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Me and Michael had played a couple games guaranteed he won every time. I was bored of seeing his winning smirk. I swiped my hand in the air using my magic to throw the chess board of the table as he went to make his next move.

He looked up at me in shock at first, but when I grinned he did the same.
"Sore loser?"
I laugh and stretch out. "More like bored loser. Sooo... I'm gonna get some rest."
He smiles at me "sure. I'll ask them to reserve some breakfast so you can get up in your own time tomorrow. Have good rest. I'll leave your paints in the training room."

I thank him for his kindness.
"And don't disturb me." His voice now cold and distant. There he goes again... whenever he gets close. To be nice he just fucking turns like trying to be mean making up for all the kindness he just showed.

I nod stiffening my face fading my smile.
"Goodnight." I closed the door behind me leaving Michael. That guy has issues.

I made my way up to my room. It was nice when it was later at night the halls were quite without workers around. I didn't feel guilty walking past anyone.

I was pretty slumped by the time I got into bed, I guess all the food didn't help. I didn't even read my book I drives straight into the sheets and Letting the darkness take over.

"I don't know if I can do it michael."
I say to Michael in front of me. His hair once again short and his eyes much brighter than they were now. He was almost beaming. He looked beautiful.

"Lena, don't you want to be with me. Protect your coven? This is the only way it can happen. You know that this is your path you either take this route or the other and we both know the other doesn't include me." He took my hands in his staring into my eyes.

"We can do this. I know you want it." I felt ease and happiness run through me with his touch and just his words.
"We have time Lena. Please." He pleads as a stocky lady with jet black hair called his name. He glanced back to her and turned back to me giving me a smile. He let go of my hands placing a kiss to my cheek. With that he was gone into the distance.

I woke up in a calmed state still like I was floating in a dream. I knew in this moment I had been content and seemingly willing to do anything for Michael. I still had no incling on what I was sacrificing but I knew it wasn't good. In my dream I could feel the love and compassion. Something I hadn't felt in my new self. Especially not with that intensity.

The dream was questionable it had me thinking.the nature of me and Michaels relations before this. To me his acts and magic seemed dark, forced by sin. Was I to share that in common with him? It made my doubt everything I thought about myself. I had come to a conclusion that there is no point hurting my head like this when Michael doesn't let me in on anything anyway. I get up and ready alone, happy that Emma had taken her time off, she needed it.

I made my way to the kitchen hoping Michael had remembered to save me some food. To my luck there was a big plate with still fresh bread and fruit. No one seemed to be in the kitchen so I hopped on the counter eating my breakfast in silence.

I made my way to the training room shortly after. I took my time it felt nice to freely roam and have no responsibilities or schedule. I let my hand work it's magic I subconsciously began to sketch the face that was in my mind all day. Set in stone in my memory from my dreams. The young beautiful boy with sandy shaggy hair. The muscular structure and sunken icy eyes. I drew the Michael from my dreams with ease.

The paint really made the drawing come to life. His twinkly eyes and plumped lips. Like last time I painted I lost track of time. I knew it had been a few hours. By the time I had finished my arms were aching from awkward positions leaning over trying not to smudge paint. I relaxed on to the floor letting the paint dry for a little.

After a few minutes I packed the stuff away proudly folding my painting and escorting my self back to my room before dinner. I walked past the library and peered in a little seeing Michael at his desk with his head down. I thought of a way I could surprise him a thank you I guess for his help. I sneakily made my way to his room, the door luckily for me was open I didn't want to pry it open with magic that would feel kind of awful.

I creeped in leaving the painting on his bed. The desk in the corner was almost calling to me. The book and journal laying there. It took all my might not to read it but I wasn't getting on his bad side right now no thanks.

I leave the painting folded and walk out quietly closing the door behind me. I smiled to myself. I quickly have a little read hoping someone will call me for dinner I had no idea what the time was ever.

A heavy knock came from the door...
The door swung open revealing Michael. His nostrils flared and his eyes were stone cold.
He slammed the door behind him walking over making me flinch and chuck my book to the side adjusting up against the bed.

"After last time, you still went in my room." He almost growled.
"I-i just wanted to give you the painting. I didn't look at anything. Don't you trust me?"
He scoffs still with his angered expression.

"Your asking me if I trust you? Your the one who suspected I was lying about an apocalypse, kidnapping  you?" He stifles a laugh.
"B-but that was at first. I've dreamt about us, I mean I know the care we had for each other I feel it. I know you wouldn't hurt me, well not back then anyway. I don't know the full story Michael but I know what we had was something. I trust you. Please believe me I didn't go through anything."

He seemed lightened by my words his face switching to an overwhelmed expression like he wasn't expecting me to say anything like that.
"I want to know what you remembered it could be crucial Lena why didn't you tell me." He lets his coldness drop as he comes to sit on the bed across from me.

"Me and you. I think you were giving me a choice it was to be with you and protect my coven or something else. I don't know what but I knew it wasn't bad, it didn't make a whole lot of sense but we were close, a lady was there too."
"Mead?" He asks as if know who he's talking about but as soon as the name left his mouth I heard the name echo bouncing in my mind. Mead. An image of the lady from my dream popped into my brain. Mead I remember mead.

"Mead." I repeat. He smiles scooting closer tears almost brimming his eyes.
"You remember Miss mead."
"I don't know I see her face when you say her name but I can't-."
"It's okay. It's something. But I have to discipline you. No dinner. Stop snooping and stay out of my stuff. " he gets up making the bed bounce up slightly as he does.

I nod at him, but he gives me what I must have mistaken to be a sorry look.
"Goodnight." He says looking down at the floor as he closes the door.

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