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One year later the young king and queen sit side-by-side on their matching thrones. Both listen while the nobleman continues blabbering about silvers he's entitled to receive. They've had a productive day up until this point though the last case brought before them is quite headache inducing.

"That filthy brat ran right into me, and I fell, dropping my delivery. I was lucky to have gotten out of the collision unscratched but shattered numerous expensive wines in the process! Left empty-handed on drinks for my party guests, I was utterly humiliated beyond belief. I say if he cannot fork up the payment, perhaps time in the dungeon would do him some good. The dwarf could also pay back twice the price, since he failed to meet the deadline he promised me."

His cruel suggestions cause the shorter man's face to go pale, immediately paying honor to the royals.

"P-Please have mercy! He threatened to take me here before you, if I didn't pay him in full by seven days. I've collected what coins my family and friends were generous to lend but I request just a few more weeks."

"Don't grovel now that you're in the presence of the king and queen. Begging is all you lowly peasants know how to do. If you fail to restrain your unruly children then avoid visiting the capital's marketplace!" he snaps, making the dwarf flinch, and deep frown tugs at his other half's lips.

"Just why are you tossing insults with your nose pointed high in the air? Do you think he's beneath you because of your prestige family line?" A graceful hand rests on her chest that was once so rough from her many jobs. "I was on an even lower class level as a former resident of Rainswood. Working countless hours to make ends meet and mere steps away from being homeless. Thus, it truly bothers me when nobles treat the poorer like dogs."

The queen's cold tone sends a noticeable chill down his spine and he sighs giving a quick bow.

"I apologize for my rudeness. I've been rather stressed given the party failure which I put a lot of effort into. Now, my single request is to get reimbursed the remaining two hundred silvers he owes me."

"You can still practice having a bit more patience with your current lifestyle. Unlike Zacheus, your household isn't in desperate need of these coins. If he requires an extended period, then a month should be enough for him to pay before taking any actions. Does this sound fair?"

The ruling Kana offers to them seems like a nice deal in his opinion. This man has kids he will be leaving behind if thrown in the dungeon for a simple accident. And charging double over a couple of wine bottles--no matter the taste is absurd.

Although the dwarf accepts her compassion with repeated thanks, the nobleman clicks his tongue shooting a disdainful glare at the queen's verdict. This haughty attitude after that mockery of an apology won't go by unaddressed, Wendell clearing his throat.

"Mr. Rolfe, you have behaved quite disrespectfully from the moment you waltzed in here. You may not be pleased with my wife's decision but you have no grounds to ill-treat her." The king rests his head on folded hands with a sharp glint in his narrowed eyes. "Acting foolishly could land you paying triple the amount this dwarf owes or an even greater punishment."

This remark has the noble shaking in his boots as he genuinely humbles himself, the original snarky demeanor non-existent. Seeing Mr. Rolfe has taken heed of his warning, the ash-blonde releases a soft exhale.

"I'm feeling somewhat generous today so I'll perish your display just this once. As the queen said, Zacheus has a month to pay back what he is required with no further objections. You're dismissed."

The men are escorted out of the throne room and both royals instantly let loose their hair. Despite growing accustomed to conducting such audiences, he still gets nervous when handling messier issues. Surely the pressure is heavier on his wife, yet she managed this situation with ease.

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