Chapter 21: Runaway

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Honestly, it was only a matter of time until they found out. The secret romance between the two of them had been short and blissful. Very precious memories keep surfacing in her dreams, but tonight, she'll make these a reality once again.

Lucille is just fastening her packed bags when there is a sudden knock on the front door. A maid answers and after exchanging a few words calls the teen girl downstairs. Putting on her usual bright smile--so as not to seem suspicious, she presents herself.

"Ah, there you are. This young lady says she's a friend, and you're going to her house for the night?"

"Yes, I am. I already have my bags packed, so Blanche and I will be taking our leave. I'll arrive back home sometime tomorrow afternoon!" Lucille explains, skipping out the mansion with a wave before she can pester any information.

Easy as that their plan seems to have succeeded, for now anyways. Undoubtedly her parents will see through such a lie, but even if she does get punished, one day spent with him is worth the trouble. Two whole weeks have passed since her parents forbade her to even look in his direction.

"Thanks so much for coming all this way, Blanche! I couldn't have done it without you."

"You needn't thank me. I'm more than happy to assist a heartbroken pair to finally be reunited. Still, is this Alphonse fellow you spoke about all that special?" Blanche wears a similar expression her parents make every time she brings up his name.

"In so many ways it would take hours for me to express." Lucille's gloved hands clenched tightly at her chest as these love pangs the past several days will soon seize. "We've only gone fourteen days exactly without seeing one another. Though it seems like, on my end at least, it's been an eternity from feeling his embrace."

"I see he truly is a keeper to you then. Well, do be careful catching that filthy train given your noble attire. I wish you both a nice night with the small window you have," she adds, giving a tender smile and the two noble girls exchange a quick hug. The red head never imagined the tour she gave her around the capital would sprout a new friendship with the prince's fiancee.

"We definitely will! Looks like it's time to part ways here, but I'll see you later. And inform you of all the sweet details of our date when I return." Lucille takes off for the station with a bounce in her step. Just a little bit longer until she'll be right at his doorstep. There are many topics she wishes to discuss, however, one stands above all the rest.

Two weeks ago, her parents opened up a letter Alphonse sent from arising suspicion about her soulmate. Apparently, their nosy neighbors have nothing better to do than spread the latest gossip. This particular rumor is proven to be true when word got out that she was courting a peasant boy. Of course, her initial reaction was to deny those accusations. Unfortunately, she forgot whose name was written on top of her love letter.

If I wasn't so careless this could've been avoided! Are they so picky with whom I choose because it reflects on their own image? Well, even I wasn't aware Golding was his father after all...

Lucille releases a deep sigh glancing out the train window. Pondering this now will just stress her even further, so it's best to wait until she can look him in the eye and demand an answer. The redhead softly hums as she calms her scattered mind while simply enjoying the long train ride.


Arriving at Aniex within that hour, the sun has already begun to set. It's the first time she is paying a trip to this village in the woods, despite having lived her whole life in Calestra. These brick cabin houses favor the look of Zerek Cove, though instead of colorful flowers they're surrounded by pine trees. A fresh woodsy scent lingers with her soaking in the natural air, and hopefully, she can observe some cute critters along the trail.

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