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The above is the cloth you are wearing in this chapter. Similar to this I will put for each chapter. If anything special I will include the picture when writing.  This chapter is only your/reader's pov but there will be different povs in where I will mention it. 

When you are thinking it will italisized and underlined.

 Also Scott never married or had Cassie. Sorry!! No hatred towards anyone. I love all marvel characters so don't hate me.

I was in the Avengers elevator currently going to mine and my boyfriend, Steve's floor. I didn't sleep in our shared bedroom last night as we both had a fight yesterday night and it hurt me so bad. It was evening now and I was disappointed when I didn't see Steve come to me at least not to apologize but to know whether I am ok? To wish me on our anniversary? Nothing. Yes anniversary, a bad one this time. I thought he would come to see me but he didn't talk to me all day nor see me, but I wanted to give him a gift for our second year anniversary that's why I am going to see him now. Maybe he is waiting to apologize to me with a surprise I hope.

Oh my bad I didn't introduce myself. My name is Y/N Stark, daughter of the great Tony Stark. My mother died giving birth to me. I am a genius just like my father and I have two Uncles who are my favourite, Uncle Thor and Uncle Loki. They were best friends to my father long before avengers. Now I have more friends after Avengers started. My superhero name is Phoenix. I got that name because I fight till we win, I don't give up easily .(I did this cuz I didn't do a intro, if I have anything else I will add it later on in the story)


Everyone returned from a mission yesterday and let's just say I didn't follow some rules, after all I'm like my father. So Steve was giving me a lecture like usual and like usual I was ignoring it and suddenly he said, "You are nothing like Peggy". I was shocked for a sec, "Excuse me?"

"Yes, she listened to and obeyed the mission plans, she was a such a good team member and would be if she was in your place now, she even wore less makeup and was always self conscious, she took care of herself including others. But look at you non of that applies to you, you act like you don't care about yourself in public but in private you do, I don't know what you are trying to do. You just are trying to impress people, doing all this to gain attention like your father. (if you are thin or fat don't be sad or negative love yourself and your body, that's why I put this part)"

That's it I've lost it, he expects me to be like Peggy,  I don't wear makeup even, I only wear them for parties and he thinks whatever I do is a lie and fake. I am done with this shit, "I am sorry that I am not like Peggy who wears dark red lipstick and keeps her body fit to impress people unlike me. You know nothing about me do you? You don't even trust me.... I think it is better if we take a break, I need some time to think I won't be coming to our bedroom tonight" and with that I stormed off to Nat's room. She is like a mother who I never had but I call her Nat because she is close to my age and only girl in the tower, well before Wanda but Wanda sometimes goes away with Pietro.(yup Pietro is not dead)

End Flashback.

The thoughts of yesterday night was interrupted when I heard the elevator ding. Today is our second year anniversary and I hoped he did something and he forgives me for yesterday's behavior even though it wasn't my fault. I have to forgive him cuz I don't have a choice, but he didn't come to me yesterday night, I don't know why.

I walked out of the elevator and went to our room and opened the door to find my boyfriend or my ex-boyfriend fucking Sharon Carter, my worst enemy, cuz she always wanted Steve for herself and always pulled me into trouble when it comes professional wise too and Steve knows that and still he slept with that bitch. I felt tears in my eyes, I ran quickly to the elevator slamming the door of the bedroom. I let Jarvis take me anywhere because I didn't care anymore. He took me to the common room where everyone was, and by everyone except Uncle Thor, Uncle Loki, Wanda, Pietro and Bucky, everyone was there and for a second I cared and wanted to strangle Jarvis if he was alive. This is gonna be terrible today I thought.


Why couldn't Y/N breakup with Steve?

What did she want to tell him?

How will the avengers react?

Words- 870

Sorry guys this is short but promise others are longer.

Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now