Chapter 17: Broken Vows

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Walking up to the schoolhouse early in the morning, he's surprised to spot a certain brunette waiting by the door. Her emerald eyes lock with his own, giving the disguised prince a small wave. They haven't seen each other the past weekend, so the boy is still left wondering what she wanted to ask him before.

"Frederick, Morning. Saelufu made it here ahead of you for once."

"Oh yeah, I overslept."

Quite honestly he took off at the normal time though perhaps scattered thoughts are what slowed down his usual pace.

"...I was hoping we could pick up our conversation from Friday. It's a few minutes to spare until class starts and this shouldn't take too long. As your friend, I'd like to know-"

"Excuse me," A girl interrupts, passing between the pair to enter the classroom. At this rate, she won't be able to get the question out again. Kana seems to think similarly as she points around the corner, and they should have some solitude there.

"Let's go behind the school where we can talk in private."

Wendell follows her back to the water well as fellow students' chatter can no longer be heard. It's a peaceful day with clear skies and birds chirping songs amongst the treetops. Despite such a calming atmosphere, the prince feels anything but relaxed right now. Regardless of how much he pondered her possible question, he remains at a loss on what this is all about.

"Um, now that we're finally alone, I can't sort through my thoughts properly..." Kana fiddles with her hands as her feet aimlessly kick at the dirt pebbles. "Well, I've noticed something odd this month. I could be wrong. It might be a strange coincidence but I don't believe that's the case."

She moves a step closer, which in turn, has him take one backward. Her intense gaze holds an identical look as during their previous chat. However, a hint of sadness is hidden beneath her weak smile.

"Please answer truthfully, okay? We've become friends so your response doesn't change anything. I just need to be aware for future reference."

This obviously isn't a confession but that leaves one other serious topic I can guess. She couldn't have possibly figured out I'm-

"Have you avoided meeting Prince Wendell?"

Although her question is not what he anticipated, it does throw him for a loop.


"It's just every time I try to introduce you two a problem always arises. That or he isn't at the castle and I thought maybe you were making excuses not to see him... Am I right?"

Kana's eyes plead for an explanation, and he quickly tries thinking of the safest way to ease her concerns.

"...Y-You guessed it."

"Really, but why? Are you a little nervous about meeting royalty, or...not on the best of terms with him? I've also noticed Saelufu doesn't really push you either, and she would know if you two carried a bad history. I mean, she has been a friend of you both much longer than me." Kana twists at one of her long hair ribbons, and his stomach likewise is going in knots. He could ride along with the bone she threw to settle this whole predicament. If the prince can successfully convince her, it will make things smoother moving forward.

If I go with this then I'm lying to her even further now. Well, I suppose there's no choice unless I plan on telling her the truth, and I can't do that just yet...

"I told Saelufu to keep quiet about this but I've met the prince before. He...visited Quincy a while back and that's when the two of us first crossed paths. Um-we never got along after a particular incident I rather not get into. Anyways, that's why I don't wanna see him, but I hadn't said anythin because y'all seem like real good friends..." Wendell's head remains aimed at the ground as he nervously waits for Kana to speak.

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