Chapter 35: Wedding Day

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Several months later, the royal carriage moves along the bumpy road at dusk as four rides in a peaceful silence nearing their destination. The little house promptly comes into view which is in better condition with the repairs completed.

Only one more night prior to their long-awaited wedding, Kana invited him to join her family for their final trip back home. The castle rooms are ready being fully furnished, a brand new wardrobe provided, and other essentials can be gifted if lacking. Therefore, no old belongings will be necessary but any sentimental items they don't wish to leave behind.

Wendell informs his weary driver it shouldn't take much time before heading after the others for the front door. Two nosy neighbors' gaze darts in their direction whispering amongst themselves about the engaged pair. Both her mother and brother go inside though the brunette's feet halt at the threshold.

"Here they are now. I can't comprehend why out of all peasants he would choose Kana. Perhaps he was compelled to because she has some dirt on the Chestna name, or even somehow guilt-tripped him into this marriage," the redhead loudly mutters, and the shorter female snorts.

"You know she uses that kind facade to get people to like her. I'm certain that's the way she bewitched our king. Just so she and her folks could earn a free ticket from the slums by their union. Honestly, it makes me sick."

Yet again, people wrongfully label his fiancee when in reality they don't have an inkling of her heart. Wendell's mouth opens to correct their clear jealousy but Kana steps forward instead.

"If the person you're gossiping about is standing nearby, you should probably try grumbling a little lower. I truly love him and I don't care what you or anyone else thinks as long as he believes in me."

"Kana..." he mumbles, astonished by her response as the busybodies' heads drop low.

"I'll work hard to become a Queen consort Calestra can one day take pride in."

With that, she spins on her heels ending their conversation and the ash-blonde follows, not giving the girls an ounce of sympathy.

The interior is practically barren since most of their stuff was already cleared out earlier this week. Castle servants pitched in with the sorting as their items fell into three categories; to keep, give away, or the discard pile. The very few boxes remaining Kana insisted they shouldn't require any extra hands to move.

Michelle and her son work in the kitchen while he and his fiancee go upstairs. Opening the creaky door, his ocean eyes examine her small room which is rather cramped to hold two people. Even their lack of furniture doesn't add to the space, and it's in a ruinous state contradicting the improvement outside.

"Surprising, huh? I felt the same upon entering your extravagant bedroom for the first time. I guess I wanted you to have a better glimpse of my past lifestyle before our wedding."

"Yes, I didn't expect it to look quite like this. Labors insisted the war wreckage was patched up now, so..."

"That's right. Given the major hit on our roof was fixed this is what it looked like when we settled here."

He slowly strolls around her bedroom amazed by the worn sight. The floorboards are uneven which can lead to injury, and a circular window is the sole natural light source. This tiny dresser must hold both siblings' clothing, opposite of the king's large wardrobe that barely contains his articles. His fingertips then brush against the disorganized desk she possibly spent hours at with homework after tiresome jobs. The lingering dust in the air tickles Wendell's nose a bit, but he snaps out of this daze when her warm hand squeezes his softer one.

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