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The world is now a better place for our precious treasures. They're now happy to be back on the music industry they really loved.

Choi Hyunsuk, the leader of the group, the second mother of the treasures. He felt overwhelmed and emotional at the same time. His members are now living their life to the fullest, making their own path as they achieve their dreams. Now, all he wanted to do is to support his brothers wholeheartedly. He don't want to see them crying all over again, he wants the best for them. To his lovely maknae, So Junghwan, he thought of him as the most precious gem in the world. He's rare to find, Haruto's the luckiest to embrace him. For his favorite japanese, Watanabe Haruto, he thought of him as the bravest and hilarious suitor. He's really unpredictable and naughty.

Park Jihoon, being the ridiculous leader and also the father of the group, he's extremely proud of his brothers. They are really inseparable. His love for them is the most special thing he ever gave. Those precious treasures will always have a special place in his heart. He might scold and get mad at them everyday, but he will still advice them to be a better person each day. He will always love his members and treat them as his best friends, brothers, sons and especially treasures.

Kanemoto Yoshinori, the best hyung in the world, who gave his very best to comfort each member although he's also hurt, he's the very best. He's the sweetest thing in the universe, he might be mad and start a fight with his favorite brother, Haruto—he will still hug him at the end of the day. His love will always remain and will never change. To Yoshinori's future wife, you are lucky more than the word lucky.

Kim Junkyu, the clumsiest and cutest of all, he did his best too. He sacrificed and set aside his feelings for their maknae's happiness. He's also one of the best, indeed. He might be mad at Junghwan because of what happened to Haruto, but he still remained as a kind hyung to him. He's still the cutest when he gets mad. He wishes the best for all his members.

Takata Mashiho, who's the very supportive hyung too. He did everything to give everyone comfort especially in times of need. He's always there, and he will always care. He's to cute too because of his accents, but his love to them is the cutest. He's also the third mother of the group, he loves to clean the dorm. His wife will be lucky!

Hamada Asahj, the most observant person, knows all the gossips and happenings inside and outside his radar. He's the best of the best "best friends" in the world, especially for Haruto. He will really do anything to help his brothers. His kindness and consideration is overflowing, that makes him attractive. He's crazy, but also serious when it comes to safety and happiness of his brothers. You are also the best, Hamada Asahi. Your future partner will be luckiest to have you.

Yoon Jaehyuk, one of the noisiest in second J-line (Jihoon, Junkyu, Jaehyuk, Jeongwoo and Junghwan). He's also soft despite of being annoying—that was Asahi's opinion. He helped Asahi on sailing their ship, Haruhwan. He's Asahi's closest friend aside from Haruto. The two is also inseparable, always together and they always annoy each other. He love his members so much to the point that he will sacrifice his own dignity and life to help them. YOON JAEHYUK, A WALKING GREEN FLAG!💗🤧

Bang Yedam, the quiet, but softest hyung. He's the best singer in the whole universe. His members love him so much, and he also love them like his own family. Through the years he spent in music, the love he shared with them is the greatest of all. As much as he love music, his love to them will be the most beautiful song ever.

Kim Doyoung, the cheesiest and sweetest maknae of silver boys and hyung to maknae line—he's also great and very observant. He's proud to his younger brothers, Haruto and Junghwan. He love his members so much to the point that he would throw cheesy lines to them to prove his undying love to them. To his girl, you're damn lucky.

Park Jeongwoo, the best hyung to Junghwan and the best friend to Haruto—shut up Asahi and Jaehyuk. He's also one of the best. He might joke around them, but when it comes to love, he is hell of a serious bitch. The sassy diva. He promised to himself that he will love his members wholeheartedly.

They really do love each other! Nothing is greater than love, but the people who are in love. They say, if you are really in love, then you'll get hurt. Yes, that's right. You will definitely feel jealousy, enviousness, hatred, demands, attention and you will really seek for love.

So Junghwan, the one who loves unconditionally. Watanabe Haruto, the one who can sacrifice everything. Entering a relationship will never be easy, there will be lot of conflicts and obstacles, but if you really thought of being with your partner for a lifetime then you'll fight and love that person even harder.

Watanabe Haruto, the best boyfriend in the world. His adoration, admiration, love and obsession to Junghwan is definitely the sweetest and hilarious thing in the world. He never leave the younger's side, his love for him is stronger than his weakness. He will always love him despite of his amnesia.

He's possessive to his baby, he really don't want any other man to get closer to Junghwan. He might just bury them to death.However, he will never do that to his hyungs. He freaking love his members so much despite of initiating fights with them. He's the bravest, softest, toughest and the loveliest person in the whole universe. Well, So Junghwan is the luckiest person.

So Junghwan, the kawaiiest, strongest, fluffiest and luckiest human being. The one who loves Haruto with all his heart. The one who is willing to wait and give his everything. He's the youngest among them, but his heart will always be the biggest. His pure intention is to love and to be loved. He's the most precious thing in the world. Haruto even describe him as perfect.

The most powerful thing in the world is love, that's what treasure have.

"Haru, stop squishing my cheek!" Junghwan whines, his boyfriend is being clingy again.

"Baby, I can't help to. You're too cute!" Haruto exclaims, kissing the younger's cheeks multiple times.

"THE FUCK, STOP THOSE LOVEY DOVEY STUFF IN FRONT OF US!" Park Jihoon yells, throwing the pillows in front of the couple.

And they lived the happiest even after life.

The End.

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