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I awoke from my sleep with joy I had a dream again! So many faces... I was in a huge house from what I could tell. A sheek white and black room with a huge table surrounded by girls. They all seemed to have pretty black clothes on similar to each other. The same blonde woman from the night before stood at the end.

I knew somehow she was in charge someone us girls were following. In sync we all began to conduct a spell as feathers from the table began to float.

It was a soothing dream one I almost didn't want to come out of. All those girls were magic too we were some kind of group?

"Miss woods dinner is in 10 minutes."
Shit "Come in Emma"
"Oh your still In bed miss woods."
"Yeah I'll get changed quickly. I guess I overslept."
I hurried to my wardrobe choosing the first dress on my right. It was gorgeous red velvet.

"I'm going to try and be nice today. I guess your words last night made me realise he did save me after all I owe it to him." I say sweeping my hair over my back. She smiles.
"Good to hear you speaking positively." We walk out the room to the dining room.

I arrive taking my seat. Michael came in a few seconds after I watched him stroll to his chair. His aura was fascinating he carried himself with such confidence and knowing.

"Good morning Michael." I speak first hoping he would catch my drift that I'm in a hopeful mood.
"Miss woods.."
We begin to eat. "So what are we learning today."
"I think you proved enough strength yesterday slamming the doors hmm?. We will leave training today I fear I'm putting too much pressure on you. And if you start to resent me your willingness will fade. I don't want that to happen Miss woods. Like I said we are going to be here for a long time."

I felt bad I guess I really did show my anger yesterday.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise corelena, I know I've been hard on you. I will take the blame for this one." I smiled down at my food.

"If you like have some leisure time. Maybe some cooking or some writing. You used to love sketching too, if your powers are just as strong I doubt your creative drawing skills have faded." His manner had changed, the way he was offering me free pleasurable time and spoke of before I couldn't wipe the smile of my face.

"I'd like that. Thank you... we could make dinner let the guys have some time off." I asked.
"Yes me and you."
"I am working miss woods."
"Working? On what? Were in an apocalypse."
"I have plans to make and things to see too." He was too vague but I brushed it off.

"Guess I'll start with some sketching then." I turn back to my food my smile fading.
"So you knew me pretty well?" I ask hoping he won't shut me down.
"You could say that yes." Wow he answered for once.

"I have a question." I say as Michael tilts his head with a slightly annoyed expression.
"Why memory loss? The radiation effects your physical health right but why my-."
"Enough corelena. I'm not going into the details. It was hard enough to watch." I hadn't really known what he meant by that but it was a long shot in the dark I guessed he wasn't going to answer.

We finished up breakfast "I made sure we had supplies for you here. So I left them in the training room would you like me to take you?" I nod excitedly as we walk out towards the room. As soon as we walk in I notice the sketchbook and paints all over the floor in a neat order.

"Wow Michael Thank you really." I crouch down admiring the pretty colours surrounding me.
"I'm not sure what I'm going to draw I have nothing to picture really." I admit suddenly growing sad.

"I have no doubt as soon as your pencil hits the paper the imagination will flood in. It's always been a strength of yours corelena something I never had." He smiled looking at me on the floor.
He leaves without another word leaving me to my senses.

He was right once I started drawing I couldn't stop. Images ran through my brain, I could see them though clearly like I'd seen them thousands of times before.
A blue bird with spots of white, surrounded by endless trees.

I smiled at the price I had created. It must have been hours since Michael had left me. It kept my mind busy and I liked that I wasn't constantly wondering what was going on I just simply focused my mind on a distant imagine stored in my brain.

I began adding the last touches of shadows and contrast to the picture. The door opened behind me making me jump slightly in the silent serene setting I was in.
"Corelena, it's almost dinner." He walks closer while I glance back at him.
He smiles down at the painting. "Just like I said a magic touch you have." I was flattered by his words setting the paintbrush down.
"I'll just clear up in here and I'll be out."
"No I'll send someone to clear up id like to show you something. Take it as a gift if you'll let me"

It was foreign him asking for my permission usually he would just demand. I politely accepted the gesture and followed him out the room. We seemed to walk down a few corridors before we reached the library.
"Come in." He says holding the door open for me. I stand in the middle of the room trying to imagine what I could possibly receive in an apocalypse.

I felt Michaels warm hands gently hold on to my shoulders as he stood behind me. "I thought I'd bring the outside to you miss woods. Close your eyes." He whispers sending chills down my spine.

I do as he says feeling his hands lift of my my back. I hear him shuffle in front of me a few seconds later I feel the room grow colder it only progressed. I couldn't keep my eyes closed any longer curious to know why my skin was being caressed by cold droplets.

I flutter my eyes open astounded by the snowflakes falling around me. I couldn't hold back my gasp looking to langdon who had a devious grin on his face. Snow was falling from the ceiling all around us. I held out my hand catching tiny snowflakes in my hands. "Wow" I sighed.

It bought back a nostalgic feeling of the world outside. Stormy days, sunny days just the sky everything. I smiled so much my cheeks hurt until Michael slowly let his hands drift to the side as the snow began to slow down.

I was shivering but I didn't care the sight was truly stunning. The snowflakes caught up in Michaels golden locks and eyelashes was also a beautiful sight. "One day Miss woods, you could achieve the same." He says. I was literally speechless.
"That was incredible."
"I thought you'd like it." We stay standing staring at each other but I feel him grow uncomfortable and place his hands behind his back recovering his stern aura.

"Dinner is in thirty minutes I have some things I need to finish off." It's so weird it's like he's scared of being a decent human.
"Oh-okay." I shift towards the door.
"Umm Thank you Michael."
He only nods and bows his head down in return as I leave the room.

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