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We finally stepped out do the car after a long ass journey. The building in front of us was incredible the round walls surrounding the underground bunker. I followed the witches in a couple steps behind.

We were greeted by four warlocks. Baldwin, behold, John and Ariel.
"Thank you for coming ladies."
"Yes this better be important." Myrtle says giving a false smile.
"Now ladies we will go into our dining room but we have our new comer Michael. He requested to see miss corelena?"
Cordelia looked at me I was just as confused ash she was.

"Um sure."
"Great he's waiting for you by the fireplace down that corridor. Witches follow me." Ariel spoke.

I followed his directions being met with a fireplace. A young man with his back turned I knew that blonde hair from my dreams he had been visiting me. As he swivels around he smiles straight away.

He walks over holding out his hand.
I take his hand shaking it back.
"It's nice to meet you in person, you are even more breathtaking..."
I chuckle nervously.

"And why is it we are meeting Michael?"
"Lena, I can feel your  tainted magic from the other side of the world." He gets even closer placing his hands on my shoulders so there was no way avoiding eye  contact "The whole reason your here is I will be doing the seven wonders! I will be the next supreme! But I cannot ignore your calling. The magic inside you is so distracting , it's meant for so much more than you know and by my side we can accomplish that ." His voice gets huskier every second.

"Well this is your chance lena." I have to admit I was weak and so confused I didn't know if I belonged at Robichaux and I sure as hell know my powers are craving to do something more.

"I don't understand I barely know you? Why do you know this?"
He literally ignored almost questions and gripped my shoulders tighter bringing us an inch closer, but as he opened his mouth I put my finger on his mouth shushing him.

"I'm not interested in playing any games here lover boy leave me alone."
I start to to walk away but he uses his power slamming the door in front of me and when I turn he had transmutated right in front of me. He placed his hands either side of my head leaning against the door so I was trapped inches from his face.

"I wasn't going to play a game but if that's what you want I guess we will. I tried to be nice lena." He takes one hand caressing my cheek "go find your dark little soulmate somewhere else." I say. with a smirk and walks away.

I tried to find my way back to the witches and warlocks meeting but when I did you could have cut the tension with the knife.
I stood in the corner watching them go back and forth bickering. It seemed they wanted a new young warlock to try the seven wonders which had never been done...

"Lena we're leaving." Cordelia called me as we made our way out of the school walls. It had been decided by Cordelia that would not be put to the test in risking his life considering her loss of misty.

We made our way out as behold and Baldwin stood by the elevator. The witches have them a scowl and a nod before we went back up to the surface. When we saw daylight it almost burnt my eyes it took a few seconds to adjust. When my eyes were finally unblinded I saw three figures approaching. Straight away my heart sank when I saw the familiar shaggy locks in the middle towering above the girls beside him.

I couldn't take my eyes off him as they approached until I heard gasps and Cordelia faint falling onto the ground. Off course I rushed to my knees with myrtle and Zoe. I had no idea who the girls were and what was happening but I knew Michael had done something pretty incredible. The two girls with Michael also run over to us to help.

We all surround Cordelia myrtle Zoe and queenie carrying her inside while Maddison follows behind. As I begin to follow I look back at Michael who is slowly and proudly striding towards us with the most mischievous smirk. I do my duty and follow the girls to help delia back into Hawthorne.

I kept my attention on delia taking we carried her over to a couch where she could rest, the warlocks were kind enough to provide.
We all gathered in the room.

I was confused as hell right now?
"Myrtle what happened?"
"Dear it seems the young boy had retrieved our lost witches.... Maddison and queenie."
They have me a sarcastic wave as I turn to them.
"Miss Cordelia could not retrieve them back after several tries so I imagine she is suffering quite the shock." Myrtle finished.

"Soo your saying mi— the boy is stronger and more powerful then Cordelia...?"
Myrtle looks down, but Cordelia begins to stir. As she wakes up us witches kneel beside her. Immediately she see Maddison and queenie as they get closer.
"My girls it really is you!" She embraces them overwhelmed with tears.

The doors to the room slide open revealing the four warlocks and... Michael. The smug smirk one again upon his face.
Cordelia rises "I want to thank you for bringing back my girls." She directs to Michael.

"I was trying to get your attention."
"Well I suspect you have that now" I mutter. Cordelia began to rise she looked frightened.
"And now I have something to share I believe I had seen into the future. A vision the world as we know it gone. The end everyone dead a monstrous place." Us girls looked around with an unsubtle mutter.

"I have decided in 2 weeks you will take the seven wonders." The warlocks looked ecstatic where as the witches looked the opposite. I had my eyes on Michael the corners of his lips making a wicked smile.

"Well there we go! Ladies please we have guest rooms. We don't want Cordelia travelling in this state." Ariel suggests. Myrtle scrunched her nose up in disgust straight away. Zoe grabbed Cordelia shoulder in comfort. "Maybe its best Cordelia." Zoe says.

Cordelia looks at the ground for a minute as we wait in anticipation before nodding.
"Okay ladies we will stay tonight fly back in the morning. Thank you Ariel." His name Dropped off her tongue with hate.

"Settled let me show you to your rooms before dinner we can celebrate!" Flamboyantly jumps up waving his hands and leads us through the corridors. The rooms were simple, no sunlight, lamps, candles and lots of marble it was luxurious and mysterious. I liked it. Our rooms were all next to each other I was in the room an d Zoe to my left.

Considering we had no idea we'd be staying I guess I'd stay in my clothes... kinda gross.
I wanted to check on delia but I knew myrtle was with her, I didn't know whether it was the shock or the fading? I'll wait to see her at dinner.

"Lena?!" I heard Michael from outside the door. I got up opening up the door to him with his smile.
"Hi Michael." My tone bored.
He walks straight in sitting on the bed while I still stand near the door.
"So looks like I'm going to be the new superme."
I let out a false chuckle. "Hmm"

"Sit here with me." He asks for some reason I hesitantly Sit next to him on the bed.
"You don't belong in your coven Lena."
I roll my eyes. "Stop saying that shit you don't even know me"

"I know what your capable of, your different."
"And what? I'm still a witch, just because -."
He cuts me off. "Look We both are different I could over exceed anything your supreme can, and your power is tainted with evil whether you want to admit it or not."
I stand up frustrated by his admimince.

"I'm not having this conversation ."
"Alright I'm sorry I came on to strong."
I pace around holding my head.
"I mean how did you even get in my dreams I just like that?!!"
He stands up facing me.

"Lena calm down. We don't need people knowing about this. In the long run this isn't going to be good if people know.... hmm Why don't you join me a game of chess?"
His tone became smoother and gentle.

I stop pacing looking at him squinting my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest.

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