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Once again I was entering the Hawthorne academy. I knew that Michael was about to be crowned supreme, the antichrist. I was quite Cordelia had agreed to let me come due to my constant asking. Things had been different. The girls were secluding me, I had been flame from classes. I spent most of my time walking around the grounds, reading, but also unbeknownst to the girls, training my magic.

My control and emotion that pushed into it, with Michaels help we had surfaced some control with our magic. A fine alliance had bonded in the two weeks, ever since my sacrifice I no longer felt alone or that I had to prove myself to anyone. I didn't worry what the witches were thinking because I knew deep down things were working out for me.

I walked behind the girls. Maddison's second hand smoke arousing my nostrils. As we got closer the warlocks were outside. Apart from one John Henry. I knew that Michael had somehow stirred him away due to his suspicions of him, I didn't know how but I knew his guardian mead had some doing. I was yet to meet her and Michael had promised me tonight. I knew today things were about to change.

As we left the natural light walking into the boys school. Straight away I felt the burning glaze amongst me. The shadow in the corner that was eyeing me up and down. Michael stood alone, no smirk or smile.

I followed upstairs as the warlocks and Michael walked in front. The girls around me were nervous to say the least. I studied Cordelias face but she stayed stern her gaze quickly turned to me and she gave me a small smile. She confused me, she thought I was dark, unintentionally letting me out of her sight was no good for her yet around me she still showed some care and her mothering side.

We got to a steady basement as the seven wonders began. I was heavily impressed by Michaels performances and so were the warlocks their smug smiles as they watch Michael in awe.

It finally came down to the final test. Descensum.
" I don't just want you to conquer it. I want you to bring back my dear friend misty day. She died trying to conduct this test and I want her back."

Ariel quickly blew up protesting watching the chance of a male supreme get further away from them.
Ariel took Cordelia out of the basement to speak in private.
Initially I knew it was likely Michael could achieve this hell was no stranger to Michael.

My witches began muttering against themselves but I was not included. Michael noticed walking towards me.
"Your supreme is asking a little much Hmm?" He smirks at me.
As soon as he spoke to me I felt comfortable no longer uneasy by the distance from my witches.

"Not like you'll struggle." I whisper back warning a grin from him. I wanted to share one back but I was wary of myrtles stare.
Michael left the room following in Cordelia and ariels footsteps.
Myrtle took the chance to come over she place her hand on the small of my back.
" maybe you shouldn't watch this one dear." Myrtle the whole time hasn't stopped being herself with me. It didn't feel like much had changed.

I knew she had done some wicked things in her time due to being burned at the stake so I guess she had more of an understanding nature. I guessed she was telling me not to watch since she sensed I cared a little about Michaels well being. She clearly doubted his survival.

"I want to see." I furrowed my eyebrows slightly at her.
"At your own risk dear." She didn't leave my side as the trio entered back into the room. Clearly it had been decided Michael would perform the final test.

Myrtle soared me a glance removing her hand as Michael laid on the floor. She stayed close to me. I felt the room turn tense all that could be heard was Michaels whispers. "Descensum" the timer was turned over the sand beginning to spill through.

I watched Ariel nibble his fingers in anxiety I was much calmer I had no doubt in Michael.
Time passed by rather slowly as we awaited Michaels return.

My eyes widened as I watched his body begin to twitch soon turning into a shuffle. His eyes flickered open staring up above. There was no misty laying beside him.

"Clearly that didn't work." Maddison muttered. Michael was quick to look up at me but my eyes shoot at the dust appearing next to him. The ashes rising making the appearance of misty day. He had done it.

Cordelia was quick to fall on misty body holding her face in tears. But Michael stumbles as he got up falling back with help from his warlocks. Misty looked around at us like a new born baby. Her eyes brimmed with tears, she was beautiful and the reunion was too. I wondered if I'd ever feel something like that or have someone so happy to see me. It was emotional to say the least.

Michael crouched over as misty stood up hugging queenie but I noticed her shudder as she laid eyes on Michael.

Gasps sounded and I don't know why but Cordelia was in mistys arms falling weak and blood dripping from her nose.
"It's what always happens when a new supreme rises."
"The old one fades away." Behold finishes.

"There can be no doubt you are the next supreme." With her words Cordelia falls and the witches catch her. They hurry into a room next door, but burning eyes on my face made me hesitate to follow. The warlocks tried to congratulate Michael shaking his hands, but his attention was completely on me as he walked pasted them.

When he came to my side I did what was only right.
"Well done Michael. I knew you could"
"What can I say?" He smirks.
"Come lets bask in the triumph hm?" He winks at me causing my cheeks to fluster. Great.

I look back to the room the witches disappeared into.
"I should."
"No lena, you owe them nothing. Cordelia especially" He gives me no chance to reason as he takes my arm in his linking our arms he takes me into a room illuminated by a great fire and glasses all around filled to the brim with champagne. A grand piano was in the corner that I couldn't take my eyes off.

The warlocks followed closely behind each taking a glass as they cheers each other.
"Wow you were prepared for the celebration." I chuckle at their cockiness.
"Come on your not surprised either." He let's go of my arm as we take a seat on a pillowed stall.

"Tonight your finally going to meet ms mead." His face lit up with excitement.
"I hope she lives up to all you say about her." I smile at him.
"She will exceed them. Listen the witches, they are soon to conspire against me... now that they have seen my accomplishments they will only fear my power more."
"I don't blame them" I mutter.
"Which means I can't stay here, neither can you."

My expression completely changed to confusion.
"I don't understand. We haven't talked about this?" I ask but his attention is caught by the witches slowly slipping in the room.
I jump up from my seat next to Michael and stand in the middle waiting to greet Cordelia.
Maddison pulls a sour face at me "where were you!?" She spits I stutter but no words come out.

When Cordelia enters we made eye contact and she continued to stare at me as she spoke.
"We have a guest for our dearly missed misty." A blonde women walked in I had heard about her the white witch Miss stevie knicks.

I was in awe of her she just had a presence you wanted to be engulfed in.
Baldwin took a seat at the piano and the girls found their place in the room. I mustered back behind the couch where Misty sat, I looked for Michael but he had already moved to the balcony upstairs along with ariel.

Misty was almost in tears at the sight of stevie especially when her angelic voice began singing. It was a pretty beautiful sight. I tried to ignore the scene around me and focus on stevie, but the turning heads around me were distracting. Maddison and Cordelia exchanging strange glances before disappearing in unison. That wasn't good.

I wondered if I should follow, but I would only become more suspicious to my coven then I already was. I was sick of the burning eyes in my skull, he didn't have to stare all the time I snapped to Michael who was above me. His look was intense he clearly wanted me to follow as he turned swiftly leaving the balcony.

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