Chapter 26: Stealing Their Hearts

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Walking down the tattered roads, the teen exits Rainswood but he doesn't plan on going home quite yet. The original reason for this visit was to give Kana his birthday present as well as apologize for skipping her celebration. After all, Alphonse couldn't possibly attend the party with a beautiful redhead under the same roof. He's still torched by the harsh words exchanged with her parents just last week at his home.

In front of the small cabin, three stood silently as he pondered where exactly to begin. This was the perfect opportunity to finally express to them how much Lucille meant to him. Any hope of continuing a relationship with her would all depend on the outcome of their conversation.

"...I want to first say that I really do love your daughter. It wasn't right to lie with the soulmate stuff or even allow her to stay here for the night. But everything I proclaimed that evening about her was the absolute truth, and we just want to have an open, fresh start moving forward. There's nobody else I feel who can understand me the way she does."

Despite his initial nervousness once he got talking the words formed easily. Not the best with communication, the male needed to properly express his emotions where they would be convinced. Unfortunately, when he glanced up neither parent looked moved by his touching speech.

"I'd prefer for us to chat a bit about your family of four. There is no guardian at this home, correct? We know because you said so in the last letter sent to Lucille. Now since you're underage, it would be problematic if authorities found out your living situation," she threatened, and the woman's icy gaze stared down at Alphonse in disdain. "The reason we brought you outside wasn't for you to try and win us over. Rather we needed to make clear our very simple terms."


"We're warning you to end courting our daughter, and have nothing to do with her from this day onward. You obey these instructions and we'll keep quiet on this whole matter. However," --Mr. Fletcher gripped the boy's shoulder without an ounce of sympathy in his eyes-- "If it ever is revealed you either told Lucille about our conversation, or attempt to get in contact with her by any means--we're going straight to the authorities. You and your three siblings will be placed in an orphanage, and that is the very last thing you'd want."

Alphonse couldn't voice a response, even if he had something to say. To think, they would result in blackmailing him just to force the two of them apart. All the foolish hope he once held dismissed in mere seconds as the boy stood there with his head dropped low.

"Now that we've stated our desires concerning you, let us head back inside. Lucille must have grown tired of waiting, and it is quite the ride back to the capital." The wife entered first as her husband followed close behind. This felt so surreal he wished it was just some intense dream than their shattered future. He dragged his numb legs forward and dreaded to see her hurt expression upon them parting ways.


Listening to their demands, he is the one who put distance between them this time around. Robbed of being by Lucille's side, his thoughts constantly drift to the redhead all day long. There's many experiences he dreamed of spending with her like the little dinner date they agreed to hold. Alphonse takes a deep breath, trying to keep his mind focused on the main purpose of this trip.

The teen's dark violet eyes search for the weapons shop sign though a familiar individual grabs his attention. Momentarily forgetting about the task at hand, Alphonse's feet change direction calling out to the boy. Despite the noisy chatter of the people, he hears this shout greeting him with a tip of his hat.

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