Chapter 16: A Parents' Tender Gift

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Once they fetch Wendell the trio immediately follows the couple out of the barn. Justus can hardly believe he ran into them by chance after calling off their search. Numerous questions swarm his brain being at a loss on which one to ask first.

"We only arrived here at Pencent just last night, but a slight slip of the tongue spread the word about our visit. That's the reason we tried coverin up a bit and gave fake names to the innkeeper," Barric says, so that would explain the gaudy attire. He can't even study their appearances with the most important features like hair and eyes not visible. The couple's tall height already marks a major constant to his short stature.

"Why didn't you want anyone to know of your coming?" Wendell asks, and the wife sighs.

"Well, we wished to keep this little trip private. You know when people see us they're constantly asken to share old adventure stories. Pencent might not be all that fancy but it reminds us of our hometown, Narrok. We wanted to come and spend a week here for a nice break."

"You're both from Narrok then..."

Justus feels his earlier excitement begin to diminish at their confirmation. Given such accents, he assumed the couple probably wasn't from that village. Regardless if they might resemble each other, it's reasonable to assume these two aren't his parents. Still, the adventures have traveled worldwide so maybe they've visited there to offer him a lead.

"Um, have either of you ever been to Lunaville?"

"Talkin bout that tiny cold village in Quincy? We did make a few stops but it was a long time ago. There are plenty more interestin stories we could tell y'all."

"I want to know all about it! You parents were supposed to be from that place. I ended up moving with my foster parents to Kali Springs and then later to Everlane."

Both exchange an odd look he can't quite decipher, and they could know something or perhaps even met his birth parents. The boy can hope the couple will accept his request, despite these tales not being as thrilling.

"Well, there's a story we can share about our first visit, though it wasn't a fun experience. If anythin this might be rather sad but it's one I feel y'all will wanna hear." Barric adjusts his dark glasses as his eyes now hold a nostalgic gaze. "Ages ago before we became famous adventures, I lived a happy quiet life with my wife. The two of us had been married for over a year when a new member joined our household. A tiny baby boy we named after my great grandfather, Filmore. Expenses were tough back then but my family motivated me to put forth my best efforts."

The mentioning of a child makes Justus's chest tighten until he reveals their son's name. How foolish of him to have a spread of hope from the start, nevertheless, the boy continues listening to their past. This is a grand opportunity to learn more about the village he could've been raised in.

"Our peaceful days were brought to an erupt end, however, when some bad people sent us death threats. They were dangerous criminals the authorities even had trouble catchin. Apparently, my younger brother borrowed some gold from them and was long overdue payin back what he owed. Now, he went and hid himself to escape without givin me any kind of warnin. Since our parents passed away their next target was set on my family."

Most would expect him to be filled with anger recalling this betrayal. Barric's sibling put the three at risk as he fled thinking about his own safety. Yet, his tone doesn't hint at a shred of animosity while he shares.

"Aren't you upset with your brother? His actions could've caused your family to get hurt. Well, if..." Justus's voice trails, considering no child is with them who knows of his fate.

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