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The youngest straightly went to the car and told his manager to send him home. Gladly, the last scenes of the shoot are already done. If not, then it will be a mess.

Unknowingly, Haruto grabbed his manager's car keys and went to the vehicle to look for his Junghwan. As he drive on the busy street, he tried to call Junghwan on his phone and waited for him to answer. He also sent messages to him, but the latter still not responding.

On the other side, Junghwan turned off his phone. He doesn't want any disturbance right now. He predicts that his hyungs and his boyfriend will surely look for him.

Junghwan changed his mind and told the manager to send him to the given address by him for the members to not be able to him. The manager sighs, but in the end he nodded. Junghwan also told the manager to keep it a secret, he don't want anyone to know his location. He wants to be alone this time, he doesn't know what emotions he feels right now.

Back to Haruto, he's now frustrated because Junghwan is still not responding. He's scared that the latter might get hurt again, starting an issue again that will involve the group and the agency.

At the shooting place, the members are finally done with their late lunch and stood up to look for Junghwan. They all agreed at Jihoon when he said that as Junghwan grows, he's slowly becoming such a rebel kid.

Junkyu doesn't know what to feel right now, but he still care about the maknae. Moreover, he also doesn't know if he already moved on from liking Haruto. As much as he think of him, he's falling harder

When they're shooting their scenes, he really enjoyed it knowing that he's with Haruto. He might glance at the japanese, admiring his overflowing beauty. Haruto looks charismatic for him, he also love it when his dongsaeng laugh at their mistakes. He sighs as he think of the two. He's now pressured and doesn't know what to do.

He tried to text Haruto asking for some updates, but there are no responses even though he texted him for how many times already. He also tried to call him, but the service said that the person is not reachable, that's the time when he got scared.

Then he messages the maknae feeling sorry, but he also got no response. He tried to call the kid, but he's also not reachable.

Junkyu is such an overthinker, but this time he relay on his positive thought. Maybe the two are finally together, spending their time.

He believes in his thoughts and prays for their safety. He looked for Jihoon and asked him for updates, but the leader doesn't receive any responses from them too.

Hyunsuk finally told the managers that the rebel kid is missing again, as well as their youngest rapper. They're both unreachable that's why they panicked.

"Calm down first, we will find them." The staff said as he type on his phone.

"Waaah, So Junghwan is such a rebel and unpredictable kid. I pray to God that he's safe." Jihoon mutters with a sigh, Hyunsuk tapped his back calming him.

"Maybe they're now together, let's wait for updates." Hyunsuk calmly said as he motioned them to sit down.

"It's just unusual, Haruto never shut his phone unless its battery is low. I'm not thinking negatively, okay? I'm just wandering." Yedam mutters, as biting his lips because of curiosity.

"That's right, I saw Ruto's phone earlier when he's reading the script. It's still 87%." Junkyu agrees as he look at his members.

"This is making me scared! What if something ba—" Before Jihoon could finish his words, Hyunsuk covered his mouth preventing such negativity.

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