Dada or Mama?

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~~ 2 Months later ~~

Oliver is now 11 months old, but he still didn't start saying dada or mama, yes he can crawl and walk while holding onto something or someone, but he didn't still start calling us. I was worried, I know kids take 10-12 months to talk but as a mother it just makes me feel worried.

Scott wasn't as much as worried as I was, and he also told me that our baby is taking time in learning even though I know that he is just telling those to comfort me.

We were in the living room playing with Oliver, "Come on baby say mama", I tried, "No big boy say dada", Said Scott. "He will first say mama only so don't even try honey", I said to Scott, "Oh no he will first say dada, babygirl", he said back to me. "Oh yah? we'll see about that", "We sure will", Scott replied back.

We were bickering like this when we suddenly heard, "Da...da", Oliver said his first words, even though it was dada, he said it.  

"That's right baby say again, say dada", Scott said scooping Oliver from the mat with tears in his eyes into his arms. "Da..da"-Oliver giggled-"Dada, dada", he said again and again clapping his hands.

"Oh my baby, now say mama", I said taking Oliver from Scott's arms into mine, "Say mama", ", mama", he said laughing again.

 We were both happy and ecstatic, "Hey Fri, did you take that", I asked my A.I which my dad and I modified. "Yes Ms.Stark", she replied back, I installed Friday and Anthony after we had Oliver. I made Anthony for Scott as a birthday gift as it was missed.

From then onwards we made them record Oliver's first crawl as Scott says, Oliver's first steps, and now Oliver's first words.

We are really happy and Oliver has made our life much happier, I am lucky to have such a great fiancé and such a lovely child.

I know this is short, it is because next two will most probably be larger and then a new problem will arise soon. 

What do you think the new problem will be?

Will it involve Steve?


Steve Rogers x reader x Scott Lang: ACCEPTANCEWhere stories live. Discover now