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AN! Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you for reading! I wanted to say I'm super excited about where I'm going with this story... I feel like it's taking a long time to progress but it's worth it! I hope your enjoying:) stay cool Cody stans x

Cordelia seemed to be keeping closer than usual today... I was constantly in her eyeline she was also paying very close attention to my work in class which made my magic even more off...

We sat around the table for dinner the conversation has stirred to Maddison and queenies hell, but it soon turned to their meetings with Michael.
"As soon as he walked in the most evil soul I had encountered James March was even stunned... like he felt the fire inside Michael. He was the one who told me to go like he knew Michael was strong enough to rip me out the walls of hell. I can't explain it... a room grows colder with his presence."

Maddison joins in "totally, he's drop dead gorgeous but not even I would go near the guy. You could feel the coldness practically dripping off of him." The girls listened intently and so did I but I couldn't help feel the energy bubble inside as they spoke about him. They didn't know him, or his life they didn't have the right. He outrstruck our supreme brought back her girls and they talk about him like that. I don't know what got into me. I guess I was the only one who had spoken to Michael.

"We're forgetting that he saved you guys, also he could be the new supreme. If he was evil none of that or this would be happening?"
I say my peace achieving some daggers from the girls.
"Dear, He is a boy. A male we won't ever understand them so don't try." Myrtle quickly jumps in. "We won't let it stand when we discover the unbidden truth lena. We will not he fooled... I need to know how powerful he is." Cordelia says.

So they are playing Michael... assessing his magic and throwing him away. I couldn't help the anger grow but I kept it bottled in. I continued to tap my fingers on my knee under the table trying to rid the excess energy that continued to throttle through me.

The large chandelier sitting above us began to rumble... the ceiling trembling with it and cracks beginnings to seep on the ceiling. The glass cluttering together creating clink sounds as everyone's head turned upwards watching as the chandelier shot down on to the table smashing into glass all over the table. Everyone was quick to slide from their seat gasps and shrieks filled the room.

I felt the energy let go and I was now calm... did I just do that? My magic my energy did I cause that. I could have killed someone. I panicked but so was everyone else in the moment. Cordelia didn't notice my anxiety as she quickly ushered everyone out of the room.

What possible explanation would there be for this.
"Girls stay together in here. Myrtle a word." Cordelia and myrtle proceeded out the room. What if they knew? Or even worse what if they suspected Michael or a sign... either way this was chaos that wasn't needed right now. I mentally cursed at myself letting myself create such a mess. I couldn't stop it. My emotions and energy flooded the whole room.

I couldn't take the fear around me from the girls knowing I had shaken them all up. I quickly scurried away to my room as Zoe called after me but I didn't stop. I couldn't.

I shook myself in my sheets making sure to have the door locked. I was exhausted I felt like I had been drained... I was breaking I felt unsure and unknown. I felt like I wasn't meant to be here anymore, I'm not sure what belonging even feels like. I let the tears fall incapable of being able to manage any of my feelings or even recognising them. I slipped into my dreams which right now we're safer than here.

"Lena. Your pain is causing me pain what's going on." Michaels voice sounds as soon as my eyes flutter open. Back in the rose garden.
He kneeled down to my lying body on the ground. I lifted up on my arm as he was quick to grab the other pulling me up to sit on the grass.

He kneeled down and sat opposite me. His eyebrows furrowed he spoke again.
"Your in pain." His voice was as soft as honey in that moment. His eyes almost looked as if they were reflecting mine the pain inside.

He tilted his head slightly to the side. I nod at him "I don't know what's going on anymore. I can't be the witch they want me to be and I cause monstrosity's. My magic is failing me."

He quickly grows angered by my words.
"Manipulation Lena. Your magic is not failing you, it's incredible you think they could do or feel the W every you do? Your magic pulsates with emotion and drive it's riveting. You've flourished into something beautiful and they don't see it. I want to make you see it." My cheeks got hotter and my veins filled with giddiness. He made my world enlightened for a second. His words made so much sense but went against everything I had ever known. My coven, Cordelia everything she had told me or taught me, he promised otherwise and it didn't feel wrong.

"I guess that makes my decision." I stiffen yo my face into a faint smile. His face slightly jumps from anger to happiness. He gives a toothy grin "I want to learn Michael in done with being restricted in so ready." I give in. I will be allies with Michael learn together embrace the madness and looseness of us. I didn't know if it was the right thing but at this point in time I didn't care anymore.

"Then I have to be honest with you lena. I need you to be fully aware and after this there is no backing out? Do you understand?" He spoke in a threatening tone once again his dominance overpowering everything. No turning back?

"I have a dark secret one that the coven can not not know. It is rare for someone with your power to roam but I believe the timing is perfect, for what I am destined to do with the help of you and our magic. I am the antichrist." The word echoed around in my head making my head becoming heavy and suddenly smothered in doom.

What had I done.

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