Gender reveal party and Talk 2

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"The questions were..", my dad started but he stopped looking at me, "What was it dad?", I asked again pressing for answers.

"I think I'll keep it for later", he said, "Please dad I want to know what happened in there, you didn't tell me before also with Steve, but you have to tell now," I said firmly after all I am my father's daughter.

"I am keeping it for a special occasion, so don't even try also I have restricted Jarvis on the footage of both incidents from you so again don't even TRY", he said pressing the word try to indicate the conversation is over. I nodded not wanting to fight him today, especially today.

Then only I turned to notice everyone looking at me and dad, well not everyone except the OG avengers including Uncle Loki, excluding Steve and dad, as they know about this and practically lived with us. Bucky and Sam looked at us for sometime then turned as they were nearly new to this, they had been avengers for 3 or 4 years and this is the second or third time they saw me and dad have conversation like this, without shouting or screaming on top of our lungs. I mean I was in a love sick relationship with Steve that I took notice no notice of others, to talk or to shout or to scream or to fight.

The other avengers who doesn't live with us were shocked as I was talking back to the Tony Stark, including Wanda and Pietro who goes out mostly and Vision didn't show any emotions at all, well he is an Android after all. But apart from all of this which made me laugh was Scott's, he was shocked more than anyone, probably he saw my other side which he had missed and the side which he couldn't bring out . I laughed at them and said, "If you all have finished staring, can we find out the gender" and we all moved to the front again.

"Ok, so now again the father of the baby", Nat said again and Scott moved in front, after kissing my cheek. He went and picked the blue badge and pinned it, expected I thought. Slowly everyone picked their own badges except Nat who was the last and who knew the gender. I thought she wouldn't pick, but to my surprise she picked a pink one and pinned it.

I looked at her shocked unable to understand why she did that, "Did you just reveal the gender now?", I asked her and she shook her head. "No this is my choice, this may or may not be the gender, but I want a girl, so I picked this", she replied. I nodded and looked around to see dad having a blue one whereas Buck had a pink one, "Now we are gonna let the parents to be cut the cake, which will have the respective colors in it", Nat continued and me and Scott walked in front of the cake.

 I nodded and looked around to see dad having a blue one whereas Buck had a pink one, "Now we are gonna let the parents to be cut the cake, which will have the respective colors in it", Nat continued and me and Scott walked in front of the cake

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(you and Scott like usual)

I looked at Scott who looked back at me with the same anxiousness, we took the knife together and cut it. I jumped on Scott hugging him, who tightly hugged me back and kissed me tears streaming down his face. From inside smarties / skittles fell out, they were...

They were blue in color, We Are Having A BOY!!! yay!!

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They were blue in color, We Are Having A BOY!!! yay!!

Nat was the first to hug me after Scott, everyone was in tears including myself I am happy that we are having a boy despite my stupid guessing. I mean we did all kinds of test and I still thought it was a girl, but I surprised and happy that Scott got it right.

The ones who chose blue ones, like Scott, dad, Sam, Uncle Loki(he's a magician), Wanda were ecstatic but others were happy too, just the thing was Sam was badly teasing or more like picking on Bucky who had a look similar to 'If you don't stop I will bury you six feet down here asshole' and I laughed at their childishness.

"Congratulations honey", my dad said hugging me and Scott, "Thanks grandpa", I said smirking, "Did you just call me grandpa?", my dad asked playfully having a hand over his chest. "Oh you have to bear that from now on as in three months, you really are gonna be a grandpa to our child", I said back.

"Yah yah ok, but I am still young to be old... wait that doesn't make sense. Ok what I meant was that I am too young to be a grandfather, but because I love you and my grandson I am making an exception", he said making me laugh.

"Dad don't worry you will the most greatest grandfather in the whole multiverse, just like you are as a dad", I said and he hugged me and said thank you and left to talk with others.

"I guess I was right", Scott whispered in my ears, "Well this one you got it correct, but I will make sure that in our next pregnancies or more like in my next pregnancies I am correct", I said.

"Oh so we are having more kids?", Scott asked making me blush different shades of red, "yep. Scott I just want to say that truly I have never been this happy since I was born, not even when I was with Steve and it was all because of you only you. So I would never hesitate to start a bigger family with you, I trust you", I said and saw Scott was in tears.

"I love you more baby girl and I am never letting you go, ever. I will make sure I fulfill that promise", he said kissing me deeply. Our kiss was broken by claps and we turned to see everyone clapping and blushed again, damn these haywire hormones, and hid into Scott's chest.

The night went faster than expected, some asked for the names where we declined on telling them, but overall it was another best day in my life with the love of my life.

So who over hear got it correct, the gender I mean?

Comment if you did.


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