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We didn't sleep all night but we had successfully retrieved John Henry back to us with Mallorys help. Cordelia had been speaking to him all morning so I took the time to get some rest.

I had simply no dream, no Michael I guess he was busy...
the next day us girls were busy Too it felt like we were on some kind of mission. Zoe held the class today which I was thankfully being taught too. I channeled my thoughts of Michael and the advice we had tried to work out regarding control. Imagine a flame, I want to keep the flame a bay keep it calm and still. Imagine the flame staying still, slightly dancing in the breeze no bigger and no smaller.

It had been something that was working with Michael and me.
The classes ran smoother than normal.
Their was a high running tension in the school.

2 days later

I hadn't had any contact from Michael I did start to worry, part of me missed him going from seeing every night to not was kind of sad for me and I knew it shouldn't be.

Today was the day we were to burn the two warlocks at the stake along with a lady who apparently had been helping along side, she had murdered John Henry with her own hands.

I was anxious I'd never watched anything die apart from animals, but since I was involved bringing back John Henry I felt it was only right. We arrived back in California, when we arrived to the stakes the men had already placed the three on there tied up in sheets of white.

My eyes fell on the lady at the end. She looked an awful lot like how Michael had described ms mead... I felt an awful churn in my stomach. This made sense this is ms mead? My heart began to race, for Michael. This was one person he would be distraught about losing I don't know what will happen when he loses ms mead. I take a deep exhale trying to shake off all these thoughts but I can't.

Ms mead begins to hail to her dark saviour before they are lit with the help of John Henry. The flames go up like nothing I've ever seen before their bodies are soon completely engulfed as ms meads shouting comes to end. I felt the sweat beading on my forehead. I couldn't, I knew this would mean war.

We began to walk away, the others like nothing had happened where as I couldn't take my eyes off the scene my head turned back the whole walk back to the car. But Cordelia decided she had to go back to the stake, she had something to do. This made me curious what could she possibly need to do with three dead bodies it got the best of me I slid out of the group following in Cordelias footsteps.

When the stakes were finally in sight all I could see was smoke coming from the mangled left overs of bodies.
Cordelia stood in front a few metres away from... Michael. I heard him scream out collapsing onto his knees.

A sudden dread and sorrow filled my veins almost making me heavy with sadness. I felt his pain rumbling through me it was gut wrenching utter loneliness.
I saw Cordelia get closer I followed until I heard what was being said.

Michael didn't even look at me as he talks back to Cordelia "I'm never alone I have my farther." His voice was breaking as he spoke from the pain, his tears streaming uncontrollably I just wanted to be there with him in that moment I couldn't hold it in.

"Michael has me too." I say from behind Cordelia she gasps her mouth literally dropping to the ground as she watches me walk past her to stand behind to Michael still kneeling on the floor. If looks could kill she would have killed me right there and then.

Michael stands up inching closer to Cordelias trembling face "somehow, someway I am going to bring her back  and then I'm gonna Lill every last one of you." I watch in fear as he then holds his hand out behind him towards me, I hesitantly take it my hand almost shaking. What was I doing. He grabs my hand tight as soon as he feels my touch locking our hands together as he walks ahead and I follow, I feel Cordelia looking at me, but I don't spare her a glance I couldn't take the shame right now.

I walk behind Michael for a moment in silence taking a look back at delia who was still staring ahead frozen still.
I ran a little catching up to Michael to now meet his side taking a look at his rear covered face.
"You were there." He spat not looking anywhere else but straight ahead and his grip on my hand still tight.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know it was mead... I can't even imagine- I-I'm just..." words couldn't express the pain and guilt I was feeling for Michael but I knew nothing I said in this moment would help all I could do was exist with him in this moment. He continues with a fast pace, finally slowing as we reach the trees disappearing from the intense sunlight.

As he slows he comes to a stop dropping my hand a exhaling, he lifted his hands up to his face holding his face for a moment. I took the intuitive to stand in front of him, I placed my hands over his wrists holding them and bringing his hands down. He searched my eyes for some clarity with his quivering lip holding in the anger and sadness.

He pushes his hands down along with my wrists and moves in closer his arms open up as he takes me into his arms. I wrap my hands around his back holding him tight and I feel his face in my neck his wet tears running down my chest. His nose completely englulfed in my hair along with one hand completely tangled in it and the other gripping my back tight.

It was a moment I didn't want to let go, a touch and a compassionate embrace it was foreign to me but I liked it, it felt like I had been missing it my whole life. The warmth and feeling of comfort it bought to me was something I could get used to. We stayed like that for a minute or two, I heard him sniffle against me.

"I'm lost." His voice muffled into my neck sending vibrations through me. I rubbed my hand over his back reaching up to his hair, it was weird my actions came naturally I ran my hand over his hair.
"It's going to be okay, I promise. Like you said somehow we will get her back. All is not lost."
"And I have you, I wasn't sure up until this point." He says as he breaks the hug holding his head up and stepping slightly back looking at me. I nod at him trying to give a small smile, his face was still dampened and I knew there was no chance of him smiling back any time soon.

"And you have me." I repeated his statement.
"I need to speak to my farther... I don't know what I'm meant to do." His voice was hoarse showing his weakness in this point of time.
" we will do whatever you need to do Michael."
I felt a little sheepish knowing I had no way of helping the situation And I'd literally just left everything for the boy stood in front of me. But that's what he was to me right now a boy, not the antichrist but A boy in pain and suffering. It was Michael.

"Thank you." He says his voice a little stronger this time he captures my hand forearm in his hand lifting my sleeve up looking at the nearly scar forming from my incision.

He gave me a look I couldn't read if I tried too as he pulled my sleeve back down and took my shoulders in his grip pulling me into him slowly. My hands fell on top of his chest as I looked up at him. His gaze was deep into my eyes for a moment I thought he was leaning his face towards mine but he spoke "you're mine lena. I won't let anyone hurt you from this point on." His voice was hushed but husky and he let go of my shoulders beginning to walk into the woods. I  stood still for a moment a feeling off bliss and safety blanketed me, but also fear of what this endeavoured.

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