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Once I made it to the staircase Michael was waiting for me at the top. I followed met him he had a small grin clearly excited to see mead.
He held out his hand as I approached but I only stared at it for a few seconds before he rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. He pulled me as he took me through the halls.

"What did you mean earlier? We can't be here?" I look down to our hands intertwined waiting for his response.
"I'm leaving the warlocks and your leaving the witches. Im not a warlock, and we have plans lena, once your witches discover the truth they are going to try everything they can to obliterate me so we need to stay low for a while until we figure out the next steps."
It surprised me that the thought of leaving the coven didn't even make me sad it wasn't the same with everyone giving me silent treatment and being on a ban from classes.

"Next steps? We've never even spoke about this I don't understand. They aren't digging up any dirt on me Michael don't you need me there to keep a distraction or something? If we disappear together it's just obvious?" I was a little dumbfounded by what was in store, we hadn't spoke about leaving or plans nothing, the seven wonders was merely the object of conversation as future plans until now.

"No lena, my plans involve you and you can't be there. It's not safe."
Safe in what way? Ugh this was way to vague for me.
We cut a corner but we come face to face with Cordelia, behold and Maddison.

I drop my hand but they must've seen, considering there scowl and confusion.
"Where are you two off to?" Behold questions sarcastically.

"I was showing her the grounds is that not allowed?" Michael laughs with a devilish grin. I look to Cordelia who's face only got more sickened "no it's not." Cordelia shoves her hand out yanking mine fiercely.

I stand beside her looking at Michael who's grin has now turned dark he was not happy.
" you are rude, I have the right to celebrate."
I felt kind of bad he was pretty excited for mead to meet me he had been telling me about her all week.

"We're leaving right now. Come on Corelena." She pulls me along with her and Maddison and behold follows a little after.
I looked back to Micheal before we went back round the corner he looked upset but he sent me a wink. I knew at least he could see mead that would make him happy. Why do I care what makes him happy?ew.

"What the fuck lena this kid is literally killing our supreme and your gonna go and -"
Maddison snapped straight away luckily Cordelia intervened.
"Maddison arguing isn't going to help." Maddison grunts and walks ahead with an attitude and behold follows after... that's weird.

"I'm not angry, neither surprised. You've been disappearing all day. He's not good for you. Things are changing and somethings coming. I'm now going to decide what's best for you. When we get home it's back to classes, extra classes for you. I need all my girls and strong. Control lena we will work on it. As for Michael I don't want you to speak anymore you reek off his darkness it will rub of on you corelena. Are we understood?" She stops and looks at me before we enter the room.

I sigh. "Yes"
She faintly smiles clearly a bit broken by this whole day I was shocked by her decision but she's clearly feeling very desperate right now.
We enter with the witches and warlocks still gathered around, an absent Michael though.

This was a whirl wind I had no idea what was going to happen next. But I knew where my priorities now lie I couldn't turn back now. I had to do what I had to do.

We said our farewells to the warlocks and once again no goodbye to Michael our new supreme I presume he was still with me mead.

On the way home Cordelia explained to the girls we would be on a mission the next few days. Our magic and teamwork was needed, we were going to find John Henry Moore and Maddison and behold we're on a mission to dig up dirt on Michael. Michael knew this was going to happen, I guess I'm not phased.

He will have thought ahead I was sure of it but I was still so unsure of what he meant by leaving. Leave to where to do what. I felt I was unprepared not ready for whatever was in store.

When we arrived home Cordelia sat us around, I thought it was a bit much considering it was nearly midnight but whatever.
"Lena we need you, we need you to track down John Henry Moore ... I believe we're looking for a dead body. Mallory I will need you and Zoe's help to bring him back from the dead that's if we can." Dead? Michael fucking lied. He said 'stirred away' not dead in a ditch.

I had no fucking idea how to do this shit and to be honest the thought of it terrified me it also terrified me I was working against Michael.

Cordelia noticed my hostility towards the situation. "Lena I think this is perfect for you, I know you can do it. We will help."
I look around at the girls Mallory and coco we're giving me a nod and smile.

"Okay, um like right now?"
Cordelia nodded waving her hand at Zoe as she stood up reviving the book holding the spell.

They placed the book open in front of me on the table. They lit the candle and waited patiently beside me. I clenched my fists taking in a deep exhale. I open my eyes and focus on the page repeating the words on by one. One time round I feel a dark misty spur around me I repeat the spell once again and for the third time until my vision went elsewhere I was no longer in the room.

I had 360* vision of the place around me I read the sign of the gas station above and took note of exactly where I was standing before a gust of wind gushed me back to reality. I was straight back at the coven. They all looked at my hopeful and I was glad I could fulfil them.

"Okay lets go."

A/N I'm super happy I'm about to get this love story on the road time has come whoop whoop😁

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