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***Hinata's POV***

I walk in the gym and everyone look at me in concerns, they asked if I'm ok, "yes I'm ok don't worry guys",then someone pulled me, I look at him and it's Riko "you need to warm up" he smirks at me,and my eyes widened and scared, "ok let's, sit" I do what he said,while I'm warming up he touch my waist "I'll push it down" I look at him and he smirk,I look everyone and Akaashi not here,then someone opened the door revealing Akaashi and Suga,they didn't notice me because I'm scared to shout and I don't want others to worry because of me. Then a tears form in my eyes,then hands got up in my body at my nipples and he rub it,and my tears are falling."Akaashi me" I said in whisper.

***Akaashi's POV***

When we got inside we didn't saw Hinata,so I asked Bokuto, " Bokuto-san where's Hinata?" "Oh he's over there" pointing at the corner,I look at Hinata and I saw Hinata's tears are falling and I run to get Suga, "Suga-senpai!" Suga looked at me and he's teams, "Suga... Hinata needs help" whisper to him and we run at Hinata.

***Hinata's POV***

My tears are started fall more,and I heard running in my way and I looked up and saw Suga and Akaashi, "hey my teammates needs help" Akaashi said to Riko, and just "tsk....ok I'll be there" and he got away,the Suga hugged me "Hinata are you ok?" Suga asked me in concern, "guys we shouldn't be everyone is looking at us,let's go at the hallway" Akaashi said, and we run inside,when we got inside I hugged Suga and Akaashi,and I cry out, "T-thank you *sob* f-for *sob* rescuing me" I said to them, "Hinata look at me" Suga said to me,and I looked at him,he kiss my forehead, "we need to tell others" Suga said to me, "No I don't want them to worry because of me....please." I said almost shouting, "ok...ok calm down" Suga said to me.

***Suga's POV***

~~~few minutes later~~~

"Hinata fell asleep" I said to Akaashi,while caressing Hinata's hair, and I said to Akaashi "Akaashi carry him inside.....thank u for protecting Hinata",then Akaashi carried Hinata in bridal style, "I'll te the coach to end the practice here,and I'll tell the managers to stop dressing Hinata as a girl,put him in the bench".Then we go inside and everyone looked at us.

***everyone POV***

"Is Chibi-chan is ok?" Oikawa asked everyone,and they don't know if Hinata's ok or not.

~~~few minutes later~~~

The door open revealing Hinata sleeping peacefully at Akaashi's chest then Suga Run at the coaches,and asked to end the practice,then Akaashi put Hinata down at the bench,and he put Hinata's head to his lap.

"Akaashi your dead" Bokuto said,then Akaashi looked at Bokuto,and Bokuto got scared at Akaashi's stare and he whimper,and everyone laugh at Bokuto,But they are super jealous.

Then Suga run to the managers,and said to them to stop dressing Hinata as a girl,and the managers said ok,then Suga run to Akaashi,and Akaashi carry Hinata.

***Riko's POV***

" have company now" smirk and looked at Ren and told him his plan.

***3rd person's POV***


Hinata woke up at the right time when there going eat in cafeteria,then Hinata finish and he go to their room,then Hinata walking in the hallway,but he didn't know that Riko and Ren following him.

***Hinata's POV***

I was walking I the hallway until someone hold my wrist,and I looked the person and it is Riko and Ren,then Riko put my hands up,they start licking my neck and my ear,and I start crying.


***Kuroo's POV***

I was watching Shrimpy eats when he finished eating,I noticed that Riko and Ren following him,then I eat faster to follow them,when I finish eating I go to the hallway Hinata went then I heard crying and I run over and saw Riko and Ren Harassing Hinata.


***Hinata's POV***

I heard someone shout and I looked at the person and it is Kuroo.

Then the two run away,then Kuroo hugged me, "Hinata are you ok?!" "No, I'm not ok", I cry out at Kuroo's chest,I fell asleep.

***Kuroo's POV***

I need to tell these to everyone before that I need to carry Chibi-chan.

We're at our room and put him down but he held my shirt and said "d-dont leave m-me here" " okie will not leave you here" I said to Hinata and get my phone chat at the gc.

~~~At chat~~~

Hey guys....-Kuroo

Sup bro -Bokuto

I need to tell you guys something -Kuroo

What it is? -Oikawa

What? -Ushijima

You guys come here at our room team 1 -Kuroo

~~~end chat~~~

***3rd person's POV***

Everyone go to team 1 room, when they open the door they saw Hinata sleeping peacefully at Kuroo's lap.

"What do you to talk about?" Akaashi asked, "I saw Riko and Ren Harassing Hinata" their eyes got widened,and Suga run to Hinata and hug him, "Hey Suga he's sleeping" Daichi said to Suga, Then Akaashi sit next to Suga,then had a tears in his eyes,and their eyes got widened. "Why are you crying Suga?" Daichi asked, " I will never leave my sight on you Hinata again" Suga cried, "wait you know about this Suga" "Akaashi told me", they looked at Akaashi, " ok I will explain,Hinata doesn't want to tell you guys because he don't you guys to get worried",they didn't notice that Hinata sit up except for Suga.

"Suga-san why are you crying?" They all looked at Hinata, "I'm so sorry Hinata, I will never leave my sight on you ever again" Suga said to Hinata while hugging him, " it's ok Suga-san it's not your fault....and why are you guys are gathering?"

To be continued

(965 words)

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