Chapter 20: Complicated Feelings

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The cozy stage is set as students just finished preparing for the next scene. It's one that's making his heart race with a mixture of emotions overtaking him. He shoots an accusing gaze toward the dwarf, her partially at fault.

"Ms. Grumphan is going to call us out any minute now... I-I don't think I can go through with this." The prince begins to pace, his fingers running through the brunette wig he's careful not to knock to the floor. "Although you insist to be unaware of the script, I have my doubts."

"I'm telling you the truth! I only knew vaguely about this play because of how popular it is. Had no idea that was a part of the role, but you are playing a married couple," Saelufu reminds him, which is a valid point.

Today the class is rehearsing for the play being held in another two days. Everyone has already learned their lines by now, and the single task is to add actions to their speech. Up until this point, his lead role has been mastered, thus gaining him much praise from his peers and teacher alike. However, this intimate scene makes the boy so nervous that he almost wants to quit.

"Frederick and Kana, it's your turn back up!" Ms. Grumphan calls, anxiety skyrocketing over the mention of his name.

"Hey, look at it this way. We can see how Kana will react, and help you come to a decision about the proposal. Besides, do you wish your understudy would lock lips with her instead?" Saelufu taunts, this getting him to push aside any second thoughts and step out on stage.

The tiny house dining area is where Kana patiently awaits him. Holding off for the teacher's signal, he slowly walks inside of their pretend home. Wendell tries his best to stay in character and ignore the loving smile that spreads across her face.

"Welcome back, Honey. Please, wash up and have a seat. I just finished making your favorite for supper. You must be exhausted with how much work the king has been piling on you lately. But at long last, those frightening war days are finally behind us."

"Daniella, we need to talk..." He sets a heavy hand on the wooden table, which replaces her gentle smile with a slight frown. "A future battle is soon approaching because Elizabeth's daughter plans to attack in another week. She wants blood spilled for what befallen her mother..."

It feels very strange for him to speak in a formal tone when wearing this disguise. A perfect combination of the prince's own mannerisms with Frederick's voice. Ms. Grumphan requested that he alter some wording since the character doesn't have a country accent. Temporarily dropping the normal quirks while trying to keep his usual facade is no easy task.

"You're going to lead the army and face off against Yvonne, aren't you?" Kana questions, and he remains silent as she jumps up from her chair. Storming over, the girl tightly clings unto him with nothing but pure desperation in her eyes. "Why does it have to be you that risks your life?! Why can't that coward king fight one battle for himself?! Why am I not prevent you from leaving?"

The brunette collapses to her knees being consumed by such deep sorrow. Kana portrays the torn wife role so well making this whole moment feel realistic. Although Wendell would hug her without hesitation if this wasn't a role--sticking to the script--he instead simply kneels to her level.

"The king might lack courage but his uplifting attitude gives the people hope. There's a chance he can one day change, and for that very reason, I will continue to loyally serve him. Just like I had done for his father since my youth, but I must fight to protect the prosperity of this kingdom." Wendell gently sets his hands on the girl's trembling shoulders causing their eyes to meet.

"I see there's no persuading your heart from this mission. If you don't go, I suppose you would no longer be the selfless person I fell in love with. Even so, I can't bear to say farewell..."

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