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I didn't know where I was. A similar place to where I am now it was underground seemingly with the same candles all around. The place was lively I heard noise from every direction. But alone stood Michael in front of me i didn't recognise him at first his short hair and his eyes were brightened he no longer had red circles outlining them.

He looked young and innocent. He was walking over to me his face seemed to light up smiling at me.
"Lena" he calls using a nick name I hadn't remembered but now it sounds so familiar.

He seemed to notice discomfort in my expression.
"I'm sorry." He says faintly his smile fading into sadness.
"You know I was too powerful. Cordelia was always going to fade one day Lena." He takes my arms in his hands. He looks up at me with his eyes as if asking for my consent but I was clueless as to what was going on.

His hands slowly pull my black sleeves up revealing my wounds on my arms. Once again in this dream they were open, fresh and sore. Not like the scars they were now. His eyebrows furrowed at first but his eyes quickly lit up igniting  a wide smile on his face.

He flinched when someone called my name.
"Lena. Come on we're leaving." The blonde woman spoke. Cordelia she was now common in my dreams. She gave a stern warning look to Michael as he dropped my arm.

The dream was subtly strange, I knew I had known Michael for a long time before this. I still was clueless as to how, but it seemed secretive and deceptive. It gave me a darkened sense. Cordelia seemed to be the opposite someone trusting and hopeful. Where was she now?

The dreams were only confusing me more but it gave me pieces to add up.

When my consciousness hit me I looked around my room. The memories of last night flood in and so did the fear and anguish.
I didn't want to see Michael.
I knew I'd have to confront him about what happened but I'm so weak under his stare.

I readied my self trying to slow my breathing calming self. This wasn't going to go well if I blew up at him. I brushed through my hair and splashed my face with water a few times.

The knock sounded on the door.
I went to the door to be greeted by a startled Emma.
She looked white as a sheet.
"Miss woods breakfast."
"Emma... you don't look well."
"Zac." Was all she said looking past me into thin air. I took her from the shoulders guiding her to my bed and closing the door behind.

"Emma your not working today. I will tell Michael."
"I think Michael killed him." I take a deep breath in trying to conduct the best thing to say.
"Emma, please get some rest you clearly haven't slept. I will see to Michael." I tried to stay calm.

She nods aggressively walking out with me in a state of daze and bewilderment. I send her to her quarters of the place and make my way to the dining room.
Michael was already sat waiting for me. I showed no face of expression and neither did he.

I took my seat gaining a hint of a smile from Michael.
"I watched you kill a man." Blunt and bold it's the only way I could go I kept my shaky breathy a bay and kept my tone calm and collected.

"It was not my intent for you to see."
"Your missing the point langdon. You killed a man."
He sighs resting back in his chair. "Miss woods. I run this place how I like. If staff are disrespecting  me I'm not going to let it stand."

I tut and try to contain the anger "you ended someone's life. It may not effect your hostile soul but what about the people in this place."
He rolls his eyes at me. "Miss woods do you realise how many people are dying outside. You think it bothers me? I have all I need, no one showed me remorse so why should I."

He spoke like I knew the life before as if I knew what he meant but I had no idea I couldn't empathise or understand.
All I could do was stand up gathering myself in frustration his hand flew to my arm stopping me and I flinched. He seemed hurt by my fear of his grasp slowly backing down.

"You're evil I see why you have no family. Your clearly incapable of humanity." I spat down at him, but as soon as the words left my mouth I felt the harshness hit me. I went to far. At first he looked shocked but that soon turned into a grin with sinister intent.

"Does that make you evil too miss woods?" I frown slightly. Just because I had no family didn't mean I was the same level as him.
He chuckles at my silence.

"Sit down." He demands.
I shake my head beginning to walk away.
"Cordelia would have said otherwise Lena." He says my heart stops. Cordelia? Lena?
I swivel round facing him with his malicious smile.

"Lena." I faintly say.
"W-What are you saying Michael?" I try to encourage him to carry on. He was clearly letting me in trying to gain my willingness back.

He chuckles once again rising to stand and strolling over to me.
"All I'm saying Lena"  He emphasises the pet name letting it roll of his tongue slowly. "Is that you have no idea of who you were before. Don't be so quick to judge." When he gets closer his hands reach out to my cheek caressing them for a second.

"Your telling me I'd kill an innocent man like that?" I scoffed raising an eyebrow at his insinuation.
He smiles walking behind me.
"Maybe not"He whispers into my ear placing his hands on my shoulders. I tense up as he does so.
I shake his hands off me turning to face him.

"I hope when I discover the truth about myself and you that you will be ashamed no longer able to pretend like your saving me. You clearly have no good motives. When the day comes you will no longer be able to hide your real ugly self."

He looks at me amused as if I was saying something hilarious.
"I think it will be quite the opposite when you discover the truth Lena. You won't be able to hide and I will wait patiently until that day comes." He whispers inching closer to my face. I almost shuddered everytime he used "Lena" it felt wrong coming from his mouth like I was friendly with evil and dancing with the devil.

He smirks and begins to walk away.
"Go back and eat your food miss woods. Training in 10 minutes " I watch him disappear in the corridor.
Great now I have to train with a psycho.

I wonder if he was right? Would I be ashamed of the truth or myself before?

I munched down an apple losing my apatite due to the adrenaline running through me. I walked into the room shortly after bracing myself for Michael.

"Come in." I do just that sitting opposite him. His face was less stern more normalised and loose.
"I have something to confess." I say hoping this was the right choice to tell him. I wanted to know more.

"I had a dream. You were there, but younger I'm guessing. Your hair was short and we were in a place that reminded me of here. You were apologising something about the lady. Cordelia you said she was going to fade or she was fading I don't know. I didn't understand.  You pulled my sleeves up revealing the cuts but Cordelia was there she came in asking me to go." I sat back to watch his reaction.

The corners of his lips turned to a smile. Not a normal Michael smile which was sinister and usually a smirk but a genuine smile. It was a rare sight.
"Sounds to me Corelena that you are experiencing memories." He stands up pacing as he spoke.

"Memories of before. Me and your witches."
"Well can you explain can you tell me what was happening. You remember it clearly."
"It's not significantly important Miss woods not in the grand scale of your life. Your school had come to test me. The seven wonders off course I was successful which meant your supreme, Cordelia was to fade away." I took in every word he said trying to visualise and savour it as much as possible. I was truly grateful for some insight.

It didn't tell me much, but it was something.
"Moving on before you start to scramble that pretty little head. Today we are performing transmutation..."

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