CHAPTER 22 (Yamaguchi's date)

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•Hinata's POV•

I woke up to Shouki's scratch on my nose, "AHHH!" I shouted and I ran to my bathroom and look in a mirror, and saw my face has a scratch at the bridge of my nose and I touch it "ouch" and I went to my bed and sat down "Shouki why did you do that?" I said holding my nose and I saw Shouki sleeping "you little…" I sighed, then someone knocks at my door, I stand up and went to the door and I opened it. "Hi Yamaguchi" I said "Good morning Hinata is it ok for me to come in?" said Yamaguchi "sure, come in" I said then he came inside.

"I didn't know you have a pet" said Yamaguchi, and he sat down at Hinata's bed and started to pet Shouki "he's name is Shouki, I saw him at the rooftop" I said "what a cute name for a cute person" said Yamaguchi and I blushed "s-so what are you doing here?" Hinata asked "oh I forgot, where do you want to go? or do you want to stay here?" Yamaguchi asked "I want to stay here" I said and I smiled

"Let's make a craft, an ice cream, and painting!" I said "Ok, I'll get my Ice cream maker and some craft things" said Yamaguchi "I'll buy paint brushes, colors and chocolate, strawberries, etc." I said. Yamaguchi walked to his dorm room and I went to the convenience store with Shouki on my shoulder.

I'm at the convenience store, I already have we need, when I was about to line at the counter someone bumped in me "s-sorry" "it's ok" I said "wait Yachi is that you?!" I said "Hinata" she said "Hinata/Yachi!" we said at the same time, and we hug each other, and we parted "how are you?" I said "I'm good and I-I'm dating someone" she said blushing "and who is this lucky person" I said "Yachi" someone calls Yachi's name, and we turn around "Kiyoko-dan!" I said and I give her a hug. "Oh Hinata, you grow taller" said Kiyoko "Kiyoko-senp-" said Yachi and cutted by Kiyoko "I told you don't call me that baby" Said Kiyoko "babe?.... wait are you two are dating?!" I said "yes" they said both "congrats, when?" I said "Thank you, we started dating last month" said Yachi.

"So did they confess to you?" ask Kiyoko "They? Oh Them, yes they confess, and how do you know that?" I said "it's  really obvious" Yachi said "what are two doing here?" I asked "we're buying foods" said Kiyoko "we'll  be going now,  bye Hinata" said Kiyoko "here's our number" Yachi said,  she gave me a paper and left,  and I pay at the counter.

After I paid, I walk to my dorm room. When I got to my dorm room I saw Yamaguchi sitting in front of my door "why didn't you go inside?" I asked "I want to wait for you" he said "sweet, let's go inside" I said, and we went inside. Yamaguchi sat down at the floor and place the small ice cream roll machine in front of him "I didn't know you have an ice cream roll machine" I said, "my mom gave it to me" he said. "So what Ice cream do you want?" Yamaguchi asked "coke" I said and I gave him my coke and he started making it.

"Here Hinata" Yamaguchi gave to me the Ice cream coke that he made, and I taste it "hmmm!" "Is it taste bad?" Yamaguchi asked "No, it's delicious" I said and I scoop an ice cream and I put it in his mouth "see it's delicious" I said. "Will you make chocolate" I said, and he nodded "here catch" and I throw him dairy milk.

"Here" Said Yamaguchi "let's share" I said and I sit beside him, "here ahh" I said "Ahhh" he said "yummy" I said.

~10 minutes later~

"it's delicious" I said "so let's craft" Yamaguchi said "okay" and we move the ice cream roll machine beside the window. "hmm what craft?" I said "aha!" and I took 9 popsicles and start making a butterfly knife.

"Wow Hinata your good at crafting" Yamaguchi said "thank you", then Yamaguchi took a lot of popsicles and sticks and I watch him make.

"WOW!" I shouted "it's beautiful" I said "here" said Yamaguchi "for me?" and he nodded "aww thank you" I said then I peck his cheeks.

~10 hours later~

"I'm tired" I yawned and I close my eyes and fell asleep.

•Yamaguchi's POV•

"I'm tired" said Hinata, he yawned and I close his eyes. When he deeply sleeps I carry him bride style and lay him at his bed and I saw Shouki yawning, and he jumped to Hinata's chest and fell asleep. I place a blanket at Hinata. I was about when Hinata grab my wrist "stay here" he said and I lay down beside him and fell asleep.

To be continued.......

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