Chapter 23: What The Future Holds

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Late afternoon in the castle throne room, both mother and son are silent. The queen ordered for him to come straight there once lessons were completed. Although he's unsure what her business is, the topic must be important with the weary expression on her face.

"I had said once a decision was made, I would let you know as soon as possible if you're allowed to propose," she starts, and he thickly swallows, afraid these next words might reveal a problem there is no remedy in fixing.

"I'm guessing by your tone this won't be a favorable answer..."

There is a long pause again as the queen shuts her dull blue eyes. An uneasiness washes over him now much stronger than before walking in. The prince anxiously waits for his mother to continue, only praying she doesn't pronounce one particular order.

"Unfortunately, that's correct. When we last spoke on this subject, I warned you our ranks might not be quite large enough for battle. The situation hasn't changed and it's already set to launch a preemptive strike in the middle of next week. Then, Calestra and Khisenfire will face off for what should be the final time."

It's an odd feeling going to war with whom was rumored to be ended by his father's hands. Wendell not only wants to claim victory for their people's sake but to avenge the fallen king as well. Though with the scales tipped in their enemy's favor leaves just a single route for them to take.

"To be direct, I was compelled to act on the treaty deal even earlier than planned. We had to obtain additional men to stand a fighting chance against the alchemy Lorenzo has in store. No matter what clever strategy is devised, our army could never overcome this threat alone..." His mother rests her head on folded with the air changing around her as she speaks. "Mr. Valenta is in good graces with the current king of Quincy, and this connection gained us the extra soldiers we needed. However, as you know, he expects you to-"

"Wed his daughter like arranged from the very beginning," he murmurs, this deepest fear being vocalized by himself. Wendell may have gotten a tad closer to the noble girl, but still has zero interest in Blanche becoming his bride. Kana's true feelings are quite unclear, especially with her current behavior. Whether not marrying because she doesn't love him from the heart, or denying this proposal to uphold a contract he had no say in, both of these produce the same result.

"I am supposed to meet with Gregory the following weekend after our attack," his mother softly voices, lacking her original authority. "I'll see if I can negotiate another method to repay him for his assistance. In the event my attempt to persuade him fails, Blanche keeps her engagement instead of the girl you desire. When first making our deal, I hadn't known for certain Henry was still alive nor that we would be this desperate for a treaty. Regardless, I must deliver so Calestra doesn't come off as untrustworthy... Though that means I'm forced to break my promise to you."

The parent finishes sharing her piece with a flicker of sadness behind her tired gaze. His mother seems oddly stressed about this predicament, which displaying weakness even for family is something she rarely does. It's not that he even blames her reasoning, but the whole situation can only be described as dispiriting.

"When we next discuss this topic, I'll be giving you a proper yes or no to your proposal. Until things get sorted out you cannot drop hints to her or even talk of our deal to others. Do I make myself clear?"

"...Yes mother, I understand," His voice is but a weak whisper which causes her present frown to deepen.

"I am sorry to have gotten your hopes up..." The queen straightens her posture on the royal chair while crossing her legs, his mother's typical image returning. "The second purpose for your summoning was to inform you that Blanche scheduled a date for tomorrow afternoon. She wants to attend the annual field games in Zerek Cove and requests her fiance's company. Finish all of your lessons before time, and don't leave the castle grounds. You are dismissed."

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