Chapter 25: Does Love Have A Price?

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The three teenagers go their separate ways once school lets out. Kana reminds her friends of what time to arrive at her house before departing off down the road. Soon as the prince and dwarf are far from earshot, she is the first to speak.

"The grand seventeenth, huh. How crazy to imagine that as of tomorrow, Kana will be considered a woman. Does the thought make you more nervous around her now?" Saelufu teases with a smirk and he blushes slightly, averting his gaze.

"We're only one month apart so it's not that big of a deal..."

Though he says this, it is weird to think as far as their laws goes the girl will have reached adulthood. Officially able to wed--apart from royal marriages of adolescents--and drink alcoholic beverages are some of the rights she'll claim, though he can't imagine her doing the latter.

"It's an important date but I'm still surprised she's throwing a birthday bash to celebrate, considering Kana rarely ever has guests at her house. Did she invite you too?"

"Yes, she asked me yesterday. It's the first time I've ever been, besides going there as Frederick."

Kana explained to them she will be throwing a small party at her home tomorrow afternoon. The furthest she has allowed the prince near her house is to view the damage when showing him around Rainswood. Now the girl invited both himself and Frederick to come over for the celebration.

"I figured since Frederick agreed, you'll be planning a ruse similar to the play? There you had someone stand in for you but that won't work this time. The best bet is to have yourself go earlier while Frederick runs a little late. Then you can act like the two of you simply missed each other by chance... Hey, are you even listening?" The dwarf questions, her annoyed tone making his head pound.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit tired. I thought the same thing when agreeing that Frederick would go."

"Well, the details can get sorted out before we arrive tomorrow," she replies, and a short silence falls between them.

"...Did something happen with you and Justus? I had overheard him mention Windmill Park and there was an awkward air this morning."

The two friends were speaking and it didn't exactly feel like either was angry. Still, he is certain more occurred yesterday than watching horses race. Saelufu's unusual shift of mood confirms his suspicions, her wearing quite a flustered look.

"Actually we went on a date," she reveals, having his blue eyes widened.

"I wasn't aware he asked you that."

"He didn't use this wording but that was his intention. I'll spare you all the extra details though... At the end of it, I told him about my personal promise."

"What was his response?" he inquires, and she aimlessly kicks at the dirt.

"Justus said he would wait for me. Until the day I'm ready to take a romantic step forth with a human. Can you believe it? Young and kind, I'm sure as an adult he'll move on and find someone else. Why bother to make a commitment like that in the first place?"

"Regardless of what-ifs it still made you happy, right?" Wendell glances back at his friend whose feet abruptly halts.

"...Yeah, I guess it did," Saelufu mumbles, wearing a tender smile he has never witnessed before. The pair met by chance at the palace ball and continued to grow closer since that day. Maybe she isn't prepared to open up her heart now, but anything can change in future years.

I do hope down the line they both receive their happy endings. Even more-so together with one another.

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