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I decided in my spare time to braid some of my hair and dive into one of the books in my room.
I guess I was comforted by the thought of langdon telling my my memory will hopefully return. He seems to know somethings about me so I'm hoping I will learn about myself and my past. It made me more hopeful I finally felt somewhat alive for a moment.

I got changed for dinner with Emma's assistance as she guided me downstairs again. Maybe I will actually eat today.

When mr langdon walked in I watched him from behind, his hands resting on his back his golden locks bouncing as he walks.
" mr langdon, surely food will not be available before soon?"
He sits down at the other end of the table.
"Correct enjoy it while it lasts."
Great... what does that mean.

"So can we like have a conversation now?" I ask sarcastically. I just wanted to talk all he spoke about what formal orders.
He shoots me a death stare.
"We just did." Wow he has so empathy I have no idea who I am and he can't even have the decency to talk to me.

The Servants bring our food placing it in front of us. Some type of orange pasta, it smelt divine.
"Can I ask a question then?"
He stayed silent guess I'll just ask away then. I tried to think what I wanted to know first. I had so many.

"Do I have family?"
"No." He replied bluntly not even taking a second to look at me.
I looked down at my food frowning. How did I not have a family?
"How do you know so much about me mr langdon?"

He stopped eating looking at me from across the table.
"Because I do miss woods. I don't think it's something to questioning. You should be thankful considering you don't know." He spat out. It was like every time I spoke he grew angrier. I was scared to even make a sound right now but I had too.

"Why are you so hostile?" He slams his hands on the table after I spoke.
"You Miss woods are talking to much. I don't want you to miss out on your food again otherwise you would be going upstairs." I stop talking eating the food on my plate.

I had one more question.
"D-did I die or something. I have these huge scars on my arms a-."
He stands up causing me to close my mouth mid sentence. He starts to walk over to me perching on the table centimetres away from me. I look up at him scarcely.

"You did them yourself miss woods. How is that for an answer." I gawked at his words. How? Why would I do that. I'm beginning to think maybe I don't want to know my past. My head was heavy with dread, he clearly knew the effect this was going to have on me.

I looked down at my food pushing the plate forward.
"I want to go to my room."
"Ah see. Why do you think I said in due time Miss woods. Why can't you just trust me."

"Trust you?! I don't know who you are. I don't know who I am. How do I even know an apocalypse is happening this could be some freakish fucking kidnapping." I stand up backing away from the table. Langdon almost looked hurt by my words but quickly regains his stiff cold face.

He approaches me slowly.
"If only you knew miss woods. Get out." I did exactly that running through the dim corridors not glancing up once.

I locked myself in my room. I wanted out I'd rather be in the grey world than here. I grabbed my book ignoring my empty stomach. Guess I'll starve to death instead.

I had no conception of how long I'd been reading the halls were silent and so was my room. I couldn't take the silence and hunger, I had to get out.

I dragged myself of my bed slowly stepping out to the empty hallway. I'm guessing it was late since no maids were around. I made my way to the dining room but there was nothing on the table. I guess I'll explore and try to find the kitchen.

I traced my hands over the marble walls admiring them as I trailed down the long corridors. Heavy footsteps echoed through the walls. Langdon. I tried to walk faster hiding behind a wall I couldn't tell from the echoes where they were coming from until a warm hand gripped my bare shoulder.

I jumped shooting around to face him looking down  at me with a smirk.
"Miss woods. Trouble sleeping?"
"I haven't eaten." He removes his hand turning around.
"Yes Come with me."  I followed the assertive man in front of me.
I decided to try and make some small talk instead of being drowned in silence.

"So are we training tomorrow?"
"Yes. If you get some rest, we don't want to push it and from now on your to stay with me and finish your food." He finally comes to a halt in front of a room opening up the door he lets me in first with a small smile.

The kitchen was full of food everywhere of all kinds I don't know how they were keeping it all her in prestige condition.
I picked an apple and a punnet of grapes.
"Is that all? Why don't we cook you up something?" I smiled at his offer he was actually kind for a second wow?

"It's okay, it's late but thank you mr langdon."
"Call me Michael."
"Michael" I subconsciously repeated out loud. The name was familiar to my brain but no memories came to mind.
Michael laughed as I stood there in a daze
"Come on, you can eat in the dining room I will accompany you." He seemed amused by my puzzlement trying to solve why I knew his name.

I carried my fruit walking out with him. I was glad to have company and flattered he offered to actually talk to me.
We walked to the dining room in silence and took a seat at the table. He bought his chair further down the table sitting to my side.

"So Michael, where's your family?" He stared at me while I ate.
"I don't have a family. I have someone I care for but they are in outpost 3. You will meet her one day."
Her hmm I didn't think this hostile guy was capable of having a girlfriend.

"She was like my mother." He says almost like he read my mind. I nod "and you kept her safe." I asked.
"So... Michael. Is your magic somewhat to do with you being in charge of this? You seem to know an awful lot about these 'outposts'?"

He places his hand under his chin resting on the table staring at me intently.
"Yes Miss woods."
"Why don't you call me corelena?" I asked rather quickly. He looked like he had a sour taste in his mouth after saying my name. What was that all about.

"I suppose your right... corelena." My name dripped if his tongue. I smiled down at my food almost blushing fuck knows why I couldn't help it. In the corner of my eye I thought I caught a glimpse of him smiling too.

"I want to give you this book. I want you to endulge it carefully. It educates you on magic the things Yh will conquer. The seven wonders, everything you need to know."
Seven wonders? He pulls out a small book in his inside pocket placing it on the table. I finish my apple holding up the book. It was old and tatted but I couldn't wait to devour it.

I smiled up through my eyes to him.
"I will get some rest. I grab the book tightly as I stand up.
"Goodnight corelena" He says as I walk down the same old corridor. I felt a little better with some food in me, and especially having a decent conversation for once.

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