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As 3rd person POV!!!!!!

Lena began to run the bath Michaels heat was singling minute by minute he was feeding on her doubt. He scurrys down to mead "ms mead she's not ready I can sense it her the dark
Cloud hasn't fully taken over and still have a shlimmed of sunshine." He began to sob to me mead.

"I need her" be breaks out.
"Michael we have plans are you really sure this girl is..."
"Mead my farther has told me us combined we are the most powerful beings not only that I can't I just I.... I love her."
Mead stays silent for a moment slightly in shock and lost for words. She clearly has nothing she could say to make this situation any better.

Michael sighs in a strop walkinf back to his room. But instead of hearing droplets of water moving he hears silence.
His panic and overprotective ness kicks in as he begins f bang on the door.
No respond.
With all his might and power the door swings open the an unconscious Lena submerged in the transparent water. Her face flowing beautifully around her and her face turning paler her limp arms fallen by her side.

Michael got on his knees shaking her awake but he wasn't expecting what came next.
Once she came too she was angry the least emotion he expected to see!

Between sobs Lena exclaimed "let me die Michael I cant do this anymore I can't be part of this." Michael stares at his angel for a moment completely astounded by her beauty even in this ugly moment. He thought the only way he could deal with this was all he knew.

"nullius memoria damnum" He chants over and over and I fall back into the bath of unconscious.

Back to the future*********

I slowly float through a dark tunnel back into the light and in seconds I'm in my bunker room.
So... Michael  did me of my memory just because I couldn't take his plans, the guilt? I had to try to fight if he was saving me for himself or myself. I lye there still in the same petition on my bed for at least an hour .

The thing is nothing changed Michael went through with it I mean look where we are now. The fact i was willing to end my life to just be out of this was mindbobolinh .

:I went back and forth between my thoughts of Michael and what he had done but my conclusion was always the same he was the Michael I knew to me but he also had a duty on this earth set here to destroy, but what was my duty? My darkness compelled me to believe I was made for his but my inner self seemed to lead a different life.

But it's happened now and what can I do?
I have the person I love but he Betrayed me in order to let his plans continue. I scurried to the library as soon as I could knowing Michael would most likely still be in his office before dinner to search for the Latin dictionar.

The spell he said he never heard of  'nullius memoria damnum '
I tip toe down avoiding any prying eyes I could finally getting to the library.
I stare at the daunting amount of books stacked around me. Okay powers work your magic find me the Latin dictionary.

I close my eyes in the middle of the room holding out my hand feeling the surge running through my right hand a hard book quickly flies into my right hand.
I scan the book for a few minutes replaying the words in my head. Ah ha!
Nullius = loss
Memoria= memory
Damnum_= unconscious

nullius memoria damnum- unconsciousness And memory loss....

Since it was in his book I'm guessing it's a dark magic spell only he could use... that's what he thought I'd never wanted to see.
I pieced  it together... he wants me to hate my coven think he was my hero what better way than to have me believe she was to blame for the loss of my life before. Wow...

I didn't know how to feel about this off course my intial emotion was anger.
I suddenly heard footsteps wondering around so I thre the back back down and exited the library only to come face to with Michael.

He smiles and hold out his hand immediately "dinner angel?" He says as I place my hand in his taking me to the table.
I was building up the courage to tell him what I had learnt.

We sat down together I stayed silent and trapped in my thoughts as we began to eat.
"I see you've calmed down my angel?" I stifle a fake laugh and nod.
But he stops eating laying his fork down and placing his chin on his hands.
I look up at him and say "nullius memoria damnum"

He sighs sitting back in his chair resting his hands on the arms of the chair "right." He says.
I look at him giving him daggers.
He sits toward a little "tell me lena why do you think I did that?"
"For your selfishness so you can carry on with your plans without any baggage."
"And you think I was going to let you die?" He chuckles sinisterly.

"Michael does that not tell you something I would rather die than watch this world be destroyed?"
"You were weak lena."
"Weak? Haha! Ironic coming from you. You can't carry out daddy's plans without me?" I pull a glass pouting face.

His face gre cold and stern.
"And there was me thinking you'd understand..." he sighs. "Lena don't you want me?"
"I want us Michael but not this way."
"What's done is done lena nothing can stop us now."

I grew speechless holding myself from reaching across the table and slapping him.
"Go to your room lena." He looks down his face somber.

"Fine." I sigh walking away from him.
I had no idea what he was thinking right now I mean fuck I don't even know what's going on in my head.


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