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Today is the group's rest day and everyone planned to go somewhere and others want to stay at the dorm to rest.

Watanabe Haruto, So Junghwan, Park Jeongwoo, Kim Junkyu, Park Jihoon and Hamada Asahi decided to have a trip going to different restaurants to fill their stomachs, and going to amusement park.

"Hyung, I want to ride the roller coaster!"Junghwan excited mutter, tapping Jihoon's shoulder with his finger.

"You'll ride me later, baby." Haruto suddenly mutters, smiling at Junghwan. Park Jihoon smacked the japanese again, the maknae only giggled and run towards Haruto. Clinging on his arm like a lost baby.

They are now at a restaurant to eat first, they are hungry as fuck. Kim Junkyu even sang on their van, saying his tummy is hungry.

"Wah, I want to eat ramen." Park Jihoon suddenly muttered while massaging his stomach.

"Hyung, I want to eat spicy pork cutlets!" Junghwan cutely exclaimed, raising his hand. The japanese rapper chuckled at him because he's too damn cute.

"I also want to eat you, for you're so cute." Haruto said and squish his butt that made the younger smack his hands and glared at him.

"WATANABE, CAN YOU PLEASE CALM DOWN YOUR NAUGHTY ASS. WE ARE HERE TO EAT FOODS OKAY?" Park Jihoon raised his voice while pointing his fan at the naughty japanese.

"Alright, Jihoonie hyung." The rapper smiled with his eyes closed and wrapped his arm on Asahi's shoulder, the maknae's eyes widened and he pouted.

Park Jihoon pulled the rapper by his jacket and shoved him away from Hamada Asahi. The maknae also pulled him and clinged again on his arm while resting his cheeks on his shoulder, he's still pouting.

"You're really stupid." Park Jeongwoo muttered and Haruto just chuckled and looked at Junghwan who's now cutely gripping tighter on his arm.

"Don't go away." The younger whispers, making the japanese giggle. Park Jihoon is still glaring at the japanese and he accidentally got startled when he bumped on the glass door making Kim Junkyu to laugh his ass off.

"YAH, KIM JUNKYU!" Park Jihoon shouted and pushes him away, the koala is still laughing together with Park Jeongwoo.

Hamada Asahi was pulled by Park Jihoon, seeking for protection by the teasings of Kim Junkyu and Park Jeongwoo but the robot didn't ever stutter as he also tease him.

"Next time be careful, don't make yourself even more dumber than Haruto."

Jihoon didn't even responded , he just rolled his eyes and sat on their seats.

Thankfully, the restaurant was not crowded, they went to a private room for them to peacefully eat.

They ordered their foods and now happily munching, when Junghwan was about to drink his wine, Haruto placed his hand on his thigh that made the younger shiver.

The japanese look at him and smirked, he brushes his hand and massages the younger's thigh. Junghwan glances at his hyungs who are busy scrolling on their phones.

"Haru, not here." So Junghwan whispered, but the rapper's hand is getting higher. Junghwan held his hand to stop him.

"Chill. Be quiet, baby." Haruto seductively whispers and even squeezed his partner's thigh. The younger was startled, he's getting nervous on what the japanese might do. Junghwan is hardly preventing himself from whimpering.

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