch" the two said, Nishinoya then hug Hinata "I wish we are in the same team Shoyou" and Hinata flushed a little, "stop hugging him Nishinoya and get dressed" "ok sugamama" Nishinoya teasing Suga.
"Guys I'll be going now" Hinata waved to everyone, "ok be safe Hinata Bye" everyone said to Hinata

***Hinata's POV***

~~~Hinata's house~~~

"I'm home"I shouted
"Welcome home Shouyou!"my mom shouted at the kitchen , "mom we have training camp tommorow until Dec 20" I said in the sad tone, "ooh..why are sad Hinata,you should be happy because your going to spend your time to your crushes" when my mom said that I flushed, "yes mom, but I will not able to help you guys to decorate this house" I said in sad tone,"don't worry Shoyou,we will be fine, oh btw did confess to you're  crushes?" "No not yet I'm still not ready to confess to them" i said looking at my mother ,"ok you should sleep now" "goodnight Mom"
"Good night Shoyou"

~~~4:00 am~~~

"Shoyou wake up"

"Shoyou wake up your teammate is here "

"What time is it?" I asked my mom still half asleep, "it's 4 in the morning,now go take some shower and eat breakfast and go." Then my mom leave at my room,and then I go to the bathroom,5 minutes later, I go to my room and wear my clothes and I go down then eat breakfast, and I go to the living room meeting Yamaguchi, "morning Yamaguchi" still rubbing my eyes

***Yamaguchi POV***

"Morning Yamaguchi"I heard Hinata and he's cute, " l-let's go" I said " sure ,bye mom" " bye Shoyou"

~~~45 minutes walk~~~

" Morning Takeda Sensei" we bowed, "oh good morning,you guys are early,get in the bus while I'll wait the others and sleep" "thank u Takeda sensei" we bowed, and then we get in to the bus, "Yamaguchi may I seat next to you?" Hinata asked me, "sure why not, here" I pat the seat next to the window "thank u Yamaguchi" then Hinata seat next to me

~~~10 minutes later~~~

I feel my shoulder is little heavy and I look Hinata is sleeping at my shoulder,and I ruffled his hair until a loud noise

"SHH, Hinata is sleeping " I whispered shouted and then everyone look at me and saw Hinata sleeping at my shoulder,and everyone became quiet and they seat

***3rd person's POV***

"Ok everyone were going now" said Coach Ukai

~~~4 hours later~~~

"Everyone wake up were here" Takeda sensei said
They got up except for Hinata leaning on the window sleeping.

"What's up you guys are late" Kuroo said, "Traffic jam" Daichi said, and then Kuroo looked at the team."hey captain aren't we missing someone?"Kuroo asked, "no,why?" Then Daichi looked at the team,"oh Hinata's at the bus...WAIT HINATA'S AT THE BUS!" Daichi and Kuroo run at the bus and see Hinata sleeping, "I will carry him" Kuroo said "Thank u",then Kuroo carry Hinata in a bridal style and Daichi carry Hinata's bag.

"Are we going to the room?" Daichi asked, " no ,were going to the gym to wake up Shrimpy" Kuroo said

~~~10 minutes later~~~

The team realize Hinata wasn't with them and they started to panic while to other teams watch them,and then the door open revealing Daichi and Kuroo carrying Hinata,all eyes on them,then Kuroo laid Hinata down at the bench, everyone looked Hinata peacefully sleeping,then Suga wake him up, "Hinata wake up,Hinata wake up", then Hinata sit up while rubbing his eyes, "you need to change,here" Suga give to Hinata his uniform.

"Hinata what are doing?!"

To be continued

(790 words)

Sorry for my English grammar ðŸ˜...

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