Chapter 24: Until That Day

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The elf quietly listens as her friend explains the situation concerning his current engagement. Taking Justus' cousin for a bride might be set in stone, thus the love test shut down before even producing results. It feels unreal, her vividly able to picture a ceremony where Wendell and Kana would confess their vows. Though this isn't the most shocking news with the other bombshell that was just made public knowledge.

"So you will probably be stuck marrying Blanche after all. Furthermore, I can't believe that cruel king managed to fake his death! Y-Your father's life was cut short because of that man..." Saelufu fumes, her small body trembling slightly as this reality sinks in. If the dwarf is enraged to the point she wants to scream right now, it has to be affecting him too.

"At least this battle shouldn't push back past the kingdom walls. I don't want Rainswood falling into deeper ruins than it already is. I'm sorry I couldn't inform you before, but I was strictly ordered not to tell a soul about the upcoming war."

"It's fine, I understand. I figured something happened ever since you started those swordsmanship lessons at the academy. A lot must've been riding on your shoulders lately..."

He had learned of this last month and carried the burden without her knowing. Usually, she would give her never-ending optimism rather than draw a blank on what encouragement to provide. Nothing feels quite good enough but the country-dressed boy beside her doesn't appear discouraged.

"With our extra men, we should be able to claim victory for certain this time. As for the engagement, it's not my birthday just yet. There's still a chance--no matter how slim--for things to turn around, so I'll continue this act to finally decode Kana's heart."

"Wow, guess I have no reason to worry. You're starting to sound like a future ruler, you know," she praises with a relieved smile gracing her lips. "Keep up this positive mindset and everything will work itself out."

They walk silently for a while though she can sense his strong gaze pinned on her as he trails behind. As expected, Wendell is indeed staring and wears an unreadable expression. Given what all he just shared, she presumes this may relate to her.

"What is it?"

"Perhaps this is out of the blue but I've wondered for some time now... Do you like Justus?" Wendell's sudden question has the dwarf stop dead in her tracks.

"Where is this coming from? I mean, of course, I like him. We're good friends and he's fun to tease."

"That's not the way I meant it. He seems really fond of you, and I don't believe this is one-sided either. To think, I confide in you about Kana but my best friend plays oblivious to me."

A bit of an exaggeration by his wounded tone, it's evident he is trying to prompt her to talk.

"...What difference does it make? You remember the promise I swore to myself, right? I won't be romantically involved with anyone, if they're human. That still stands even today," Saelufu reminds him, an annoying pang surfacing in her chest.

"Yes, I forgot you proclaimed that, but I suppose I failed to realize how serious you were back then... I apologize for bringing this up."

By the dour expression the prince is wearing, it truly did slip his mind. The girl simply nods off Wendell's apology, not eager to discuss the sensitive topic any deeper. She assumes this is thankfully the end of their conversation until he clears his throat.

"Loss is never an easy ordeal to go through. I understand that firsthand and I'm sure it's even worse for you." His ocean eyes drift towards the clear skies that's the exact opposite of her clouded mind. "Despite how painful their departure is, you'll soon grow to appreciate the wonderful times spent together. And then find it's far better than not experiencing those treasured memories at all. Come on, we need to pick up our pace before we're tardy."

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