CHAPTER 25 (Oikawa's date)

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~Hinata's POV~

I woke up at my phone because it's ringing and I answer it “hello...” I said in a sleepy tone “Chibi-chan I'll pick you up at 2 pm~” said the person “oh hi Grand king” I said “call me Oikawa, Chibi-chan” he said “ok Oikawa-san bye” I said, and I hanged up, and I look at the time “it's still 6 am” I said, and I fell asleep again.

~4 hours later~

I was sleeping peacefully, suddenly Shouki jump on my face “Shouki let me sleep” I said in a sleepy tone. A few minutes later I sat up and went to the bathroom, and wash my face. I gave Shouki a nut and I eat my melon pan. 5 minutes later I take a shower. After I take a shower I wear this:

I put Shouki on my shoulder and went to the park for a walk

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I put Shouki on my shoulder and went to the park for a walk.

~At the park~

While I'm walking around, I saw Suga-san and Daichi-san on a bench. I ran to them. “Suga-san! Daichi-san!” I shouted their name and they looked at me. “Oh Hinata, what are you doing here?” Suga-san asked me “Just walking around” I said “What are you two doing here?” I asked them “Were on a date” said Daichi-san “Oops... Sorry” I said “It's fine” said Daichi-san.

“By the way Hinata, what's that on your shoulder?” Suga-san asked me “oh his name is Shouki, and he's a squirrel” I said “He's cute” said Suga-san and took Shouki on my shoulder. “Hi there bud...” said Suga-san. I sat next to Suga-san , and we play with Shouki. A few minutes later... “Do you want to eat with us”Daichi-san asked me and I nodded “hen let's go” said Daichi-san.

~After we eat~

“Thank you Daichi-san and Suga-san” I said happily “No problem Hinata” said Daichi-san and pat my head. “Shouki eat a lot of Vegetables” said Suga-san, I smiled and look at Shouki, who is full. “What do you guys want to do next?” said Daichi-san “well I have a date at 2pm with Grand King” I said and they both look at me. “Hinata... tell us if he touches you” they said at the same time “O-ok Daichi-san and Suga-san” I said.

~1 hour later~

I look at my phone, and it's 1:30pm now. “Daichi-san! Suga-san! I gotta go” I said “Ok be careful Hinata” said Suga-san “Ok Suga-san! Be careful you too” I said and run towards the gate school and waited for Oikawa-san.

~6 minutes later~

“CHIBI-CHAN!!!!” I flinched and look behind me “Hi Oikawa-san” I said and wave at him. “Chibi-chan you look good” said Oikawa-san “thank you Oikawa-san” I smiled at him. “Let's go” said Oikawa-san and we're starting to walk.

~meanwhile with Suga and Daichi~

“Hinata forgot Shouki” said Suga “yeah...” said Daichi.

~Hinata's POV~

“Where are we going Oikawa-san?” I asked him “You will see Chibi-chan~” Oikawa-san said to me. A few minutes later we arrive at the Beach and I saw a table at the middle of the Beach “Wha-… It's so beautiful” I said, and he looked at me “Let's go” he said, and we went there.

“Wow it's beautiful Oikawa-san” I said and smiled at him “I'm glad that you liked it” he said. We sat down.

~Oikawa's POV~

I looked at Chibi-chan who's looking in the sunset... You're so beautiful... Chibi-chan. “Oikawa-san... thank you for bringing me here” Chibi-chan said to me “You're welcome Shoyo” I smiled at him “let's eat...shall we” I said, and he nodded at me

~After we eat~

~walking home~

“Thank you again Oikawa-san” Chibi-san said to me “no problem Shoyo” I said to him and pat his head. I looked at Chibi-chan and I remember something... “Chibi-chan I have something for you” I said, and we stopped walking “what is it Oikawa-san?” He asked me. I took out a small box out of my pocket “close your eyes Chibi-chan” I said to him, and he closed his eyes. I opened the box and I put the necklace on. “You can open your eyes now” I said to him. He looked at the necklace “a Sunflower? Thank you Oikawa-san” he said to me and smiled at me. “Open it” I said, and he looked at me in confusion, and he opened it in the middle “You are my sunshine...” “You don't like it?” I asked him “I don't like it...” he said, and I looked down “I love it!” he said and smiled at me “Thank you Oikawa-san” he said to me...and he kissed my CHEEK!!!... don't faint Oikawa don't faint. “Let's go Oikawa-san” he said to me and hold my hand... This is the best day ever.

~At their dorm~

~Hinata's POV~

I walked in my dorm room and I saw... Suga-san and Shouki sleeping... Oh... I forgot Shouki. I facepalm and I change into my pajama. I sat down on the ground and place a blanket on Suga-san “Good night Suga-san” I said, and I sleep on the floor.

To be continued…

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