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in the few moments I had to walk to Michael I decided to hold my tongue about Mallory and coco I wasn't going to cause my sisters any more harm.

I finally reach him at the top of the stairs where he waits for me. When I get to his side he begins to walk into a room which I'm guessing was his. He lets me in first closing the door behind us.
"Lena you can't be mingling with these people. They need to fear the authority and you sitting and becoming best friends isn't helping I want you to keep out of this as much as possible."
He sighs "maybe it was a mistake to bring you." His words hurt his distance and reluctance towards me seemed to be growing and I didn't know why.

I didn't want to argue and I surely didn't want to anger him right now it took all my guts not to fight back but I stayed quite.
"Fine." I say in a faint voice barely audible as I leave his room not looking back.

When I got to my room Mallory was also approaching my room before I could enter "sorry Miss I was just coming to bring you, your food since apparently your not eating with us."
She says.
Ugh seriously I'm not even allowed to eat with them I haven't socialised in a long time I would treasure a dinner with someone other than a bipolar antichrist.

"Oh um thank you Mallory. So um where were you before the apocalypse?"
"Before I was actually cocos personal assistant well I literally still am she can be a pain in the ass but she means well."
"Ohhh okay."
"And you?"
Before I reply the harsh sound of the cane smashing against the floor makes our heads snap towards venable.
"Mallory. Dinner. Downstairs. Now."
Mallory nods and scurries away as venable gives me the evils turning on her heels.

I enter my room with the plate of food Mallory had given me if you could even call it that. A little square of jelly honestly I wouldn't even feed a cat this shit. I thought about Mallory, she was never cocos assistant, she didn't know who I was? ''Tis has to be a spell similar to mine right?

I bombarded myself with questions as always it seemed to be happening a lot these days as I try to munch on the small cube in front of me but I really couldn't. I shove it to one side.

A rough knock on my door sounded "Miss woods it's bedtime. Rules are rules we stay in our rooms." I hear venable say from outside.
"Yup" I bluntly reply.

I waited a while, so I could sneak out I was desperate to find a book find the rooms that reminded me of the days before. Roughly an hour passed before I slipped on my small night gown.

I cautiously scattered around the building peering round the corners before I turned them

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I cautiously scattered around the building peering round the corners before I turned them. But my attention was captured by a whispering. I felt a knot in my stomach that was tugging me towards a room I the tug felt like someone had a rope wrapped around me pulling me into them. As I got closer to the room my body began to tingle a warm rush flowing through my veins it was heavenly.

I finally reached the door and the noise was louder Michaels voice speaking tongues, I wrap my hand on the door handle slowly opening to see Michael caressing himself in a pool of blood. His head rolled back and the blood dancing around him on its own.
I felt hypnotised I was so drawn to it. I walk closer and fall to my knees on the ground opposite to him when his head shoots up looking at me his eyes pitch black. He holds out his bloody hands and I place my small ones in his still in my daze and awe he pulls me closer until his hands reach the hem of my dress lifting it up I voluntarily lift my arms up as he pulls the dress off me.

I sit there bare in just my knickers looking at this menacing sight in front of me. Michaels eyes still pitch black he takes my arm holding it out as he takes the blade sitting on the floor next to him he slowly sliced down my arm a vertical cut but I don't flinch. I only feel pure bliss I Let the power and darkness soak in.

Michael takes my arm lifting it to his mouth as he rolls his tongue along my arm licking my blood before he grabs the back of my neck aggressively I fall into his lap. Our lips collide as we heavily make out groping each other like it was our last kiss. The moans and groans filled the room as I straddled his naked body.

We were soaked in blood and our mouths were dripping with that sickening metallic taste. I feel Michaels hand slip between us as he shifts himself a little and Rios my pants to the side sliding his cock inside of me he flips us over. Hovering over me he tugs on my hair hard thirsting in and out of me.

It was pure ecstasy and as Michael came close his eyes once again rolled black as he fell on top of me.
I look up to the ceiling and I hear a whisper echoing in my head "proprium diaboli"
I felt my head grow light and it felt like a dark heavy energy had invaded mine taking over my consciousness and everything went dark.

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