Chapter 15: In Pursuit Of The Truth

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A pair of feet descend the staircase in haste as the boy takes but a moment to slip on some shoes. Next he fetches his usual cloak though doesn't get a chance to turn the doorknob when a voice calls out. Glancing back at the middle-aged woman, her jet black hair flows just past the shoulders. His mother's silver eyes stare with curiosity, and he was hoping to leave before she holds him up.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry? You were eager to get back here after church service ended and scarfed down your lunch."

"I'm...going to visit Pencent for a bit."

"The farming village, correct? This will mark the first trip you've taken over there. Well, be careful not to get lost now. That place is almost as large as Opal Forten."

"I'm not a little kid anymore. You don't have to worry so much."

"It is a parent's nature to worry, no matter how old their children grow. You'll learn that yourself one day," she replies as a gentle smile spreads across her face. "I'd still feel better if you weren't going all alone. Oh, you must invite your new friends from the schoolhouse to accompany you. It'll be boring to take a grand adventure by yourself."

"...Okay, I'll try."

This is the exact opposite of a fun trip like she's imagining but a serious investigation. However, there's no point in needlessly worrying her about the details so it's best for him to keep quiet for now. The boy lingers to exchange quick goodbyes and then waltzes out the front door.

Justus speedily maneuvers through the crowded roads using his hood to block the beaming sunshine. The heat is miserable and the summer season doesn't even start until next week. The boy merely hopes a shower could lower this temperature later, though not the freezing thunderstorm he was caught in before.

"Justus, hey!"

A familiar voice rings his ears, surprised to see a certain dwarf with the future king beside her.

"Saelufu, Prince Wendell, what are you two doing here?"

"We're about to get a bite to eat at Versace. They had tons of good desserts recently added to the menu. Wanna join if your schedule is free?" she offers, and tempting as it sounds he shakes his head.

"No thanks, I'm on my way to Pencent. I heard the famous adventures, Barric and Leila would be staying there for a while."

"Really, I didn't think you'd be into that kinda stuff. Classmates have been spreading rumors the two are coming to visit our country, yet you never seemed interested in their chatter. What changed your tune?" Saelufu leans closer with a smirk and it's annoying how she can read him so easily. Truth be told, he doesn't care about adventuring in the least, but there is another reason for wanting to meet the married couple. The boy contemplates if he should share or lie though it can't hurt to open up this once.

"...You're right, I have no interest in their day jobs. What I desire from them is an honest confession. To tell me if they're birth parents."

"W-What?!" The prince exclaims, causing a few to shoot glances. Saelufu, on the other hand, looks shocked for only a second before it fades. Realization flickers in hazel her eyes, and perhaps, she recalls what was asked that day he visited her home.

"The woman who is raising me now isn't my biological mother. I was informed of this fact myself just two years ago..." Justus mumbles, the revelation still vivid in his memory.

In a cozy home three sat in the living room in total silence. His parents said they had something important to speak with him about, yet neither of them had uttered a word. The woman shot her husband with a torn gaze, and he cleared his throat leaning forward.

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