Going home and memories?

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Bucky and Tony had went to the hospital to bring Y/N home as Scott couldn't bear to see you like that, others were at the Tower and Oliver was taken by Loki and Thor to Asgard for a week and then Wakanda for another.

Scott knew he wouldn't be able to lie to Oliver too that's why he sent him with heavy heart, they were sitting in the living room watching tv when the lift opened.

The three, Tony, Bucky and Y/N came and everyone shifted from their position, the three sat next to each other.

"Scott, I need to talk to you", Tony said dragging Scott without giving him a chance to talk,

~~ Scott and Tony alone ~~

"What do you want Stark?", Scott asked, "We haven't told her that she is.... you know...", he said avoiding the words incase she is watching the feed with the others.

"Oh! Ok so now we go and you tell her", Scott said and Tony looked at him shocked, "Excuse me? I am sorry but am I the reason for her to be like this? It's you, you asshole", he said.

"Woah woah, what's wrong with you man? I know who made her like this, but do you think it is a good reason for me to tell her the info?", Scott said and Tony took a deep breath, "I am sorry man, it's just my brain is full", he said and they went to the living room where the others were.

"Hey guys where were you?", Y/N asked and the other two sat, "Y/N we have to tell you something honey", Tony said.

"Tell me dad", you replied, "Y/N I know this is weird, but you are pregnant", he said and waited for her response, he expected her to shout or cry, but instead she laughed.

"Dad you know right that I can see my stomach protruding, I may be nearly 5 months", she said, "4 months exactly", Scott said and closed his eyes realizing he messed up.

"4 months? but I am bigger than that noh? and how do you know Scotty?", you asked (you and she are same), "Well it's twins and I.... I..", he said looking at Nat.

"Oh it's just you only told us that in 5 months you will know the genders and that you were 4 months so far", Nat said saving Scott, but you knew something was off.

"Ok... so..", you said and your dad interrupted, "Y/N that's enough for now, I have kept your tablets and other medicines on your bedside table, take it and rest for some time", he said and you nodded getting up.

"Don't I sleep in Steve's room, why did you keep it in my room?", she asked and everyone froze not ready to tell a lie, "You take some rest, and for the rest of this week you have to sleep in your room and that's final", he said sternly before you could protest.

You went away quietly, but it hurt everyone in the room especially Tony and Scott who were trying hard to keep themselves strong for you.

~~ In the evening ~~

Everyone was in the living room and Y/N came wiping the sleep from her eyes, and she sat on Scott's lap and rested her head on his shoulder, "Stroke my hair", you said and he did like usual, not realizing the situation.

Y/N then fully awoke and at the same time Scott also stopped realizing what she said, "I am sorry Scott, I don't know why I did that, I am sorry I didn't mean to sit on you and make you do that", you babbled and he smiled realizing that you were slowly coming back to him.

"That's fine Y/N, I didn't mind", he said Y/N failed to notice, but others noticed his smile which was there after long time.

"Where is Oliver?", she asked and his smile vanished, "Oliver was taken by Loki and Thor to Asgard for a week and then Wakanda for another", Nat said and you nodded but you felt sad not being able to see him for some reason.

"Where is Hope?", you asked looking at Scott, "Oh... um.. she has gone on a mission in Asia", he said and you nodded not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"So I wanted to ask you this before itself, but I am pregnant with Steve's babies right?", she asked and everyone looked at her nervously, "I am NOT?", you asked looking at their reactions and they shook their heads no.

A/N; I forgot to tell you Steve is not here.

"Who is it then?", you asked and Nat saw Scott turning a bit red, "Y/N it's they, not it", he said, "Scott they are not Steve's so they are not mine too", she said and he turned fully red.

"Just because they are not Steve's it doesn't mean they are bad, maybe your life changed in this 4 years", he said back and for some reason you couldn't protest.

"We can't tell you whose is it now but can show you the video of the time when I talked with the captain when I knew you were both dating", Tony said and you felt a bit quizzical on why your dad is calling him 'captain' all the time, weird, you thought.

"But you said you would never show me the video or only when you say that I am ready to watch it", you said, "and why are you calling him captain all the time, not only you but all of you, I noticed Bucky also calling him that yesterday", you said and everyone looked at each other.

"It's for fun", Wanda said, "No, it's not, you all never call him that and dad never stays on the same nickname forever", you said, "You will remember it soon Y/N, but this video your old self already watched it", Tony said changing the subject as he saw Scott on the verge of bursting into tears.

"We are gonna show you some memories", Bucky said, "Memories?", you asked and everyone nodded.

So will Y/N remember after watching the video?

Stay tuned...


Watch the video below, many would have watched it but isn't he hilarious🤣😂

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