Mission Gone Wrong

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Above is your suit without powers and a pheonix belt.

This probably will be the last one with your pov and Scott as for next chapters it will change to Scott's.

I am now nearly four months, but I didn't want anyone getting suspicious, like the society and media, so when Scott planned to go on Hydra mission with the OG avengers I also tagged with them along with a lot of protests from them.

I let Oliver with Uncle Loki and Bucky as they were not here and someone needed to assist Oliver too.

Steve tried to talk to me, but I mostly stayed with, uncle Thor, dad, Nat and Scott, so he knew better and stayed away.

The fight started and at first it was hard as Hydra was emerging from unknown places and they were using different strategies, but we all observed it and used it against them.

The fight went on and after some time we won, and now we were returning, but suddenly something hit my head and I blacked out, that's the last thing I remembered.

Scott's Pov

We were heading back to the quinjet when an hydra agent hit Y/N in the head, "Y/N?!?", I screamed and ran to her just as fell into my arms.

Quickly everyone came and we took her to hospital and now we are waiting outside, I am pacing here and there, I don't know what I am gonna do if anything happens to Y/N.

The doctor comes out after an hour, "She got a pretty bad hit on her head which should have killed her, but mysteriously I think the babies saved her", she said and I heaved a sigh.

"Who is her husband?", "It's me doctor", "sir I have a bad news for everyone, so I hope you hold yourself together", she said and my heart stopped, what the hell is this doctor blabbering?

"What do you mean doctor?", Tony asked as he, me and Nat were only there, the others didn't come still.

"She has..... 

What happened to Y/N?

I am sorry this is short.

I couldn't upload yesterday as I was having problems with my laptop. Sorry!!!


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