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We sat amongst the back rows I was growing tired of the lady  whining to her fellow followers of their lack of evil in this world. She spoke of their evil bringing the antichrist to them in order to begin their new world Michael, I looked to Michael to my left seeing his face in his hand a single tear beginning to fall.

The ladies eyes fall upon me, "You new comer, stand up and tell us why your here!" She points at me and all the heads follow staring over at me. Ah shit I look to Michael for help but he is still sat slumping with his head in his hand. Damn Michael help me right now. I take a big gulp standing up when Michaels head snaps watching me stand up in the row. The eyes on me wait for me to speak.

"Uhh the only people I knew and trusted turned against me... they saw evil in me so I turned my back on them..." clearly this wasn't evil enough, Okay time to bring out the big guns. "So I sold my soul, in order to bring around the end times." The lady in the front row smiled looking around at everyone else. "And for what you ask the devil will bring! Hail Satan!" She yells and so does everyone around me. I widen my eyes quickly sitting back down... Michael is already staring at me I look to him but he begins to lightly chuckle causing me to laugh too shaking my head in my hands.

The lady behind us taps Michael causing Michael to flinch a little. "Hey kid when's the last time you two ate or took a shower?" The lady ended up taking us home. She was pretty fucking strange... but kind to bring us in give us some food. I watched Michael with his head bowed down I'd never seen him look so rough.

I asked Madelyn to use her shower as I was pretty desperate I knew it was kind of a big ask and one she gave me the daggers for but she agreed. "Towels are in there kid down to your left." I was tired of her talking, but Michael gave me an evident look of fuck why r u leaving me alone with her.

I let the water run ugh it was amazing, the droplets covering every inch of me cleansing the mud off my skin. I had a clear moment being able to be in my own company for a minute. My eyes immediately fell on the appearing scars that were becoming more prominent, my mind switched to Cordelias face seeing me step to Michaels side. I owed Cordelia my life, but I couldn't stay there anymore I had this power and I was going to use it not lock it away and hide it. I also had an undeniable amount of care for the boy I had been with, I don't know how or why.

I stepped out the cold air attacking my skin as I hurt to warp the towel around me. I slipped back on my dress and towel dried my hair a little. I didn't even want to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror right now, I know I'd look wasted away.

I step out the bathroom making my way back to them, she was kneeling on the floor next to him to my surprise  her face was ecstatic. "We have to tell the others oh how long we have waited." She bows down "hail Satan!" She Spurs manically with a huge grin. Oh... right I see what's happening.

Michaels feels my presence behind turning to me with a mischievous smile.
Madelyn braces her self standing back up. "You too stay here get some rest, we will go back tomorrow so our fellow worshippers can meet the one we've all been waiting for. Hold on." She hurries our the room to clearly fetch something. I cock my eyebrow up at Michael as he stands up holding me by my arms side by side.

Looking down to me he says " it's okay, I believe this is the right thing to do. She knows they just respect you the same way they respect me, I've made it very clearly Lena. Don't worry we're here together." His words although are crazy comfort me and I relax into his touch.

She offered us the couch for the night until the day ahead tomorrow. I was just fucking lad to not be sleeping in a woods gasping for water. She passed Michael the blanket staring at him in awe with a big cheesy grin. Michael just gave a smile taking the blanket from her. "G'night. Hail Satan!" She yells enthusiastically walking to her room. Michael only turns to me chuckling making me chuckle too.

"Jheez what am I doing..." I sigh, but he turned a little serious. Oops. He stood in front of me but he stepped a little closer "you don't want to be here." He says his voice filled with doubt and paranoia. He looks down at me with intent "I want to be where you are so... I guess I do." I bashducllt look down admitting the only place I actually wanted to be right now was with Michael.

"I mean come on I nearly died in a woods, don't doubt me now." I shoot him a smile looking back up taking the blanket from him and sitting down on the spacious couch with the folded blanket in my arms. I stare up at Michael watching the corner of his mouth turning slightly into a smile.

He took a seat next to me "Well" he sighs "I wouldn't want to be anywhere without you."
He takes the blanket from my lap "Come on lay down." He bushes his voice slightly as I take of my cardigan lying down in my dirty dress I didn't really anticipate making any space for Michael, but he is quick to slip in next to me by my side laying down and laying the blanket sparingly over our bodies. "Lift your head up lena." He whispers I obey feeling his warm body behind mine as he slips his arm underneath my head guess that's my pillow for tonight.

All that could be heard was our heart beats and Michaels steady breathing I feel him shuffle as he loosely hangs his other arm over my waist. I was content, cosy and hopeful the fact I didn't know what was going on with my life but I felt like this being here with Michael was foreign to me.

I move my arm and place my hand over his which he inclines to interlocking our fingers tightly with his hand under mine. He scoots closer with his chest resting on my back and his face fully indulged In my hair.

"Goodnight lena." He whispers and we fall into a beautiful deep sleep.

I woke up to Michael stirring in his sleep, I turn over gently and barely in the dark room I see the sweat all over him. His head was turning and his body jolting. I lay staring at him noses an inch apart, I had to wake him up from this.

I place my cold hand over his cheek grabbing it enough I could move his face a little. "Michael" I whisper, his eyes shoot open... but they weren't those normal blue eyes they were glowing white with his small black pupils perfectly in the middle. His arm shot out wrapping around me and pulling me in throwing his head over my shoulder.

I tear him off me with a struggle looking back at his face, his eyes were completely normal but he was still drenched and a face of pure pain. I prop myself up on my arm taking his face in my hands. "What's wrong?" I whisper with his eyes searching mine.

He shakes his head in response and takes his hand gripping mine, he forces my hand onto the back of his neck scraping his hair and leans his face into mine. "Please dont leave." His breath fanning against my face as a grain of salt would barely fit through the space of our lips.

"I'm not going anywhere." I tell him.
His clammy hands wrap around my back pulling me into him and our lips begin to close the space.  Our lips touched he pressed his against mine with force and some found passion pulling me as close as he could. The sensation running through my body was indescribable I knew it was hardly normal the energy and sparks flying through me.

It was short but hard earning a small gasp from me as we broke apart. Our heads balance back down on the couch our eyes interlocked on each others we lye there staring st each other until my eyes grew tired but Michaels didn't. I fell into slumber with Michaels hand caressing my hair.

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