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"So, what do you think you're doing?" Their managers are bombarding them with lots of questions regarding their relationship. Haruto is holding the younger's hand tightly. He would steal a glance, checking the younger's reactions, he felt bad for him.

"I'm sorry..." Junghwan whispers, gathering tears. The japanese quickly embraced him, whispering iloveyous and saying it's not his fault.

The managers are mad at them for being careless and risk takers. They should've been careful knowing there's lot of cameras and eyes outside.

"Will you kick us out of the team?" The younger started to ask between sobs and the managers looks at him, they are worried for him because he's still young.

"Hwanie, you will not be kick out unless you comply or voluntarily leave." The other staff said, ruffling both of their hairs.

"But we, as your managers don't want you to leave. However, the decision is on Sajangnim's hands." The other manager said and looks at the other staffs, signaling them to check what's the update from sajangnim.

"He wants to talk with them." The staff said and they went inside the director's office.

They greeted Yang Hyunsuk, the couple sat on the opposite side of the director's seat.

Their sajangnim sighed, looking at the couple's worried eyes. He saw how Haruto looks at Junghwan, he really love him, he thought. Then he glance at Junghwan, a young kid who only wants to be loved, he thought. He smiled at them.

"You know what, this agency experienced lots of controversy and scandals, so it's not new to me. However, this kind of situation is very rare. Issue of two male idols that are dating each other. Other people might be disgusted and oppose this kind of relationship but for me, there is nothing wrong for loving someone. It's just the society who only wants you to be perfect. Loving has no perfections, it must be imperfect. When you love someone regardless of it's gender, it's still love. So, what do you think? Your solution and decision is also mine." Yang Hyunsuk softly mutters, crossing his arms with a gentle smile.

The managers and staffs are lost from his words, it's the first time they saw him being gentle with this kind of situation. Usually, he would get mad especially with the older idols but for the two, he even smiled at them.

"I'm sorry, sajangniiim." Junghwan cutely mutters, controlling his tears while bowing his head.

"There's nothing to be apologized for, Junghwan. It's not your fault, okay? There's nothing wrong, you just want to love and to be loved. It's their problem if they don't want this kind of relationship." Yang Hyunsuk reassures with smile, looking at Junghwan.

"Sajangnim, is there any public interview about this?" Haruto suddenly asks and Yang Hyunsuk nodded. This kid really wants to fight and to love, he smiled as he thinks of it.

"Can we do it tomorrow? I want to address our sides too. I promise, I won't be reckless with my words." Watanabe Haruto mutters, Yang Hyunsuk nodded in excitement.

"About Treasure, there's nothing to worry about." Yang Hyunsuk assured them with a smile.

"Junghwanie, how did you like him?" The director suddenly asks with a chuckle, making Junghwan blushed in deep red.

"Sajangniiim." Junghwan cutely whines,  the director is teasing him at this kind of situation.

"Just answer me." Yang Hyunsuk said while chuckling, he looks at Haruto who's now smiling ear to ear.

"I love him for who is he. At first, I got curious about him because he's so stupid and stubborn. He likes to do all things by himself. He even ignored me for several times! He don't want to hug me yet he likes to hug Junkyu hyung! hmp!" The makane answers, cutely pointing at Haruto while pouting and glaring, the room is filled with laughters.

"Baby? We already talked about that. You're the only one I want to embrace forever. You're the only one, treasure." Haruto mutters, wrapping an arm around Junghwan's waist.

"Alright, enough. Let's talk tomorrow before the interview." The director said while chuckling.

When the two left the room, Junghwan is still sulking and yelling at Haruto, but the rapper remained gentle with his words. The people inside the room are chuckling because of them.

"They're cute, the world is just cruel to them." The other manager said and sighed.

"Let's protect them at all cost." The director said gave a smile to the staffs and managers before he walked out of their sight.

"WAAAAH, I'M CURIOUUUUUS." Park Jihoon. screamed with a minimal voice

"Calm down, okay? Everything will be alright." Choi Hyunsuk softly said with a reassuring voice, rubbing Jihoon's back.

"I guess sajangnim is still scol—WAH YOU'RE BACK!!!" Before Park Jihoon could finish his words, he was startled when the couple entered the dance room.

Automatically, all of them hug together. Their love for each other are stronger than those catastrophes. Their bond as a team is more stronger than those ocean waves. They won't never want to lose a member again, they will fight for each other.

As for the two, they would walk a thousand miles just to reach their happiness. They would conquer the world to fight for their love. They would never want to lose each other, especially on this kind of situation. They badly need each other, not only physically but emotionally and mentally.

Their leaders are so proud of them for being brave, they will never let them go. Park Jihoon and Choi Hyunsuk looked at each other with genuine smiles.

"Love is the most beautiful kind of art." Hamada Asahi suddenly mutters, the great painter.

"Let's love each other!" Kim Junkyu cutely yells, giving finger hearts at the members.

"YAH, YOSHI HYUNG, stop hugging my baby." Haruto yelled at Yoshinori who's hugging Junghwan. The rapper glared at the maknae.

"Set aside your jealous ass, let's rest for now." Hyunsuk said while looking at Haruto, pulling Yoshinori.

"We will have a public interview tomorrow."Haruto announces, making his members look at him.

Park Jeongwoo, who is still silent—he really wants them to fight for love. He wants them to be happy. So, he will protect them, and for surely he will defend them tomorrow.

Kim Doyoung is scrolling on his Twitter until he saw the trending hashtags.







Even though there's a lot of people who are being disgusted and opposing this relationship, there are still people who understood and supports them, then he smiled.

"Hey, baby. Don't worry, okay? I'll protect you no matter what." Haruto softly mutters with reassurance, they're cuddling at Junghwan's bed. The younger cutely nodded, snuggling his face on the rapper's chest.

He shyly grinned, Haruto is still gentle. He even reassures him that everything will be okay and he will love him no matter what other people say. He's so proud that Haruto already changed, he became more gentle now. All because of love.

Love is the strongest weapon against all odds. He's sure that Haruto will do everything just to make everything right. He will fight for the things he love. He would fight for him. He will never give up.

"I love you so freaking much, baby. I will never stop loving you." Haruto whispers, caressing Junghwan's cheek with his thumb, staring at his beautiful eyes.

"I love you too, Haruto." Junghwan responded, Haruto nearly fainted because of the younger's cuteness. He connected their souls again, with a gentle loving kiss that turned into make out session.

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