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When I got to my dorm I closed the door and I sat on my bed, then I slam my face in my pillow and scream "It really hurts, when my crush said that to me" I thought to myself "Why didn't I confessed to them on Christmas that day at mountain" I said to myself, then there was a knock on my door and I opened the door "Hinata are you ok?" Futakuchi asked me with Aone "I'm fine, why?" "Suga told us what happened" Aone said.

"I'm seriously fine don't worry" I said "if you say so, oh, btw want to come with us?" Futakuchi said "where are you guys going?" I asked "to the park" "ok, I'm in" I said and I follow them.

***Kageyama's POV***

'why the f*ck did I just said to Hinata?!' I thought "Kageyama…" I look at the person who call me "Suga-san I didn't mean i-" "I know you didn't mean it" he said to me "now tomorrow apologize to him" he said to me and he walk away "Hinata I'm still in love with you" I said to myself and I walked to my dorm room.

~~~tomorrow morning~~~

***Hinata's POV***

While I was walking in the hallway someone shout my name and I turn around "oh, hi Nishinoya-san" "sup Shoyou, wanna come with us after class?" "Sure, but where are we going?" I asked "we're going to the abandoned pool, behind the school" "abandoned pool?, Sure I'll come" I said and we walked in to our classroom.

~~~after class~~~

"Hey guys" Nishinoya said and everyone look at us "hi Hinata/shrimpy-chan/Shoyou" they said at the same time "hi" "let's go" said Kuroo. While we're walking the sun went down and someone tapped my shoulder and I turned to look who it is "oh, hi Kageyama" I said in monotone "Hinata…..I'm sorry for saying that to you yesterday it's just-" "it's ok" I said and I continue walking.

30 minutes later we reached at the abandoned pool and we went inside "whoa it's dark" Nishinoya said "baby I'm scared" Honey said clinging to Nishinoya's arm 'the f*ck, eww' I thought with disgusting expression "you ok Hinata?" Aone asked me "yeah I'm ok" I said with a smile on my face, then we walked closer to the pool and we saw nothing in the pool "this pool is about 7 ft." Said Dadchi "how do you know Daichi?" Oikawa asked, then Daichi pointed at sign "oh…. I thought your smart" Oikawa said "hey, I'm not that smart enough, but I'm not dumb as you" said Daichi and everyone laugh, Nami came closer to Daichi "You're so funny Daichi-san" Nami said while clinging her body into his 'what a slug' I thought then I saw Suga-san getting angry and I walked to Daichi "umm..Daichi-san why don't we look around" I said "sure" then he walked to Suga.

***Nami's POV***

When small orange guy interrupted me I got mad 'this little piece of sh*t' I thought then I got an idea, then I signalled the girls and we walked at the corner "girls I've an idea, so….."

***Hinata's POV***

While I was looking around I saw something in the pool and look closely and I saw crocodiles "h-hey guys I saw something!" I shout, then Everyone came closer to me "what it is Chibi-chan?" Oikawa asked "there is a crocodile here" I said then I pointed at the crocodiles "whoa!" Nishinoya said "don't get closer, you will fall" Ushijima said warning us "ok" while we're looking at the crocodiles someone pushed me "AHHH!!" I screamed "OI SHRIMPY YOU OK?!" Kuroo shout to me "yeah I'm ok!" I shout back then I look at my knees bleeding I was trying to stand up but fail, then I look around and the crocodiles are coming closer to me and I started panicking, and I looked around again and there's no something I could use to climb up and the crocodiles corner me "Don't worry Hinata, we're gonna get you out!" Yamaguchi said "how are going to get him out?" Tendou asked "how about we should smoke him around" said Nishinoya "Hinata! are you sure there isn't something  down there you could use to climb out!" Kuroo said 'what the! I'm surrounded by crocodiles, there are no things here, are you f*cking kidding me!' I thought  "wait…. here's a grappling hook, ohoho and here's an escalator! Silly me!!" I said in angry-sarcastic "YOU WE'RE ABOUT TO DIE HINATA! DO YOU WANT YOUR LAST WORD TO BE SARCASTIC!!!" everyone said (except the sluts) "NOOOO!!" I said sarcastically, then the crocodiles attack me, but I jumped and I'm hanging, then everyone helped me up, then Suga-san hugged me "you ok Hinata?" Suga asked me "yeah" then Suga hugged me again and he whispered to me "I the girls pushed you" he said to me.

To be continued……

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