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I wake up still on my cold hard floor. Due to the candlelight I had no idea what time it was or how long I had been asleep. I didn't even remember falling asleep I just remember crying on the floor and... langdon the horrible encounter. At least I remembered something.

I saw the light under the door become shadowed then a knock.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Can I come in." it was langdon.
He didn't even let me answer before he barges in the door slightly startled to see me on the floor. He closes the door walking over to me before he holds out his hand offering to help me up.

I take his hand brushing my self off as I stand in front of him.
He really did tower over me it was almost scary how intimidating his presence was.
"I didn't want to get off to a bad start. We will be spending a long time here together and it won't be pleasant like this." I listen as I take a seat on my bed.

"Why'd you save me?" I had to know.
"Like I said miss woods it will become clear. I don't want to overwhelm right now. You have a unique trait one you will need to regain in yourself. If you will obey my orders you can learn more tomorrow and we can start our progress."

I didn't really know what to make of his words.
"I don't remember my life. Will I even have my memories and life returned to me?!"
"Miss woods we will work on it. I know it will but for now it is important to focus on the present the past is only going to hold you back." I take a deep breathe staring up at langdon. I guess all I have right now is this I have to trust him what else can I do.

"Thank you... for saving me."
"Get some sleep." He dismissed walking out closing the door behind him.

I struggled prying my dress off, standing in the lengthways mirror upon the wall. I recognised myself but I just couldn't pinpoint anything. I knew I was me but that's all. I'm fucking crazy.
I stand there in my underwear and stockings just trying to have some fucking thought.

My eyes lock on my inner arms. Two vertical scars on each arm. They looked deep, they almost ran from my elbow to my wrist. How did I do that? I trailed my fingers over the scars a flash of blood, snakes soared through my mind in a second. I gasped aloud taking my hand of the scar.

Was that a memory?

A creepy memory. What happened to me.
The thoughts only grew louder. I tried to quite them laying myself down engulfing my body in the sheets. It wasn't easy to sleep with so many questions but somehow I managed.


It was pretty surreal waking up in darkness and candlelight. I guess I knew that wasn't normal in my mind somewhere the thought of sun shining through the window and birds chirping is how I pictured it.

Not long after I woke up laying there staring at the walls I heard Emma knocking on my door.
"Miss woods?"
"Come in"
"Breakfast is in 20 minutes do you need assistance?"
"I'm okay thank you I'll grab you if I do."
I hear her latter away from the door.

Sighing I pick out a dress. Not that the colour made much difference because they were all very similar.
I combed through my locks and put some lipstick on trying to brighten up my face.

I thankfully knew my way to the dining room. I thought I was early but langdon was already sat waiting for me. He showed no expression as I entered.

"Ah good morning."
I ignore him but give him a half smile as I take my seat.
"Eat up."
"Don't chuck it on the floor then this time." I mumble staring at the good in front of me. I hear him place his fork down and I literally feel his gaze burning into me.

I pick up some fruit munching on it at my own pace in silence.
"Could you hurry up we have things to be doing." He says I look up at him with a glare. I place the fruit in my hand down.
"I'm not hungry anymore" I protest.

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