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I slept like a baby last night I think I can thank the food for that. It was weird my dreams were non existent. Nothing. I slept and woke up that's it. I knew what dreams were I could almost picture a vivid field of grass and flowers when I thought of dreams.

It was all so deranged having a mind but one with holes in it. Knowing what everything is but having no concept of what it feels like. I took my morning time to start on the book Michael gave me before Emma came to knock.

It was resting on my bedside table where I had left it.I took a flick through the pages skimming and scamming some of the spells, the seven wonders.
Wow some of these sound cool, telekinesis i wanna try that it's better than opening a a book...

"Miss woods may I come in?"
Emma slowly opens the door as I hum in reply.
In she came.
"Emma do you have family?" She starts grabbing me a towel and pants as she looks over to me.
"Yes corelena, well did. They weren't chosen since they would be no use they're age I guess."

"Hmm So is it all calculated like everyone who is here?"
"Yes genetic make up is the key." She passes me the towel.
"Breakfast with mr langdon is in 30 minutes corelena id advise having a shower rather than bath. He won't be too happy with tardiness." She approaches the door as I flea to the bathroom.
"Thanks Emma." The door closed behind her.

What a world we live in... few people chose to outlive the apocalypse? How were they decided? It baffled me as to how organised it was a strange phenomenon.

After my shower I left my hair and face. It felt kind of dumb applying make up here. I feel like before this I wouldn't have worn much anyway I mean I didn't really need it. My green eyes already stood out enough, my cheekbones and jaw were defined enough, especially after the lack of food I seemed to be wasting away a little. My black hair balanced out my olive complexion making me a little paler.

I tried to imagine what I had worn before what I would wear or what I did with my hair. I chucked on the closest dress to me this time not giving it much thought. It was all black today, a gorgeous silk material a little witchy I guess you could say.

Emma waited up for me outside my room.
"Ah you got it on your self miss woods."
"This one was pretty easy." I smile walking besides her down the hall.
"I will see you in a little while miss. Enjoy breakfast, eat up today." She departs scurrying off into the corridor.

I walk into the dining room, Michael was already at the table waiting patiently.
"Good morning." He says his face didn't change neither his tone it was all very monotonous.

"Hello Michael."
"Mr langdon." He corrects me. Damn has he already forgotten he was actually human last night.
"No miss woods. Privately you may call me by my name." He dismisses me as our food is bought to the table.

I took so milk along with some toast. We were once again in silence.
"So when do I get to learn telekinesis?" I blurted out.
"Don't get ahead of yourself miss woods. You lack control you will have somebody killing themselves before we know it." His words kind of offended me I guess cause he was kind of right..

"Patience is a virtue as I have come to learn." He continues to finish his breakfast and waits for me as I finish mine.

"Okay let's go." I take my last sip of milk following him to the same room we practiced yesterday.
I take a seat opposed to him at the desk.
"Why don't you begin just by opening this book on my desk. Then we can start something new."
I nod at his request.

I felt like I was learning all over again trying to think about how I learnt it yesterday. Imagine it opening, let the power run don't push. The book flies open half way through the pages.
He smirks. "Okay now since you can do that and somehow managed to set the book on fire yesterday I'd like you to light a candle." He places a black candle in front of me on the desk.

"Can't I learn something else like a spell?"
"Do you want help or not." He spat.
"You need control corelena."
I focus on the candle. I found myself struggling to imagine just a flame i kept thinking of different scenarios. I felt the surge and almost jumped out my chair when the candle flew across the room into the wall.

Michael stood up with a not so happy face.
"See! And you expect me to teach you telekinesis." I felt like I was being told off by a teacher when you almost want to cry. I fumbled with my hands disappointed in my self.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.
"Clear your mind. Stop thinking about magic! We want a flame."
I nod as he places the candle back in front of me. I try to focus on a flame this time I felt like I was pushing to hard.

The power once runs through my at an unstoppable rate and all the candles in the room suddenly roared a huge flame around us sinking back into little ones. What the fuck I just literally made those flames burst out. I felt kind of proud I did that but I guess Michael wasn't going to be happy.

He laughed sinisterly "listen to me!" He slams his hands down on the desk making me flinch slightly.
"I don't have time for you. This is frustrating I was silly to think you would-."
"Michael I have just been chucked in here I have no fucking memory how do you expect me to ace every task right now? That was impressive right I made the whole room light up."

"It was dangerous That's what it was. You need to go to your room. I have guests coming this evening I don't need this stress." Jheez he's the one stressed out what about me?
"Who's coming in an apocalypse?!"
"Classified. Stop wasting my time and get out." He turned so cold so quickly.

I stared at him startled by his snappy attitude.
"Now." His stern voice spoke I rushed out my chair hoping to not anger him anymore. I was slightly trembling  Michael did scare me his gaze sometimes felt like it could kill. What if he was to give up on me chuck me out into the world outside.

I decided to take my fear and turn it into motivation I will practice in my room lets hope I don't burn the place down.

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